Rise of the Horde-Chapter 285 -

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285 Chapter 28The two of the three that remained waited for their expected fate but after a few moments, the pain of being torn to shreds that they anticipated never came, “Hahaha! See! I was right!” the shortest of them cheered as he gave his two companions a tap on their backs for them to open their eyes and see that he was absolutely right in his guess. The man equipped with the giant sword was the first one to open his eyes, his forehead and back drenched in sweat, his knees buckled to the ground after seeing that the wargs didn’t pounce on them like he had expected and he crumpled to the ground in relief. Still mumbling his prayers to all the gods that he knew of, the one equipped with a sword and shield finally peeked with one of his eyes and he was in tears when he saw that the giant wolves had focus their attention somewhere else and not on them. “Never expected you to be a religious man…” the shortest of the three chuckled after lowering down his guard when the wargs turned around and chased after the others.

Two of the five quickly fell down to the wargs after being pounced upon by the wargs, halfway through, the captain, Safiya and their only remaining member slowed down in their dash as the group which they intended to drag down with them pointed their weapons at them. “What are you guys doing!?” the captain of the group shouted when he saw that their plan was seen through by the other group. A warg forced him to tumble to the ground after taking advantage of his exposed back while he take on the other warg that tried to claw at him. As soon as he got up, he rolled to the side and evaded the swipe of another warg and finally took notice of something odd. He observed that most of the attacks of the giant wolves were focused on Safiya. Safiya herself also became aware that their opponents were focusing on her, her body was covered in claw marks and his clothes were almost shredded to pieces which left her nymphette body exposed for all the audience to see. She wanted to hide or cover his body but she can’t spare no time for it as she was busy in fighting for her life.

Safiya turned her head towards their captain and her intentions were clear as her eyes were pleading for some aid in order or her to survive the ordeal. The wargs kept attacking her but the aid that he requested to the man that he trusted the most didn’t came as he was left alone to defend herself while their captain and his other companion were starting to distance themselves from her. “Help…ugh…me…” she managed to squeeze out a plead to his companions after taking a blow on her abdomen, she tumbled to the ground but when she tried to try and get up to her feet, her legs buckled. “H-h-help…” she stretched her hands at the direction of their captain, expecting him to reach out, grabbed her hand and whisk her to safety but no, the man that she served for almost her entire life just stood there and did nothing but look at her with no expression.

Since her legs were not cooperating with her wishes, she used her hands and crawled towards their captain while the wargs slowly followed after her trail of blood and were not keen to go for the kill just yet. “W-w-why…why won’t you help me...?” she was in tears as she inched forward towards him while thinking of her bitter past and happiest moments. When she was but just fourteen, their village was razed to the ground by their noble master after they failed to pay their taxes in due time for many seasons already. They were displaced and had nowhere else to go but her parents didn’t give up and so were the other villagers as they wandered through the desert in search for a new home.

After almost a week of wandering through the sandy terrain, they finally managed to find a place where they can settle at. The displaced villagers started rebuilding their homes but after enjoying their new dwelling place, it was burnt to ashes but this time the ones who did the burning didn’t just destroy their newly built houses but also captured them and killed those who resisted. As a young girl she was taken as a prisoner with no way of fighting back since she didn’t have much strength in her little arms and the only weapon that she could use that can be lethal to their attackers was but just a knife.

She and the other survivors of her village were brought to a cave not far from their new home, most of them who were taken captive were women and young girls. Before they can enter the cave, she and the others realized of the fate that awaited them, they struggled against their binds and tried to break free. The ruckus was noticed by their captors and they killed all those who were causing trouble without mercy but spared small girls like her, the death of the others worked as the commotion died down but was replaced by the sound of whimpers.

Three days, for three days they felt like they were in a heavenly place after entering the cave. They were bathed, fed with delicious food and slept on comfy beds which lowered the guards of many thinking that their current life wasn’t so bad except for the point that they have no real freedom. Safiya herself was thinking that her new life felt great but she was still saddened by the fact that her parents weren’t there with her to enjoy it with her. During the night of that day, she was told to head to the quarters of the leader with four other young girls like her and they were told to dress nicely which excited them as luxurious clothes were shown to them to choose from according to their liking, they all felt they were like princesses in stories that were being pampered.

But, their fantasy were utterly crushed when they entered the huge room. A lot of burly men were inside the room not just the leader that their caretaker spoke of which frightened them but they were welcomed by the leader with a harmless smile, they performed what they were trained to present. After their performance, they thought that everything was alright not until one of the audience started groping the thighs of one of them which then soon followed by the others. The four of them were separated from each other as they were taken to different sides of the room but Safiya was in luck as it was only the leader who was in front of her unlike the other three who were surrounded by a lot of guys.

The leader’s harmless smile was nowhere to be seen but his eyes were fiery and focused on her lower region, Safiya knew what was about to happen as he was taught by her mother about the act between a man and a woman. The screams of her other three companions reached her ears which made her turn around towards them, the men had their hands all over their bodies while two or three of them were going at the body of her three companions. Knowing that she had no way out of this except for death, her body trembled in fear after thinking about it. The leader reached for her and she felt nothing but the chill of his hands which slowly wandered through her body then the pain that she felt which would tear her apart came, she lost consciousness but the pain of the deed woke her up only to lose awareness again and this continued on till the day. After the leader was done with her, whenever she would wake up, a different face would greet her while enjoying her fragile body.


After that nightmare, they were taken back to their rooms where they were taken care of but there were only two of them left and they didn’t know what happened to the other two. A few days later they finally learned that the other two who experience the same nightmare as them died because of it and many others also experienced the same thing with many dying because of that event. For a month, they suffered at their hands until their saviors came and brought them salvation. The captors of Safiya and her companions were put to the end of the blades as their corpses littered the enormous cave which didn’t seem much from the outside but was almost like a palace in the inside after going through the long tunnel that leads to that terrifying place.

It was then that her life turned for the better or at least she thought but the same thing happened to them at the hands of their supposed saviors. Their bodies were enjoyed by the men at night while they served them their meals during the day while under the watch of the female thugs who were with their supposes saviors. Safiya finally had enough after two months at the hands of their new captors and she killed her way to freedom with just a knife stolen from the kitchen but it was just a momentary freedom as she was taken captive once again just as few hours later after.

That was the time that she was brought to the man that she was pleading to help her now. He trained her in the art of combat while the alluring beauty by his side trained her in the art of properly pleasuring me. During the day her mouth would be releasing battle cries as she trained and at night she would be releasing moans of pleasure while she also trained just in a different expertise than the one during the day. That became her life for five years and she finally managed to earn enough respect from the other bandits with her own prowess and without the aid of the captain.