Rise of the Crusader-Chapter 45

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45 The Bass Mansion Finale

In one of the rooms in the mansion, a fierce battle was occurring between three students from the elite division, and the other figure from the Bass mansion.

BOOM! ๐Ÿ๐˜ณ๐‘’๐—ฒ๐˜ธe๐’ƒ๐˜ฏ๐’๐ฏe๐š•.c๐’๐’Ž

The room had been set ablaze since the moment the battle started, and it only continued to develop more, as the arts which were made by Becky were created just to explode.

Suddenly, Becky took a step forward staring at Raphael and Aliyah who were standing side by side, and then said, โ€œHow do we defeat someone we canโ€™t even come in contact with, or even dare to come close to.โ€

The lines between Beckyโ€™s brows creased into three lines as she uttered those words.

There was, however, no response from Raphael or Aliyah when the both of them heard her, and instead, they continued to stare at the green-haired man in front of them.

The man who was putting on only a pair of brown pants stared at the three of them with a demonic grin on his face. Apart from his face which was covered in scars, a substance in a water solution that was bringing forth steam could also be seen all over his body.

โ€œIf I didnโ€™t move very quickly, I would have lost an arm!โ€ Becky exclaimed as she stared at her hand that had almost been destroyed by the man.

Those water solution which was all over the manโ€™s body werenโ€™t simply water solutions, instead, they were corrosive acid. Luck could be said to be on Beckyโ€™s side as if that substance had made contact with her body, the burning sensation that the acid contained would have wreaked her.


As one of the four head guards in the mansion, and for a matter of fact the strongest among the four of them, the man wasnโ€™t a force to be reckoned it. His ability to generate acid, bases, and other corrosive substances of various levels of corrosiveness made him very dangerous.

Raphael, Aliyah, and Becky had been facing the man for a while, and they were unable to land a successive hit on him. Instead, anytime they attacked the man, they were the ones who had to worry about themselves.

โ€œArghhhhhhhh!!!!!!โ€ Suddenly, the man screamed.

There was pain and sorrow evident in his scream, and as the three students stared at the man, their eyebrows furrowed. โ€œI think he is about to go berserk!โ€ It was Beckyโ€™s voice that rang out.

โ€œNo... This canโ€™t be possible,โ€ The man said then paused with his hands clenched into a tight fist, โ€œThey are dead!โ€ He murmured.

A few seconds after and the manโ€™s eyes turned bloodshot, he clenched his hand into a tight fist, and the acid which was all over his body seemed to have tripled in quantity.

โ€œOh, oh!โ€ Becky muttered.

Suddenly, Raphael, who was completely silent heaved a deep breath. He stretched his hands out gently, and three blue gums could be seen on his palm. โ€œSwallow this quickly!โ€ Raphael exclaimed as the man began dashing towards them.

There was a bit of hesitation from both Aliyah and Becky when they heard Raphael, the two girls glanced at one another, before staring at Raphael and the gum in his hand.

Raphael shook his head when he saw the look on the two of their faces, he then took one of the blue gums. And a second after he took one of the gums, the ladies took theirs as well.

โ€œDieee!!!!!โ€ As the man got close to the three of them, he stretched both hands forward and unleashed an acid blast from his palms.

Aliyah and Becky moved quickly when they saw the man move, they would rather walk into a pool of fire, than to let that corrosive acid come in contact with them. But, while the two ladies moved away, Raphael stood in place, with his hands even folded across his chest.

โ€œWhat the hell!!โ€ Becky exclaimed as she stared at Raphael, who didnโ€™t move away.

However, when the acid came in contact with Raphael, a magic occurred. It was simply so astonishing that it left Aliyah, Becky, and even the manโ€™s mouths wide open and shock was very much evident on their faces.

As the acid landed on Raphaelโ€™s body, there was no damage done. Not even a scratch was caused by the acid, and even the clothes he was putting on were still very intact.

It was almost as though the acid were absorbed when it came in touch with Raphael.

โ€œY-You...โ€ The manโ€™s eyes twitched, and he staggered several steps backward. The shock which he had on his face was soon replaced by fear and as he stared at Raphael, his body trembled violently.

Aliyah crouched, she then placed her hand on the acid which was on their floor, and her mouth opened slightly. โ€œThat blue gum!โ€ Aliyah mumbled in a low voice.

As she stood back up, she stared at Raphael and then said, โ€œThose gums allowed our body to be immune to any acid.โ€ Aliyah stated.

Seeing Raphael didnโ€™t deny the word which was spoken by Aliyah, Becky raised an eyebrow. โ€œEhn really! Why did you just give it to us then!!!โ€ Beckyโ€™s voice rang out.

She was, however, greeted by a sneer from Raphael. โ€œYou should be glad I didnโ€™t let the acid ravage you!โ€ Raphael thought.

The gum which Raphael gave the two girls was one of his creations, and it was just like Aliyah said, the gum gave one immunity over acid.

Raphael had created the gum after hearing about one sadistic metahuman who went about spewing acid all over peopleโ€™s bodies in the cities. It was later said that the metahuman was apprehended, but Raphael didnโ€™t dare take the risk.

So, after gathering a couple of items, he was able to create the acid immunity gum.

โ€œHeโ€™s running!!!!!โ€ Suddenly, Aliyahโ€™s voice rang out, as the man began fleeing for his life once his powers were of no threat any longer.

While the man was indeed the strongest among the other guards, it was his powers that made him so. The ability to generate corrosive acid through his skin makes the metahuman extremely frightened of him.

And because his control over the acid was excellent, he was able to pull off an extraordinary stunt.

Raphael, Aliyah, and Becky immediately dashed forward when they saw the man running crazily, as he knew his life depended on it. However, before he could cover much ground, Aliyah appeared in front of him.

โ€œI...โ€ The man was about to speak when he was suddenly held tightly in the neck by Aliyah. He tried to break free from Aliyahโ€™s grip, but his effort was all in vain.

A second after, and Aliyahโ€™s gold iris immediately turned black, the manโ€™s whole eyes were about to turn black when his neck was snapped.

Aliyah threw the manโ€™s body to another side, as her eyes returned to the usual color. She glanced at Raphael as if wanting to get an answer, but instead Raphael stared at her back for a few seconds before he moved away from her.

โ€œHey everyone, they are here!!!โ€ It was Aiden that spoke. And about four students appeared in the room, Raphael, Aliyah, and Becky were.

โ€œFour down, one more to go!โ€ Levi exclaimed with a smile on his face.

It wasnโ€™t only Levi that had a smile on his face, the other student was also smiling as they stared at the man on the floor. โ€œSylvia and the rest are already heading towards Clayton floor, I say we hurry up!!โ€ Aiden said, and immediately a portal appeared.

Meanwhile, among the student who appeared, Elisa was also there. And while the rest took satisfaction in the death of the fourth head guard, she seemed to be engaged in a telepathic communication with Becky.

Becky shook her head a few times and nodded her sometimes as well.

When the dark portal was created, the both of them placed their conversation on hold and entered into the portal.

โ€œRight on time!โ€ It was about the same time that Raphael and the others came out of the portal that they encountered the students who were heading to Claytonโ€™s floor as well.

โ€œWe have less than an hour, before sunrise... letโ€™s move fast!!!โ€

And without any delay, the students moved about Claytonโ€™s floor. They surveyed the whole area, and after checking through multiple rooms, they discerned someoneโ€™s presence in one of the rooms.


With a kick and the door of the room was slammed open. Followed by that kick came the scream of a woman. โ€œAhhhhhhh... P-Please... Please donโ€™t kill me!!!!โ€ It was none other than the big-breasted middle-aged woman.

The woman was soaked in sweats, and as she stood, every part of her body was trembling in fear. She then went to her knees, and continue to beg for mercy.

โ€œWhere is he?!โ€

โ€œH-He...โ€ The woman stammered when she heard that voice that was detached from any emotion whatsoever. โ€œHe... He is gone!!!โ€ After a few more stuttering, the woman was able to get the word out of her mouth.

A deep frown appeared on all of the faces when they heard the woman. One of them was about to speak when the bay window in the room suddenly shattered, and a thawp sound occurred. ฦ’๐“‡e๐™š๐”€๐ž๐š‹๐“ƒ๐จ๐˜ทe๐™ก.๐’„๐—ผm

โ€œPffftttt!!โ€ The woman who was on her knees suddenly collapsed to the floor.

Seeing the silver arrow that had passed through the womanโ€™s chest, the students shifted their gaze to the window. And a few seconds later, a figure holding onto a bow appeared in the window.

โ€œReally? You had to make an appearance!โ€ Bane sneered when he saw Dwayne.

Dwayne shrugged his shoulder when he heard Bane, โ€œWe have a problem.โ€ Dwayne said.

โ€œItโ€™s Alice and Mason!โ€

As Dwayne uttered that name, Savannah immediately dashed forward, โ€œWhat happened to her?!โ€ There was worry present in Savannahโ€™s voice as she spoke.

Dwayne glanced at Savannah and then said, โ€œAlice and Mason came across Clayton before he ran away. The two of them should have called for backup, but they decided to fight with him, and...โ€ Dwayne paused.

โ€œAnd what?!!!!!!!โ€

โ€œClayton was just too strong for them. Mason was able to flee, but Alice wasnโ€™t so lucky.โ€ Dwayneโ€™s mouth opened slightly, โ€œAlice is dead!โ€


A second after Dwayne spoke, and Savannah stumbled to the ground. โ€œNo, no, no, that canโ€™t be possible... Alice canโ€™t die. No!!!!!!!โ€ With tears oozing out of her eyes, Savannahโ€™s voice rang out.

โ€œWe were going to be together... How?!!!โ€

Elisa and Becky came towards her, as she leaned onto them, and the cries continued. It was only after a few minutes that Savannah went soft a little, but the tears still continued to ooze out of her eyes.

โ€œC-Can I see her!โ€ Savannah said.

โ€œThey are already bringing her over!โ€ Dwayne said, pointing outside. Savannah didnโ€™t remain on the floor, and she immediately went over to the window.


As she stared at the compound, she saw Alice being carried by Ethan. There was indeed no sign of Alice alive, and even as Ethan walked forward, there was a tinge of sorrow on his face.

โ€œI have to see if I can still save her.โ€ Savannah didnโ€™t wait any longer, and she rushed out of the room.

However, it was even up to a minute after Savannah moved that a loud siren voice rang out in the surrounding.


โ€œOh, oh... We canโ€™t stay here any longer.โ€

โ€œAiden, what are you still waiting for!!โ€

Aidenโ€™s reaction was a little slow, but after he regained his composure, he created a portal immediately. โ€œSean, grab her, letโ€™s go.โ€ As the students in the room rushed into the portal, Sean used his supernatural speed to bring the rest into the portal, including Savannah.

After everyone had entered into the portal, the portal vanished instantly. And a few seconds after the students left the Bass mansion, numerous vehicles barged into the mansion.
