Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer-Chapter 1761: Chase

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The players were stunned.

They didn't expect Sam to make such a move. The light elemental fusion is something they are familiar with. Some of them even saw him using the laser mode before. They knew how energy-consuming it is.

They also know how dangerous it is.

If Sam kills the targets with that laser mode, that means, the undead creatures will come with this laser mode in the night mode.

Particularly when they noticed how Sam killed the target, they are sure of it.

He didn't attack the target normally. He didn't shoot light beams, instead, he used the characteristics of the fusion to turn himself into the laser beam and used his whole body to kill the target.

They knew what this means.

Before they could come out of their stupor, Sam already killed the second target in the same way.

"Stop staring and try to stop him. If that asshole finishes them off, we got no chance at night mode."

Noah yelled at Kumar getting back out of his daze.

"Asshole? That hurts Noah. Is this how you talk about me behind my back?"

Sam's voice was heard, but he already finished off the third target, before he even finished that sentence. He even redirected toward the three marked targets.

The two that acted as a team are his initial targets. They didn't know how to react when Sam finished off the three targets, but they are mindful enough to immediately turn on their defensive methods to completely block themselves from any external attacks.

They covered themselves with an earth elemental wall.

When Sam in his laser mode, hit the wall, he was surprised that he didn't just put a hole through it. He didn't care too much though, he tried to continuously focus his energy on just one point to create a way.

But of course, what he didn't expect is that the two targets didn't wait there to figure out a counter against Sam, which is the decision that would have been taken by a majority of people. Instead, they made a hole through the ground and used earth elemental fusion to escape from that spot.

Sam was caught off guard because as soon as they moved away, the strength of the wall was reduced by a huge margin. He made a hole in no time.

Everything happened in an instant.

Sam used his eye technique and spotted the two of them. He was about to change direction and go after them, but instead, he was met with a barrage of vines that are trying to stop him from moving.

Sam looked at Noah and shook his head.

"Come on, you are smarter than that."

Sam said as he zoomed toward the targets. The vines didn't even hold him for a fraction of a second. As he hit the soil, Kumar's spear made its way towards him, only to be cut across its length with Sam's laser.

Sam followed the two targets from the surface, meanwhile the third and final target already escaped from the players' vision and spiritual sense once again. He didn't bother joining the fight. Because he knows, he wouldn't be able to survive.

After all, he is the common enemy of everyone there. He would be killed in an instant by all the players.

Noah didn't run after Sam, instead, she looked at the rest and divided the tasks.

Kumar and Arkiv, follow me. We will go after Sam. Akhil you go after the last target. Finish him off as fast as possible.

Most of the targets are killed by us and we still have some energy left. Teaming up saved us a lot of trouble. So, let's try to take advantage of this.

If Sam gets to the night mode with a decent amount of energy, he will outclass us once again. So, we have two options. One, make sure that Sam doesn't increase the difficulty of the night mode anymore. Three laser mode targets are more than enough.

Two, we need to exhaust all of Sam's energy even to the extent of using all of our energy, so that none of us goes to Night mode in a decent shape.

Got it?"

All of them just nodded and made their moves.

Akhil went after the final target that escaped.

Noah, Kumar, and Akhil started making their move.

Sam is now in his partial light fusion mode. He is still faster than them by a decent margin. The only problem is that the movement techniques of the two people are a bit weird. He is actually surprised that these people didn't use it from the start.

They are changing their position within the ground. It is almost like they are part of the earth and the earth itself shifting its position by itself.

If they used it much more discreetly, it would be a great sneaking technique.

Sam couldn't attack them with light mode attacks from the surface directly. Whenever he tuned the attack with enough range to put a hole through the ground and reach them, they are shifting their position in a fraction of a second.

Sam felt a bit frustrated and checked his energy level.

His consumption compared to other people is negligible. He still has half of his capacity left in his body. He could easily expend his energy, as long as he didn't go overboard.

But staying in light elemental fusion would be one of the stupidest things he could do.

The energy consumption is too much.

So, he decided to change his strategy.

He saw that Noah and Kumar are trying to reduce the distance and stop Sam.

He halted in his tracks and let his body free fall into the ground and right when he was about to hit the ground, he activated earth elemental fusion.

The targets underground are noticing what is happening on the surface with their own technique and when they saw Sam is falling, they made a move.

A large mouth opened up in the ground. All of it looked like a big earth monster and its goal is to crush Sam.

But as soon as he made contact, he already finished the fusion and Sam disappeared into the body of the earthen monster.

Noah, Kumar and Arkiv stopped in their tracks in surprise.

They didn't expect such a move from Sam. They almost forgot Sam's elemental affinities and what he could do with them if he really wished to do so. Every time Sam battled, he usually picked an element that is most suitable for the scenario and stuck with it.

He rarely shifted between different elements.

Unless there are some variables, he always came out on top with just a few of his moves from a single element. So, after getting used to it so much, they didn't think that Sam would be shifting to a different element all of a sudden.

As they were stuck not knowing what to do, Sam is transferring through the ground like fish in water. He once again is on the tail of the two targets.

They stuck together as they moved even faster. Sam also increased his speed.

He is using a somewhat similar technique to the two targets, but the concept is completely different. But the end result is same.

Meanwhile, Noah thought for a moment and decided to try a different move.

She took out a couple of communication devices and gave them to Noah and Arkiv. You guys go, I will guide you from here.

She sat down on the ground and activated her wood elemental fusions. She closed her eyes and went into a meditative state. The vines came out of her body and penetrated the ground. They started growing into the ground reaching the depths like snakes.

They spread at a rapid space covering a large area within a second.

Noah can sense what is happening in the ground through these vines. Her plan is to use this technique and guide these two.

But she was surprised for a moment when she noticed that the two targets are not exactly running away from here. They are just dodging Sam but still stuck to a certain perimeter, not leaving out of it.

This helped Noah even more and decided to make it even difficult for them.

Her vines are filled with a very corrosive poison and she set up some traps in different areas within the ground. The surrounding earth is becoming corrosive and soon Sam and the targets realized that someone is trying to block them by creating a poisonous route.

Of course, Sam and the players knew that the poison won't work on him. It would be the last thing that should come to any one's mind if they are trying to harm Sam.

But they knew for sure that as long as the targets are stuck within the perimeter, Sam would stay there too.

The targets became a bit cautious after noticing this. They tried to forcefully exit the perimeter, but they were met with Noah's unique attacks out of nowhere.