Reincarnation Paradise-Chapter 892: The Spy’s Way of Survival

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Chapter 892: The Spy's Way of Survival

"So, you've done all that for Aleister just to see me? I don't believe I'm that charming," Tsuchimikado Motoharu said as he stood cautiously by the door, fully aware of how dangerous Su Xiao was—a cold-blooded killer without hesitation.

"No need to be so wary. If something happens to you here, I'll have more than just Aleister. Plus, there will be other forces coming after me," Su Xiao said, his demeanour noticeably calmer and more organised after dispelling the emotional interference.

"It's just a matter of mutual benefit," Tsuchimikado replied, finally walking into the room and sitting on the sofa. He kept his sunglasses on, a habit to prevent others from reading his eyes—the windows to the soul, a critical survival tactic for a spy. Being read meant being dead.

In the original story, Tsuchimikado appeared to be a laid-back teenager, but the reality differed. He was meticulous and level-headed, with a unique willingness to risk everything for friends and protect his adopted sister, even if it meant opposing the entire world.

"You came to see me for information, right? I can't think of any other reason," Tsuchimikado said, fingers interlocked and leaning forward.

"Of course. I came to Academy City to find something," Su Xiao responded.

"And what might that be?"

"The Necronomicon, or whatever it's called."

Tsuchimikado went silent, his eyes narrowing behind his sunglasses. After a long pause, he sighed.

"I'm sorry, but that item might no longer exist. Your efforts might be in vain," Tsuchimikado said, standing up to leave.

"For the sake of finding that item, I'm willing to do things I'd rather not," Su Xiao said, smiling as he watched Tsuchimikado. The spy stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Su Xiao.

"If you dare touch anyone around me, I'll make a pact with the devil to drag you to hell with me," Tsuchimikado said, pushing his sunglasses up his nose.

"Seems like you've misunderstood something," Su Xiao said. He had no intention of threatening Tsuchimikado with his loved ones, as it would be an inefficient method yielding unreliable information.

"To be precise, I don't know exactly what the Necronomicon is. Don't be so surprised. My goal is merely to locate it, nothing more," Su Xiao explained.

"Locate the Necronomicon..." Tsuchimikado mused, then continued, "Is it your organisation that wants you to bring it back?"

"More broadly, just to find it. If things get too dangerous, I can destroy it," Su Xiao said.

"I don't trust you," Tsuchimikado shook his head. He knew the Necronomicon's true nature, recognising its danger.

"Think carefully. Look at what I've done just to meet you. You can see it this way: I risked everything to help Aleister take down a saint of the magic side just for a clue. If I don't get information on the Necronomicon..." Su Xiao trailed off, implying the dire consequences of failing his Tier 3 promotion task, which could lead to his demise.

After a long silence, Tsuchimikado sighed and sat back down.

"If I don't give you a lead, we both go to hell, and my people stay safe?" Tsuchimikado asked.

"That's one way to look at it," Su Xiao agreed.

"A total disaster. Someone's waiting for me to come back for dinner," Tsuchimikado said, relaxing completely and staring at the ceiling as a gentle breeze lifted the white curtains.

"The Necronomicon, also known as the Book of Evil Spirits, is filled with dark and forbidden magic. Compared to it, other black magic is child's play. It can disrupt the world's balance, a force beyond elemental magic. Simply put, it can cause destruction, permanently destroying everything," Tsuchimikado explained.

He paused for a moment before continuing.

"Do you realise how dangerous what you're looking for is? Just give up now."

"Keep talking," Su Xiao urged, gesturing for Tsuchimikado to continue. The spy smirked, thinking quickly. He was here at Aleister's behest.

"About 400 years ago, a magician harnessed the Necronomicon's power. Surprisingly, he self-destructed the first time he used it, taking an entire city with him. Upon learning this, the Church of the Cross sought the Necronomicon, later claiming to have secured it in their magical vault. In truth, they never found it.

"Then, 300 years ago, another magician discovered the Necronomicon, only to self-destruct like the previous one. This time, it happened by a lake. When the Church arrived, the lake water had turned into a gaseous form that could dissolve anything. It took the Church years to contain the damage, and the Necronomicon vanished again."

Tsuchimikado recounted the Necronomicon's history and its dangers.

"So, it's a kind of technique or spell? Like a one-time powerful weapon?" Su Xiao asked, still puzzled. Tsuchimikado wouldn't have been so reluctant to share information if it were just that.

"If that were all, the Necronomicon wouldn't be so dangerous. But the true threat lies in its permanent destruction. Anything it destroys can't be restored. That lake, for instance, remains a bottomless pit to this day. No matter what you fill it with, it reverts by midnight. The filling materials simply disappear from existence," Tsuchimikado explained.

Hearing this, Su Xiao understood the Necronomicon's true nature. It documented a technique or spell that, once used, annihilated the very existence of its target, making restoration impossible.

"And you think I'd study its techniques and then blow up a city?" Su Xiao asked, amused.

"Of course not. While the Necronomicon is dangerous, its actual value is limited. Moreover, every time someone masters its techniques, it mysteriously vanishes again," Tsuchimikado replied.

"Tell me where it is, and I'll make it disappear forever."

"I can't do that."

"I'm not sure of its exact location myself. Would you believe that?" Tsuchimikado said.


"I figured as much. Someone's misfortune probably curses me," Tsuchimikado sighed.

"However... there's a recent rumour. Someone found the Necronomicon and plans to use it," Tsuchimikado said.

"Tell me who, and we can pretend we never met."

"Just waiting for you to say that," Tsuchimikado replied. All his previous resistance was to get Su Xiao to this point. Providing information and then cutting ties was the spy's way of survival.

"木原," Tsuchimikado said, only uttering a name before leaving the room.

"Tree-rich?" Su Xiao asked.

"The older generation," Tsuchimikado clarified, closing the door behind him. Outside, he exhaled deeply.

"The Kihara family, don't blame me. This is your own doing," he muttered.