Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School (WN)-Chapter 3326 - It Can't Be an Accident

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3326 It Can’t Be an Accident
All along, it had been the people from the Li family who had been dissatisfied with Li Mochen and provoked him. Li Mochen only retaliated, but he was still accused of being a backstabber. It was ridiculous how the Li family though that they had the final say!

Besides, the real Li Mochen died when he was pushed into the lake by Li Xiaoyang and others. The current Li Mochen was someone else, so the Li family had no right to demand anything from him.

“Is this related to Li Mochen?”

Li Mingde and Li Mingke were surprised. Li Mingde still didn’t believe that Li Mochen had such great abilities.

“Who else could it be besides him?” Li Zongquan replied, without explaining further.

“What about those four people? The ones from the Li family?” asked Li Mingde.

He didn’t know these people, but he knew that every powerful family had some hidden power. Otherwise, they would be easily manipulated by others.

Therefore, if these four people were left in the yard of the Li family, it could be assumed that they were from the Li family.

“Yeah!” At this point, Li Zongquan no longer concealed anything from his two sons. “But they haven’t done anything illegal, and it’s obvious that Li Mochen just used these people as a distraction.”

“What do we do now? If only the police get involved, this can be easily handled, but what about the Jiang family?” Li Mingke asked anxiously, not knowing what to do.

Li Zongquan also felt frustrated. He wasn’t worried that this would bring the Li family down, but it was still troublesome.

As a result, he really didn’t have time to trouble Leng Xiaoyao. The main reason was that he didn’t dare to act rashly for the time being, because he knew that Li Mochen would be watching him closely during this time.

Li Zongquan had to deal with the problem, but his hatred towards Li Mochen grew deeper.

Leng Xiaoyao didn’t know what happened to the Li family, but on the second day after the incident, the An family encountered trouble.

That day, An Chenmeng returned home after evening class and didn’t see her parents. She called Mrs. An and learned that An Chenjun had been in a car accident. He wasn’t seriously injured. However, the talisman that was given to him by Leng Xiaoyao turned to ashes. This meant that the talisman had worked and saved An Chenjun’s life.

Since An Chenjun was okay, Leng Xiaoyao didn’t go over specially on such a late night. She planned to visit him the next day at noon.

After An Chenjun’s accident, Leng Xiaoyao decided to draw a few more talismans for Xiong Manxin and her companions, as well as Ling Tianqi and his companions. As for their families, she couldn’t manage such a wide range.

The next day, Leng Xiaoyao told Leng Changyuan and Leng Yecheng about it and specifically instructed them to wear the talismans properly and to not lose them.

Leng Xiaoyao had already given Leng Changyuan and Leng Yecheng talismans before, but she told them that she had obtained them from a temple. They didn’t believe her and didn’t know if the talismans were effective or not. They just kept them because Leng Xiaoyao gave it to them.

After hearing about An Chenjun’s situation, they were suddenly scared.

“Is this talisman really that useful?” Leng Changyuan still felt a bit skeptical, but he would rather believe it than not.

“Anyway, there’s no harm in wearing it close to your body,” said Leng Xiaoyao.

“I know. Yaoyao, don’t worry, we’ll wear it close to our bodies.” Leng Yecheng solemnly replied. Since there was an example, he had to believe it.

When they arrived at school, they met An Chenmeng, who was in a bad mood.

“How is your brother?” Leng Xiaoyao asked.

“He’s not seriously injured. If there are no problems after a few days of observation, he can be discharged. But…” An Chenmeng said, clearly worried about something other than An Chenjun’s injury.

“But what? If you can say it, you can tell me,” said Leng Xiaoyao.

An Chenmeng hesitated for a moment, then said, “They suspect that this isn’t an accident, but a murder plot. However, the driver apologized and actively paid for his medical expenses.”

Leng Xiaoyao suddenly thought of the car accident Leng Yecheng had encountered and became serious. “There is a possibility.”

There were always conspiracies in high society, or rather, there were the most conspiracies in high society.

Because of their family backgrounds, they were destined to live in competition and struggle. If they wanted to make more money, get more cooperation, and climb higher, they had to compete and struggle.

Sometimes you wanted to compete openly and fairly, but your opponents might not. Even if you didn’t take the initiative, you would be forced to compete and struggle.

Leng Xiaoyao wanted to say that she would help them investigate it, but she didn’t say it because the murder plot was only a guess at the moment and it was best not to jump to conclusions without evidence.

Leng Xiaoyao originally planned to visit An Chenjun at noon, but after hearing that An Chenmeng suspected a conspiracy, she went home to investigate the car accident.

After half an hour of investigation, she found evidence of a conspiracy.

Leng Xiaoyao directly printed the evidence and went to the hospital, calling Wang Yiming on the way to ask for leave.

Wang Yiming had already been discharged and returned to work.

Leng Xiaoyao was a bit depressed. Why was it always a car accident when something unexpected happened to people around her? Actually it made sense because a car accident was the easiest thing to define as an accident.
It was perfect for plotting a murder.

If it was an accident, no one would be put in jail. Only compensation was necessary.

That morning, Leng Xiaoyao had already asked An Chenmeng for the hospital and ward number that An Chenjun was staying in so she went straight there without notifying anyone.

At this time, only Mrs. An was in the ward.

Seeing Leng Xiaoyao coming over, An Chenjun and Mrs. An were both surprised.

“Xiaoyao, why are you here at this time? It’s almost time for class!” Mrs. An said, afraid of delaying Leng Xiaoyao’s class time. The National College Entrance Examination was around the corner.

“I’ve asked for leave.” Leng Xiaoyao smiled lightly and asked with concern, “How is Brother Chenjun now?”

“There’s nothing serious. He will be discharged in a few days after observation. This time, Chenjun survived. Thanks to the talismans you gave us, otherwise…” Mrs. An said and couldn’t help but wipe away her tears because the thought of it made her feel scared and very grateful to Leng Xiaoyao.

“Xiaoyao, thank you. If it hadn’t been for your talismans, I might have lost my life in this car accident,” An Chenjun said gratefully. It wasn’t an exaggeration, because the car was completely deformed and many people thought that he was dead. It was a miracle that he survived.

Fortunately, he drove alone yesterday and didn’t bring his secretary with him. If he had brought his secretary, his secretary could have died. He would feel guilty for that for the rest of his life.


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