Reborn In Another World As A Spirit Familiar-Chapter 31: My Miracle

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Chapter 31: My Miracle

The demon frightened me for a moment.

("Gotta get away!") [Solace]

I attempted to fly away, but it was too late. The demon reacted quickly enough to snatch me out of the air, and bring me to its face.

"Mer astur vares!" [Demon]

("What?") [Solace]

"Translation: I'll kill you." [Spirit Guide]

That wasn't good news. I had to somehow slip out of his grasp, but the demon had some kind of vice grip.

("Think Solace, think!") [Solace]

If my brawn wont work, I would have to use my brain. That is, assuming I had one.

("How about blinding it? |Kindle|!") [Solace]

I summoned a ball of light, attempting to blind the demon. Unfortunately, I only caused it to yell or scream with the addition of gripping me harder.

("Ack! Regret! So much regret!") [Solace]

I felt like my insides were about to become my outsides, and I was not willing to see what a spirit's filling looks like.

"Mikro kolpa!" [Demon]

"Translation: Petty tricks." [Spirit Guide]

The demon rubbed the light out of its eyes before turning its attention back to me. As if it was trying to get it over with, the demon opened its mouth and brought me closer.

("Wai- Hold up! That's nasty!") [Solace]

The demon's mouth widened enough for me to see rows and rows of teeth. It kind of reminded me of the spikes inside of a camel's mouth. It was not something I wanted to see after searching it up in my past life.

("What do I do?! What do I do?!?!") [Solace]

I panicked. Not only did I not want to see the inside of the demon's mouth, I didn't want to touch it.

("Screw it! Eat this! |Flame Cannon|!") [Solace]

I unleashed what I would call a miniature carpet bomb into its mouth, causing it to release me.

("Oh thank god!") [Solace]

Luckily for me, it seemed that its mouth was flammable. The fire spread across its mouth until it was practically spilling out.

"Afgh! Lorew istem!" [Demon]

"Translation: Agh. My mouth." [Spirit Guide]

As I watched it struggle to put out the flames, I laughed. I found it incredibly funny how stupid it looked when flailing around, along with the monotone translation from the Spirit Guide.

("How's that for a meal, idiot!") [Solace]

I circled in the air with joy, until I noticed something.

("...Huh? There's more?") [Solace]

I could see movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned to get a better look, which reminded me of someone I had to protect.

("Kobolds...?! There's more?!") [Solace]

A few kobolds came out of practically nowhere. My only assumption would be the other passages of the cave.

("Why're they here?! Wouldn't they be afraid?!") [Solace]

Normally, the prey would run from the predator. The predator being the demon, and the kobolds being the prey. Strangely, that wasn't how it went. Multiple kobolds came here wielding slightly better looking equipment than the ones from before, and they most definitely weren't friendly.

The kobolds stuck to the sides, trying not to draw attention from the flaming demon. As I wondered where they were trying to go, I saw it.

("Oh, those little bastards.") [Solace]

They were heading for Fina. I finally had the gist of the situation. To put it simply, it's like trying to steal something underneath the noses of two enemies. The enemies being me, and the demon.

("Like I'd let you touch her! |Ashen Arrow|!") [Solace]

I fired off a volley of arrows, striking a few kobolds down.

"You have gained |Experience|. |Experience| limit has been reached. You have gained a level." [Spirit Guide]

("Hm, nice.") [Solace]

After killing a few kobolds with my spells, I leveled up. The downside of that, the kobolds were now alerted.

("Oh, crap.") [Solace]

They went into a full sprint, clearly heading towards Fina for some strange reason.

"Fine then, I guess it's going to be target practice today! |Ashen Arro-" [Solace]

Just before I finished my spell, I took a blow to the side.

I was sent flying across the room, crashing into a wall with incredible speed.

"Urgh! What the hell?!") [Solace]

I felt a throbbing pain in my side, putting me in a dazed state. As I tried to blink out the pain, I managed to look at my attacker.

("Damn... Of course it's you.") [Solace]

It was the demon. The flames had been put out, and it did not look happy.

("Hehe... Must've been spicy.") [Solace]

I joked to myself when I saw it's charred lips, which made me chuckle a little bit.

"Meres torres licht orden rog! Peri!" [Demon]

"Translation: I've had enough of you. Die." [Spirit Guide]

It picked up the axe that I kept making it drop over and over again, raising it to finish me off.

("Urgh...! Not like this, gotta move...!") [Solace]

I struggled to move my body, but it didn't reply. It felt like that one time I asked a girl out through text, and I was left on "read".

("Ah... Is this how it ends...?") [Solace]

This began to appear slower for some reason, so I took the time to look around.

("I feel like I heard about this phenomenon once in a documentary. Was it something about adrenaline?") [Solace]

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As I thought to myself while awaiting my death, I saw Fina. Kobolds were coming closer to her, and I just knew that she was going to die.

("Well, if I'm going to go out... Might as well try.") [Solace]

I mustered up whatever energy I had left, and let loose what I could.

("|Ashen Arrow|! |Liquid Bullet|! |Wind Edge|!") [Solace]

My spells flew across the room, completely demolishing the kobolds. By the time there were none left, I closed my eyes with satisfaction.

"You have gained |Experience|. |Experience| limit has been reached. You have gained a level." [Spirit Guide]

("Dying while feeling like I'm in a video game. How nice. Hopefully I respawn after this.") [Solace]

As I simply lay there, I heard it. My miracle.

"Minimum level requirement has been achieved. You are now eligible for evolution." [Spirit Guide]