Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)-Chapter 75 I’ll Save Your Sister So Run Away With Me.

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Chapter 48: I'll save your sister so run away with me.

Kein's POV

"Can we... Can we be friends again?"

I managed to mutter it out. I feel like fainting from the beating of my heart.

Friends are better than this knight and princess role we have to play every time we meet.

It suffocates me, even if I am well aware it's my job and I don't have any right to complain about it but...

I really just missed her despite it all.

"I just... I want to go back to how it was before. Is that too much to ask?" I told Rose not to look her in the eye but at my neatly bandaged hands.

I could hear her taking a breather before replying, "Kein our relationship before cannot be salvaged to the present time."

"I am a princess, you are a knight. When you didn't know me as royalty I could be myself around you but now... even you're calling me your highness in a formal way." (Rose)

"That's because well-" I was instructed to do so but I couldn't tell her that. "I do call call you Rose often when we're all alone but-"

Does that mean- "So those times that I called you your highness. Even back then when you acted all mad and pouty in front of Natasha. Was it because I didn't call you by your name?"

Rose gulps looking away and I was right. My face flushed even more after she just couldn't meet my eye.

She relaxes her seating more. Hugging her knees tightly to her chest I could finally see her vulnerable side after two years of not seeing each other.

I missed this side of her but it pained me to see her in this state.

"You know... how I often get really jealous but that's not the point-" she covers her face with her hands blushing. "I am getting married. For the sake of the kingdom and my sister. I have to do this." (Rose) sounded determined and serious.

Ah... So I've heard.

"Rumors ran around the city, the reason why you became the crown princess and why you left me that day. It was for Cecilia... I see."

I closed my eyes and took a breather myself. Some little anger came to flame with my eyes.

That was all?!

I understand why she needed to do it but did she really have to go that far to drug me asleep?!

"You could've told me instead of leaving me back then under that tree you know." It held a lot of memories for us, too bad the one I remember most was the time that she left me and cried to tears.

I could hear Rose chuckle before tilting her head to look at me with this new profound look in her face. "Eldest sister Cecilia told me, to do that to you. She gave me the sleeping drug because we both loved and knew you well. You would've run after me when I left."

I didn't counter those words. "I... indeed would've."

Rose sighs, putting down her knees and reaching out to open the box and grabbing a freshly cooked sandwich in her hand. "And if you would've persuaded me more to leave. I might actually have done it. That's why I did everything to keep you out, even dragging Vincent into this." (Rose) opens her mouth and takes a bite.

I could see her smiling sadly while looking at the sandwich I cooked. "I never apologized for all that now did I? I'm sorry I put you through that. It's a two year late apology, I regret not apologizing sooner."

Rose... You're really a dumb idiot girl.

I rubbed the side of my temples, not having the ability to get mad at this woman. "I already forgave you for that. I know things are different from when we were kids but it doesn't mean we can't start over?"

"Princess Rosarie and a Commander Kein chapter you know? Hey your sister can write a new story book this time." I told her in a joking manner and she laughed.

"Please my little sister dramatizes everything. The new story book will be based on the original plot." (Rose) giggles remembering her sister.

"I guess so I've met her once I think... Have you been reading any new books lately?" I asked.

She clasped her hands together, "Oh! Have you heard of Sappho's poems?"

"I have! I even had Alfred pack it for me before I left."

Rose raises her eyebrows happily after hearing Alfred's name. "How is he? I haven't seen the others for a while nor kept in contact with how they're doing, especially the little boy Matthew. Is he still in Big sister Veronica's care?"

I smiled, it seems that I'm not the only one she missed. I'm happy she remembers the others. "You know Matthew really missed you and even cried his knees on the ground when I told him you weren't coming back for a while."

Rose frowns looking down guiltily. "I haven't apologized to them for not saying anything..." she mutters weakly, grabbing her knees again and hiding her face there.

Ah- there she goes again being cute even when she's sad.

"Hey, don't sweat it. He moved on and even fancies another girl. He's having a really nice time with his new foster family. Veronica and Peter are wonderful parents I assure you." I told her, patting her head reassuringly. I'm actually glad he fancies another girl to move on from Rose because Rose is- well um Rose belongs to nobody but herself.

I quickly changed the subject. "Ahem. You know the good news: big sister Gisela is pregnant." This got her attention.

"Wait?! Pregnant how?!" she immediately jumps out of her depressed mood and into an excited one. "How many babies? Is it twins? Triplets?"

I burst out laughing when she excitedly asked that with stars in her eyes. "Come on, tell me I'm excited! You know how I really like cute babies!"

"Calm down there Rose." I told her and she shakes her head like a little dog.

"Oh! I forgot to ask because I was so excited- how did they um- even get to you know? Have a baby?" (Rose) asked the real question there.

She looked so curious, probably a lot of indecent thoughts running through her mind. I explained, "A blessing from the goddess of fertility in [Sprivanto]. They were required to do a ritual where if one's love for each other is true they will be granted a child."

Rose finishes her food and I do the same. The box was finally empty, her eyelashes fluttering, having a little yawn. "That's... nice. To have kids together and to start a family on your own." (Rose)

"I remember you telling me that you want ten kids." Oh good lord ten kids. When she told me this that day I almost fainted. Rose nods at my words, "I still do... but I guess now only if it's with you." (Rose)

"Ah-" I was completely taken aback. My body suddenly felt hot, I scratched the back of my head unconsciously and was blushing mad. "But I'm getting married to Prince Alexanderk. I... I can't see my future with him but I have to marry him." (Rose)

Alexanderk... Is that the real Kein's cousin?

I know that there are two princes in the [Winshern Kingdom]. Prince Alexanderk and Crown Prince Andrei. It's been rumored before that the crown prince has also gotten ill but that was just a rumor.

That's why Rose is marrying Prince Alexanderk instead of the crown prince.

I've only heard around my colleagues in camp when they were talking about random things.

I pursed my lips when she looked at me smiling sadly. "I guess it's too late. We can still be friends like you asked but I'm afraid." she told me slowly burying her head in my chest. I could see her tears running down her cheek.

I held her back gently closer to me, I could hear her heart pounding really fast. I wonder if she can also hear mine pounding so hard it feels like it's going to leap out of my chest anytime. This was another rare moment that she let me this close to let me hold her like this, "What are you afraid of?" I asked her and she made a cute sniffling sound. 𝙛𝔯𝒆e𝔀e𝗯𝓷𝗼𝘃e𝚕.𝒄𝗼𝗺

"I'm afraid of breaking into temptation and running away with you to abandon saving my sister." (Rose) mutters, head no longer buried in my chest instead looking up to meet my eyes directly. Her silver eyes looked like it was in pain, swollen with hot tears not stopping to run in her cheek. "I love her but I also love you."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and sighed in relief. I wiped away the tear in her right eye and smiled. Rose pouts a little when I poked her adorable nose, "If Cecilia will be saved before the time you get married. Will you run away with me by then?"

Rose blinks in confusion not believing my words. "B-But it may be too late. Cecilia is- she can't even walk anymore. What if we don't see her anymore tomorrow or the day after that. This kingdom has the medicine we need." (Rose)

I chuckled. I know it's a long shot to the point I don't know what the heck I'm saying now but I'll find a way. "Give me a week before your wedding. It's in three months right? By the time I get back I'll have found a way to save your sister."

Her eyes sparkled but soon after it disappeared, she held my bandaged hand, intertwining them giving me a rare smile. She does this carefully, minding the injuries.

What a really considerate girl, I thought to myself. "Where... will we go... if we do run away." (Rose)

"Anywhere you want." I held her hand tighter not wanting to let it go. "We could move far away where no one else would know you're a really pretty princess. We could have our own marriage ceremony with only a few people attending, our friends, family and pets."

Rose giggles at the last word, I love that sound of her being happy around me. It was no longer suffocating, she was finally breaking down her walls around me.

It made me happy..."Your Pegasus will be the ring bearer. It would be really cute to have the pillow on the top of her head just imagine hehe." (Rose)

I imagine vanilla in a custom made suit, with the pillow in her head rings at the ready. "I imagined her with a little suit on too. I think she'll hate it if we did make her the ring bearer." I told her, laughing a little. Our bodies were completely relaxed with each other.

Rose groaned and I wondered if she was hurt. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

She looks unsure, we keep our hands together after the minutes pass and she mutters. "Close your eyes for a bit. I can't stand your eyes when they look at me." (Rose)

Whoa damn okay. "No need to get so personal- what's wrong with my eyes?!"

Rose shakes her head again, she cups my cheek with her other free hand and that made me shudder a little. "Just close your eyes please."

I gulped.

Okay, I did what she told me to do. My mind running like gay- thoughts. Is she going to kiss me? Will she kiss me? "Whatever I'll do. This stays just between us and in this room alright?" (Rose) whispers to my ear.

I didn't even realize she was leaning in to me, it tickled me a little bit.

It left me in a weird... mood.

I nod hesitantly, still having my eyes closed. I could hear her being satisfied with my answer. Somehow my heart is both afraid and excited, not knowing what this sneaky little princess will do to me. "Ah-"

I suddenly felt her lips on my neck, she was nipping my skin and it seemed that she had no intention of stopping. "Rose that... ah..."

She continued for a few more moments, and I was panting really hard. "D-Does it hurt?"

"No just... it surprised me." I was expecting a kiss not expecting for her to leave a mark! She's really not the innocent Rose I've known before! Or maybe she is and she was just keeping this side of her a secret.

I don't know what to do- I've been in some relationships with intimate contact but- none of them was as intense as this- my heart felt so heavy and light at the same time.

Rose sneaks her other hand to my neck, her mouth moving to meet mine. She's kissing me, oh god up in the heavens we're kissing. I'm actually kissing the princess- if Vincent finds out that I'm currently hooking up with Rose.


Rose stops kissing me before taking a seat in my lap. I could feel her ass on my thighs- she leans in over to press her forehead against mine laughing softly. "Are you alright with me kissing you again? This time I intend to go harder." (Rose)

I gulped. Ladies and gentlemen. I am. Whipped.

I chuckled nervously. I guess I'm the bottom in this relationship- no I'm only letting her be on top of me because I'm in the mood to do so. It doesn't mean I'm the bottom one here.

"Kein? Your answer?" she asks impatiently, I could feel her own body pressed against mine. Feeling the heat over her and my hands held her arm.

I kissed her instead as a reply. "Ahn... Kein..." I could hear her moan and I continued to kiss her. Slowly our tongue met. I could taste the sandwich that we ate before, and battled for dominance. "Mn... Ahn..."

Those erotic, inappropriate sounds would haunt me in my sleep.

The fact that we're doing this. Means we're no longer children. I'll have to take responsibility for whatever happens tonight.

Rose pulls away panting, looking really tired. "I think... we can save the kissing for another time. I want to just... hug you now." (Rose)

"I-Is that so. Can I open my eyes now?"

"Mm. You can, silly."

When I opened my eyes I could see Rose's expression still beet red. Her silver hair was a little messy still even when it was, she was still really beautiful. "I'll take my armor off so you can hug me without getting stiff." I stood up, Rose moved onto the couch and watched me remove my armor pieces one by one.

From my chest plate, gauntlets, shoulder blades until it left me in my fishnet top. "I'm a little sweaty as well if that's alright with you." I told Rose who was grinning widely on the couch.

"You're really well built. You should remove your armor more often the next time we're alone." (Rose)

"I swear when did you get this... bold?!"

A moment ago we were having the saddest moments of our lives talking it out.

That ended us up in kissing and being all... turned on.

She giggles softly patting down the side of her couch. "Lay down with me and let me hug you."

I roll my eyes meeting the demands of this woman. I lay down on the soft sofa, and Rose plops to my side. Her delicate arms were wrapped around my waist. "You're really taller than me... two years ago we we're just the same height..." (Rose)

"Two years ago... I was sixteen and you were eighteen. It was understandable." I told her remembering that Kein's mother's side of the family, Aunt Haren, was actually really tall too.

Rose snuggles to me closer, sighing sadly, "I... I want to catch up. What have you done these past two years? I want to know everything I missed out on these past two years. Including the others..."

I was touched... that just made me fall for her even more. "Of course, I will. In return you'll tell me what I missed out on in your life as well. Anything you want to share, my ears are open." I snuggled back and she kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry for leaving you again. I even thought of making you do things you don't like so you'll hate me and leave me... but that's also wrong right?" (Rose) f𝙧ee𝘄𝐞𝚋𝐧૦ѵeƖ.c𝘰𝓶

"Even if you tried. You can never make me hate you, Rose. I um... I love you a lot... I still do." I looked away from her and she proceeded to hug me even tighter.

"I missed you so much... so... so... much." We hugged each other and I brushed long silver hair with my fingers. The scent intoxicated me, she's still using the same shampoo that I recommended to her. The ones that I made.

The more that I learn about her the more I fall deeper into this hole. It made me remember this happiness of ours won't last. In order for Rose to be with me she needs to be tied off with the arranged marriage with the prince of this kingdom.

Three months.

My new deadline is in three months.

How can I find a cure for Cecilia in three months?


The next day went by and we were scheduled to meet the prince. Rose looked calm, it's as if she's been preparing herself for this very moment.

They asked us to meet in the prince's private room where there were all kinds of medals around. Even monster heads and huge cores that's worth thousands of gold back home. It was a little unsettling. "This is the trophy room I'm guessing."

Rose nods, settling into her seat. "It's well... very nice?"

A very nice room where you know you can brag about your accomplishments.

I looked in the windows and realized there was a small garden. I walked towards the doors and opened it, the cold breeze was chilly. "Would you like to step outside? To take a breather I mean."

She smiled happily and ran outside with me.

I was by her side, the snow toppled over the grass. Rose kneels down a little to pat the snow off a beautiful flower. She wore a really beautiful piece of winter clothing, I was admiring her for being so good-looking in anything she wears. "It's so cold..." (Rose)

The red shawl that she turned into a scarf was wrapped around her neck. She held it by her hand as she made snow breaths. My hand reaches out to my neck, the blood rushes to my face when I remember how she left a mark there...

The cold fog breath disappears into the air and she smiles like a little kid as if forgetting there was a meeting with the prince.

"Kein! What do you think these people do for fun in the snow?"

"I think they make snowballs and snowmen for fun." I answered and she tilted her head. Walking towards me.

"What are those?"

I was about to answer but another voice overlapped mine.

"I'm impressed. You have done your research however those things are activities done by peasants on the streets, one a princess like herself should not do." I could hear someone's arrogant tone behind me. It was the prince, his smile looked full of himself as he shoved past me to get to Rose.

Rose didn't look happy about how he called the people of his kingdom 'peasants'. I could feel her forcing me to give a polite smile. "Prince Alexanderk, we finally met. Lovely to finally see you instead of reading the letters you send." (Rose) curtsies elegantly before addressing herself.

I rolled my eyes feeling some pain after getting shoved like that. He also had other guards with him and they were all male.

Please and I bet those letters are all made by some random writer who was forced to write stupid love notes.

Prince Alexanderk had dark black hair, and really light green eyes. His whole outfit seemed really well suited for winter wear. It reminded me of the clothes a true prince charming would wear.

He holds Rose's hand bowing and kissing the back part of it.

My cursed sword sent out many laughing voices feeling the sudden rise of jealousy on me. I could hear many of them point out that he was touching 'my princess'.

"If I knew I would be meeting such a beautiful maiden, I would've pushed the wedding in a matter of a few weeks. You're really beautiful in person." (Prince Alexanderk)

And you're really testing my patience. I know she's beautiful but let go of her hand bud.

Rose, who was also uncomfortable, takes her hand away from him. "The pleasure is all mine. You flatter me." (Rose) laughs looking at me but it wasn't a good one. I gave her a worried glance wondering if I should butt in or not... she gave me a smile and I had to put down my anger for later.

Prince Alexanderk smiles as if nothing happened motioning for Rose to follow him. "Please a woman like you shouldn't be outside. We need to protect you in case anything happens, that's what a true gentlemen would do."

Rose could only nod her body feeling stiff as she walked, following the prince.

She has a knight already to protect her buzz off.

I followed behind realizing I should hurry on finding the cure.

Three months. Will that be enough?

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