Reborn as a Noble's Son-Chapter 361 - 352: Nie Zhenbang’s Rage_1

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Chapter 361: Chapter 352: Nie Zhenbang’s Rage_1

After Nie Zhenbang and Li Guohua had privately agreed on the stakes, the next day arrived, which was also the third day of the promise that Nie Zhenbang had made to the workers of the three factories in Qingfang City.

Early in the morning. Many workers from the three factories had already gathered at the main gate, numbering in the hundreds, once again making Qingfang City the focus of everyone’s attention. Surrounding them, many citizens stopped to watch from a distance. Whispers spread amongst them: “Looks like the workers from the textile factories can’t sit still again.”

The reference to ‘textile factories’ is a broad term the old locals in Guicheng District used for the Spinning Factory and Cotton Spinning Factory. It’s just like the way these three factories are referred to as Qingfang City by the municipal government.

“Brother Jiangsheng, what’s going on? It’s already eight o’clock. Why hasn’t Mayor Nie come yet? These officials, they’re not conning us again, are they?” As time went on, the workers, who had been waiting since six-thirty in the morning, were getting impatient. Waiting is one of the most patience-testing things. Some people already couldn’t hold on.

Brother Jiangsheng, whose full name is Huang Jiangsheng, is native to Ludong. The big and sturdy fellow’s parents were cadres who had moved down south. They relocated here and gave birth to him here, hence he was named Huang Jiangsheng.

Huang Jiangsheng is about forty years old. He’s unquestionably skilled in his job at the unit. However, because he’s very outspoken, after twenty years, he remains an ordinary worker.

Surveying the crowd, Huang Jiangsheng was very clear that these people were all struggling. Every household was barely making ends meet. Many families of three generations were crammed into two-room flats, less than fifty square meters in size. In fact, everyone was pushed to the brink, hence their actions now.

Looking at the street entrance, Huang Jiangsheng bellowed, “Fellow workers, keep waiting. Mayor Nie promised to be here at nine. I believe he won’t break his promise. Judging by his face, Mayor Nie isn’t that kind of person.”

Just as he finished speaking, a female voice echoed from within the crowd, “Jiangsheng, since when can you read faces? If you can, why not quit working and set up a fortune-telling stall? That’ll be much better than this half-dead factory of ours.”

“Here they come! They’re here!”

At that moment, someone amidst the crowd pointed towards the front and shouted loudly. Looking in the direction of the pointing finger, there were several police cars with flashing lights clearing the way and a convoy was driving in.

Although today was the day for Nie Zhenbang to address the workers of Qingfang City, the government, including Nie Zhenbang himself, didn’t show any signs of slackening. Despite his confidence in his own plan, Nie Zhenbang had his own fears. After all, what if these workers proved short-sighted and impatient, and rejected his proposal? If they caused a stir and that reached the ears of the provincial committee, his political career would be over. Therefore, necessary precautions and preparations were in place.

However, the few police cars added were just for show, with less than ten officers, mainly to play a protective role. The majority were plain-clothes officers, arranged by Chen Le around the area, ready to intervene if a situation arose.

Following the police cars, a car with the city committee’s number two license plate, an Audi with the plate “Jiang B – 00002” pulled over. Behind it was the city’s executive deputy mayor, Li Guohua’s car, plate number “Jiang B – 00006”.

As soon as Nie Zhenbang, Li Guohua, along with the municipal government secretary-general Liu Weijun, Guicheng District Party Secretary Lu Wu, and District Mayor Xiong Chuxun got out of the car, the workers who had been waiting here immediately began shouting loudly.

“Mayor Nie, we have been eagerly awaiting your arrival.”

“Mayor, we commoners desperately need a way to survive.”

“Mayor, the Spinning Factory can’t collapse. My whole family depends on my small salary to make a living.”

All kinds of shouts rose and fell in waves. In summary, they all meant the same thing. We are unwilling to part with our jobs.

Nie Zhenbang was fully aware of these workers’ intentions. Although he hadn’t directly dealt with such issues in his past life, he had read numerous news reports on laid-off workers finding new jobs.

The greatest struggles these laid-off workers faced were the fear and helplessness about the future. They were probably experts in their line of work, but once they were forced to leave their posts and rely on themselves, they felt they had no real skills and were unfit for society. This was helpless agony. All he could do now was to guide them, care for them and support them through government resources, hoping that this painful period would pass quickly, allowing these workers to stand up again and face a new life.

Nie Zhenbang confidently stepped forward, making his way to the front of the crowd. He saw the police officers standing in his way. As he walked towards them with a smile, he noticed their ID badges hanging from their uniforms. He said with a smile, “Comrade Zhang Li, could you step aside a little? I believe that our people are reasonable. We should not let an invisible barrier separate the officials from the masses. Today, we bare our hearts and make our views openly. We will not retreat until the subsequent issues affecting the tens of thousands of workers in Qingfang City are properly resolved.”

The words of Nie Zhenbang received an overwhelming approval from the workers. The relationship between the Party and the masses, and between officials and the people, has always been a major principle of our Party. However, with the economic development, the maintenance and construction of such reciprocities have increasingly become formalized. freewebnøvel.coɱ

Leaders travel with police escorts, local governments clear the way, their inspection trips in all parts of the nation are increasingly elaborate and formal, as if they were reserving the same courtesy as for imperial emissary in ancient times.

Consequently, the relationship between the Party and the masses, and between officials and the people, is becoming increasingly detached. In the early years after the establishment of the People’s Republic, scenes of officials and the general populace sitting in fields or standing in factory workshops, discussing the Four Modernizations have faded into the past.

However, at this moment, Nie Zhenbang’s words, like a sweet rain after the prolonged drought, instantly narrowed the distance between the government and the public, generating a sense of trust in Nie Zhenbang among the workers.

With that, Nie Zhenbang gave Yi Jun a hand signal. Yi Jun understood, nodded and fetched two sets of materials from the rear of the vehicle and posted them nearby. Nie Zhenbang then said, “Comrades, firstly, I must thank everyone for your hard work and contributions to the economic construction and development of Liangxi City. The workers of the three factories in Qingfang City have all contributed their efforts. Even though the factories are now in difficulties, I believe that these are temporary. The sun always comes out after the storm.”

He paused briefly before continuing, “In three days, we have come up with two feasible proposals which we think are realistic. I’m going to be completely honest with you here. Today, Deputy Mayor Li and I will be waiting for you in the factory. We’ll wait for you to review the proposals and discuss them. Then, you will elect four worker representatives yourselves and choose the proposal you deem best. What do you think?”

Upon hearing Nie Zhenbang’s words, the crowd started to stir. They had initially thought that a complete solution would be provided. Unexpectedly, they were given a choice of action plans, which made some workers unhappy.

Noticing the mood turning tumultuous, Huang Jiangsheng took a quick look around and exclaimed, “Brothers and sisters, old pals, let’s all calm down and think about this. If the government could have a perfect solution in three days, would we be here now? Resolving issues and paying wages take time. I trust Mayor Nie. Let us all calm down, review the two proposals and then decide.”

After hearing Huang Jiangsheng’s words, the crowd calmed down. Nie Zhenbang also took a longer look at Huang Jiangsheng.

Moments later, under the guidance of the leaders of the three factories in Qingfang City, Nie Zhenbang and his team took their seats in the conference room of the Spinning Factory.

The conference room, more than two hundred square meters in size, was decorated in a lavish baroque style. Dominated by bright yellow tones, a crystal chandelier hung in the center. Patterned carpets, a beautifully decorated fireplace along the side, and antique European sofas. Those unaware might think they had arrived at a palace in some European country.

Seeing the extravagant conference room, Nie Zhenbang decided not to go in and remained at the doorway. At the front was Wu Aijun, the party secretary and factory manager of the Spinning Factory. At his side were Yao Yuhong, factory director of the Second Factory, and Zhang Zhenghui, party secretary and factory director of the Cotton Spinning Factory.

When they saw Mayor Nie halting abruptly, the three men were taken aback. At that moment, Wu Aijun smiled and said, “Mayor, please come in. We are grateful for the strong support and care our factory has received from the municipal party committee and government. I promise not to let down the trust placed in us by our superiors. We will handle workers’ issues properly, restore confidence, and strive to turn losses into profits within a year.”

As Wu Aijun finished, Nie Zhenbang harrumphed. That hum was heard by everyone present, including Yi Jun, who was quite taken aback. In his years of service with Nie Zhenbang, Mayor Nie had always maintained his composure even when faced with the collapse of Mount Tai. However, seeing Nie Zhenbang express his dissatisfaction in such a way indicated that his anger was not to be underestimated.

Indeed, Nie Zhenbang said in a stern voice, “Well, well. Had I not known, I could have mistaken it for the Spanish king’s palace. This grandeur, this decor, it’s even more luxurious than Buckingham Palace. Director Wu, it seems that the Spinning Factory is quite wealthy.”

Without any concealing, Nie Zhenbang’s words, while lacking any explicit criticism, was even more severe than a reprimand. Wu Aijun and the others, being part of the system themselves, were quite clear about the workings of the system. At such times, they would prefer being reprimanded by a leader, because an expression of discontent such as that of Nie Zhenbang’s often foretold big trouble.

“Mayor Nie, I…,” Wu Aijun, a somewhat hefty man, now seemed to be grovelling humbly in front of the young mayor, perspiring slightly.

Nie Zhenbang said grimly, “What is it ‘I…’? Director Wu, are you trying to say that it’s here that you’ve spent the money? This conference room is so large, the decor so opulent, and it must have cost a pretty penny. Did it cost over a million? With a million, each worker could receive a 500-yuan subsidy. That’s enough for two thousand workers to live on for a month. That’s why you’re always crying poor and asking for money when you’re in the city. It turns out you spent it here.”

With that, Nie Zhenbang turned around and said, “I can’t stay in this conference room. I’m afraid I’ll feel like I’m being pricked by needles if I sit down. I think I’ll wait in the workshop for the workers’ responses.”