Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom-Chapter 55

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The footsteps are getting closer, and closer……

Shu Ning held his breath and concentrated on playing his games, never has he felt so smooth before, swoosh swoosh swoosh, passing all the difficulties in the way, hopping and jumping, just like himself, he can only continue as stopping would be his death.

He already said he won’t seek death so he won’t die, but he still chose to continue.

Shu Heng lifted him up with one arm and sat down while holding him:”How long have you been playing?”

“Only half an hour.”

“Don’t play anymore, it’s bad for your eyes.”

“You really care about a lot,”He nipped at him like a crab, heh heh~ Shu Ning’s heart was pleased, as expected big brother makes no distinction between us~ \(≧▽≦)/~ Although he lost this round because he of the interruption, he had instead won Shu Heng’s heart.

Shu Heng who didn’t get angry gave Shu Ning’s little head a nudge:”Naughty.”

“Where’s my milk?”

“On the table,”With a stretch of Shu Heng’s long arms he picked up the cup and brought it to Shu Ning’s mouth, Shu Ning held it up with two hands and drank it slowly, small sip by small sip, watching it made Shu Heng’s mouth feel dry, such a small mouth, the little tongue was stained with milk, it’s even more tender now, it’s really hard to guess how he grew this way, that’s not it, it is due to my raising of him:”Drink slower, nobody’s taking it from you.”

Teasing me? Shu Ning rolled his eyes, it made his eyes look even bigger, cuter, and more adorable.

If not because he was afraid of the little one choking, Shu Heng really wanted to bite down on it to have a taste. Working everyday, controlling things remotely, playing with his little brother……these days aren’t half bad.

Within the bedroom, Qin Yu Zhuo tugged at the sleeves of Shu Cheng who had just returned with a welcoming smile on her face, she lifted her head up and her eyes were glimmering with affection, they were exceptionally intimate:”Honey, you should be tired right? I’ve prepared Anshen soup, I’ve been preparing it for the whole afternoon, drink it while it’s hot.”


I love him so so much, my male god, the man she waited so long to obtain, naturally she cherished him very much. Qin Yu Zhuo smiled to her eyes as she sat on the cushion on the floor, her little hand tapped at the man’s leg with moderate strength, she did not find it to be any trouble at all.

“Yu Zhuo, you can just leave these things to the servants. You’re pregnant so you have to be careful.”

“Don’t wanna~ I want to personally cater to your matters.”

His anger dissipated just like that, no matter how she was outside it was fine as long as she was gentle and considerate to me, Shu Cheng that he does like this type of delicate woman like a jasper from a humble family, he narrowed his pleasant eyes:”There are somethings I’ve never said, but I will mention them today so remember this.”

As they spoke of business, Qin Yu Zhuo sat slightly upright and half kneeling with her two hands on her stomach, and waited respectfully. Naturally this was intentional from Qin Yu Zhuo, only in this way can she make the stone heart of the man bloom, which man doesn’t like it when their woman was humble and obedient, and treated them as gods? Heh heh~

“Don’t,”Shu Cheng immediately pulled her up:”It makes me feel uncomfortable when you do that, I just want to talk a bit about Shu Ning, whether it was his physical strength or his abilities they both require some improvement, as parents we weren’t by his side as he grew up so it keeps us from criticizing him even more and increased our burdens so……I’ve decided to let Shu Heng take care of it, he’s been an outstanding boy since he was young, he may seem very cold on the outside but he treats Shu Ning rather well, it puts me at ease.”

What? Qin Yu Zhuo was shocked, even her outer appearance couldn’t be maintained:”But……But I’ve been separated from him for so long, I……I can’t bear to……”

You can’t bear it? For the first time Shu Cheng could feel the irony:”Alright, I can’t change what I’ve decided, my dad doesn’t like you so you don’t have to curry favour to him specially, you’re my wife, it’s enough for you to revolve around me.”Truthfully, there was no reason to grieve for a day, really.

An earthquake had erupted in Qin Yu Zhuo’s mind, what happened? Shu Cheng was unfathomable, he had never been like this before, now that he’s speaking out openly can only mean that……Shu Gao said something? He hates looking at me? Qin Yu Zhuo didn’t dare to say much. She lowered her head because she was afraid that he would notice anything:”I understand.”She appeared submissive but her heart was running rampant, she was experiencing incessant nausea but she had to endure it, she was afraid that Shu Cheng would think that she was unwilling.

Shu Cheng could see that she was uncomfortable, he sighed:”You should go and wash your face.”

Qin Yu Zhuo who had already washed up earlier agreed with a smile and got up to leave, but Shu Cheng was watching her back and contemplating.

After a few days, Saturday arrived, Shu Heng wrapped up the sleeping Shu Ning with the quilt and walked out with light steps, Shu Ning woke up and closed his eyes again after seeing his brother, when they reached the first floor, Qin Yu Zhuo was actually there with a face full of smiles:”You’re all prepared?”

Shu Heng did not spare her a glance as he walked to the front, but Qin Yu Zhuo yelled out:”Ning Ning!”

The person who was sleeping frowned lightly and shrunk into the quilt, Shu Heng turned back to sweep her a glance with a face full of frost, his gaze was exceptionally sharp.

Qin Yu Zhuo felt her chest freezing up and she held her stomach subconsciously, her ashen face still maintained a decent smile. These few days she had been brought out by Shu Cheng saying that it was good for raising the baby, but in fact it was to separate her from Shu Ning, so Qin Yu Zhuo was anxious when she heard that Shu Heng was bringing Shu Ning to the beach to play, she was getting even more uncomfortable like a raging fire, a weasel paying a New Year’s visit to a chicken can’t have any good intentions.

This was Shu Heng trying to cut off our mother and son relationship, destroying it bit by bit!

Why was Shu Cheng so foolish, could his son really be so good? Wasn’t Ning Ning your son? Men have always been arrogant, they won’t change their decisions once they’ve made them, she could only deal with this using roundabout tactics, but he has steeled his heart to throw Ning Ning to Shu Heng. Qin Yu Zhuo thought carefully about it and hurried Shu Cheng to sleep for the first time so she could drive out herself to go and take a look to express her love for her child.

She can’t just let Shu Heng take him away just like that!

Qin Yu Zhuo ran a few steps and wanted to go forward and grab Shu Heng’s arm, but the bodyguard suddenly came forth to stop her.

Qin Yu Zhuo was extremely gloomy:”You actually dare to block my way? Do you want to lose your job?”

“I’m sorry madam, we only take orders from Young Master Heng, please cooperate and step back!”The bodyguard was dressed in black and even wore shades, a purely business appearance, he was over 190 centimeters tall, just looking at him could make you feel a cool breeze coming over, it was frightening.

But Qin Yu Zhuo was no ordinary woman:”Shu Heng you’re too condescending, no matter what I’m still considered your mother, you actually dare to let your bodyguard make things difficult for me, don’t you know that I’m pregnant? Put Ning Ning down, if not don’t blame me for showing you a lesson.”

Shu Heng was still walking forward as if her lengthy speech was just air. Seeing that they were about to enter the car, Qin Yu Zhu frowned deeply as if she was torn and uneasy, with a wave of her little hand she had her own bodyguards make a move. Two groups of people were tangled up in a fight, all the bodyguards had received training and had a good amount of strength.

You couldn’t see it if they didn’t go up against each other, they were all spirited but when it came to fighting together, it was clear that Shu Heng’s men had the upper hand. And besides this was the ancestral home, the ones standing guard weren’t vegetarians either, they were all staring over, as long as Shu Heng had the need, they will make their move.

The situation was getting serious, Shu Ning was depressed, what was Qin Yu Zhuo trying to do? We’re just going for a trip?

Unless there was something more to this?

It wasn’t as if this was any extraordinary big family who would throw their unfilial sons in the middle of the night on an island to receive special training, nor was it some kind of savage addiction, when that time comes any sort of illness could be cured, instant results!

When Shu Ning was yelled out “Ning Ning” by Qin Yu Zhuo he already couldn’t fall back asleep anymore, he opened his displeased eyes and looked over leisurely.

The woman was standing not far away and gasping, as if she was about to faint ╮(╯▽╰)╭

What was she making trouble for?

That doesn’t seem right? There were still things I didn’t know, his eyes turned round and round, Shu Ning stretched out his little hand and tugged at his brother’s collar, hey~ Look at me~

In the next second, the frosty Shu Heng lowered his head.

“Brother~ Don’t go, mom seems to have something to say to me.”

The little one frowned? Shu Heng was slightly displeased:”Can’t you just talk to her on the phone?”

Shu Heng sat got into the Rolls-Royce just like that while holding Shu Ning, and the three cars from the front to the back started, Qin Yu Zhuo’s face was as white as a sheet, after chasing a few steps she shouted Ning Ning~ Ning Ning~

Shu Ning wanted to sit up but Shu Heng didn’t allow him, how hateful, I want to see her trip and fall! That’s how they do it in TV dramas.

Just as he had expected, the bodyguard on the passenger seat reported the situation:”Young mater, Mrs. Shu fell down.”

“No harm.”

“She seems to have fallen unconscious,”The old driver added on.

“No harm.”

Shu Ning:”……”That’s not right, you guys are talking about my mom okay? Was this appropriate? Although I’m very happy ╮(╯▽╰)╭ But it was quite regretful that he wasn’t able to see how she fell down carefully with his own eyes.

Shu Heng pressed Shu Ning to him with one hand and held him tight:”Don’t worry, the ancestral home is full of qualified personnel, they won’t let anything happen to her.”

“Of course not, Shu Yao is her lucky little star.”

“Don’t be sad, you’re my lucky little star.”

Uh, he actually saw through the sarcasm in my words? Oh god, adding on what happened before at the private room of the hotel, will big brother think that I’m quite bad?

Disrespectful, playing tricks on your friends →_→

“What are you thinking of?”Shu Heng lowered his head and leaned close, his gaze was like a torch, and his eyes were black and dark like an abyss.

“I’m thinking……”Shu Ning raised his little face, and the handsome profile of the face nearby was exceptionally refreshing, and so he stretched out his short little hand and gave Shu Heng’s tall nose a tap:”If I turned bad, what are you going to do?”

“Lock you in the house.”

“……”Damn, I’m not playing anymore /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

“Did I scare you? When that time comes I’ll stay with you.”

Can we not talk about this? So strange, can you explain what you mean by locking me up? Why will you be staying with me? Unless you’re going to tie me up, and you’re going to wear black leather pants and hold a small whip, then ask me coldly whether I still dare to do it again? _(:зゝ∠)_

“Brother~ It’s hot, I want to sit by myself.”

“Are you sure?”

What does brother mean? Shu Ning peeled open the corner of the quilt and took a look inside, he confirmed that he was wearing clothes and felt that nothing seemed off, then why did he say that? Shu Ning got up, Shu Heng didn’t stop him, only now did Shu Ning understand the meaning and his cheeks immediately flushed red!

“Brother!”He was furious.

Little brother is so cute, Shu Heng turned his head and looked out the car with one hand supporting his chin.

Oh shit, what kind of attitude change was this?? Shu Ning didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, he tugged at the hem of his clothes with two hands, it was a pajama set with pictures of little bears, can anyone tell me why Shu Heng likes things like this? It’s unscientific! The two stayed in one room, the only one who could touch Shu Ning was only Shu Heng. If Shu Heng really liked to he could throw away all the branded underwear bought by Qin Yu Zhuo, right now he was wrapped in a quilt……Could he be afraid that I’d be seen? Coupled on with Qin Yu Zhuo’s hysterical acting, scary, something’s up!

“Brother~”Shu Ning pulled at Shu Heng’s free hand:”You’re hiding something from me!”

Such a sensitive little thing, Shu Heng was still looking at the scenery:”I’m not.”

“……”I won’t pull you down but see if I’ll still give you any attention, Shu Ning released the big warm hand and scooted his little butt far away, luckily the inside of the Rolls-Royce was very spacious, it was easy to make it feel like they were poles apart even though they were just a short distance away, hmph ╭(╯^╰)╮

Little brother got upset, but I wanted to give him a surprise, he’ll find out in a few days, this was the first time Shu Heng had yielded so much to a person, he sat to Shu Ning’s side and hugged his little waist, he lowered his head and rested on Shu Ning’s shoulder, the hot breath centered around them, it was especially warm. Shu Heng gave his little brother’s face a kiss:”Angry?”

Who dares to be angry with you? Shu Ning rolled his eyes towards the window:”No.”

You dishonest little thing, how cute, Shu Heng didn’t hold back and shoved him into his lap once again and held him:”There is a secret, how about I tell you when the time is right~”

Oh my, he’s dragging his words! This was too celestial, Shu Ning became limp in a moment and secretly thought to himself oh mother, in the future when the couple quarrelled, Shu Heng only needed to use this trick to patch them up, how enviable. His ears had gotten a bit red due to the heat, Shu Ning shivered, big brother’s breath was all over his neck, he couldn’t bear it any longer.

Why’s he twisting around? Uncomfortable? Shu Heng hurriedly adjusted the angle in which he held him, Shu Ning became embarrassed once again and his face was red.

He was clearly over thirty years old but again and again he was like a blockhead in front of this eighteen year old.

This had nothing to do with age, he knew that, intelligence was Shu Ning’s biggest weakness, don’t even talk about him being eighteen even if he were fifteen he was still beyond Shu Ning.

Geniuses are everywhere, truly, no matter how good you are there is always someone better, this is what they mean by the one who discovers the truth should be the teacher.

Suddenly he was peckish for something cold, Shu Ning didn’t think about it anymore and returned to normal:”Brother, I’m hot, can we go and eat shaved ice?”

“It’s too cold, it’s not good for your body.”

“Brother! I”m not made of porcelain.”

“If you really were made of porcelain then it’s no problem even if you pour ice directly into yourself,”Shu Heng was particularly strong in certain areas, such as taking care of Shu Ning, it was clear as day.

“……”How cruel……so you’re gonna be cruel are you? Wasn’t it just a bowl of shaved ice? Shu Ning wouldn’t kick up a fuss with him just for this, it wasn’t worth it, if he wanted to he could just go out to eat by himself when he grows up, it’s better than spiting his brother.

Shu Ning was generous and had a good mind-set, but Shu Heng was instead bothered about it, it was such a rare chance for them to come out and play, can’t I even grant such a small demand for my brother? At the worst he could ask the shopkeeper to change the bowl into a beautiful and exquisite little cup so as to let him have a few bites and have some fun. Shu Heng took out his phone and sent out a text message, one of the bodyguard’s cars left first.

After a bit over half an hour had passed the car had already sped up, Shu Ning who was playing whack-a-mole had already forgotten about the shaved ice a long time ago.

Shu Heng lowered the window of the car and when a car passed to their side a small box was handed over, then Shu Heng turned up the windows and the car that passed over was naturally the bodyguard’s car that had left earlier, it was already steadily driving ahead.

Shu Heng took out a small cup from the box and leisurely stuck it to Shu Ning’s face, the person who was currently playing games nearly yelled out, what the hell? He turned to look, oh heavens, shaved ice?

He didn’t notice the window opening and closing earlier, big brother actually had someone buy it specially? This was rare, Shu Ning was so elated that the flowers in his heart bloomed in a moment and he took it over with his brows raised, he opened the lid and no doubt it was shaved ice inside but the amount was quite little, and why was it held in a cup???

Just like the cakes brought home by Shu Heng, they were exquisite, small, and exceptionally tasteful, he reckoned that this was also specially requested by Shu Heng.


Shu Heng picked up the corners of his lips, and his fingertips pointed to his lips!

Shu Ning’s eyebrow twitched, this won’t do, if he went over and kissed Shu Heng on the face, then won’t he get addicted and point to the other side? Whatever, I’m in a good mood today, he just kissed over but who knew his brother would move and trick him again, even if Shu Ning noticed it he couldn’t stop and he kissed heavily on top of his lips with a big loud smooch, and suddenly both their faces blushed.

Ah, young man, how much love are you actually lacking, bullying your brother when you’re free, such an unpromising youth~

Shu Ning hurriedly sat down properly and lowered his head to eat, not leaving him even a single bite, heh heh.

Shu Heng felt like his heart was about to jump out, little brother’s lips were so soft and smooth, better than jelly, and looking at his face he didn’t seem to mind it too much, did he get used to it? That’s great, there’s improvement. Shu Heng looked over with a profound and focused gaze, the pale yellow pajamas looked very cute on his brother, and the picture of the little bear fitted him perfectly.

I wonder how rabbits and squirrels would be like on his body, what if I buy them all and put them in the dresser at the new house, once he gets used to wearing them we can add a tail and a hat with animal ears, it’ll definitely be even more adorable.

Shu Ning who did not know that Shu Heng’s thoughts were getting more and more one-sided was eating happily, every so often he would even narrow his eyes in satisfaction and his cheeks would bulge, he really does look like a little pet~

In Shu Heng’s eyes, his little brother was naturally the best.

On the way they stopped twice to rest to let the little one take a walk, get some exercise, and to go to the bathroom. But of course, he was wearing normal clothes. Shu Heng arranged everything thoughtfully, he really had been very diligent. Just as Shu Ning was about to buy some snacks his collar was grabbed by Shu Heng, a certain someone with a dark face could only childishly pretend to be wronged, only then did his brother let him go and allowed him to buy one pack of snacks!

Really, just one pack!

The beauty at the counter stifled a laugh and kept looking at Shu Heng amorously, at that time Shu Ning was even thinking that he’d rather be shameless and he wanted to act out a teary-eyed look to move Shu Heng and ask for a bottle of drinks as well……But as soon as he saw the look of the pretty girl, he suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable and his chest was stuffy, he didn’t even say anything and just dragged Shu Heng out.

“What’s wrong?”

“I want to reach the beach earlier to play!”

Only after a few hours of driving did they reach their destination, the villa was rented and they could see the ocean from the yard, it was extremely close. In his past life Shu Ning had been forced ahead by Qin Yu Zhuo so where would he find the time to play? He had passed through coastal cities many times and only took a glance from the window of the car and he just counted that as having seen the ocean. Shu Heng hugged Shu Ning’s waist from behind:”If you like it, we can just come more often,”Don’t show me such a pained look, it makes me feel even worse.

Shu Ning didn’t dodge or hide, he lifted the corners of his mouth and sealed his little hand on top of the big hand:”Alright!”

Shu Heng held the little one quietly with a cozy look in his eyes, the cold aura from his body had faded considerably, every so often he would gaze tenderly at the little one’s side profile, the atmosphere was great, they were enjoying their time together as the breeze lifted up their hair, you have me, and I have you, Shu Heng casually took out his phone and snapped a photo of this moment.

Since time can’t be stopped he could only preserve the most wonderful scene.

Shu Ning also took out his phone to take pictures, Shu Heng was perfect and flawless, there was not a single bad angle in all 360 degrees, whereas he himself hasn’t grown up yet, still sightly childish, but no matter, as long as his mood was great that’s fine. His waist tightened, Shu Ning who was picked up by his brother darkened his face, his little legs left the floor and they entered the villa just like that.

Great god, please just hold me next time, no matter whether you want to pick me up sideways or face to face I’m OK with that.

There is no harm without comparison, was he taking me as a big doll?

Their breakfast was settled in the car and they had their lunch in the villa, the two were huddled together, and seeing that Shu Ning was full he fed him another two bites before he was satisfied. But Shu Ning rolled his eyes, he paid the man back his coin and also picked up his chopsticks to feed him two bites, the feeling was not bad, no wonder big brother enjoyed this.

Shu Heng’s gaze was leisurely as he stared at the little one’s chopsticks, his mood was exceptionally great.

The afternoon was too hot so Shu Ning should be taking his afternoon nap, Shu Heng leaned down next to him and patted his back. Shu Ning was too lazy to stop him, it’s fine as long as he liked it, he yawned and closed his eyes.

Uh……Someone’s messing around with my body, the dazed Shu Ning was too lazy to care, he felt a breeze down there, it seems his shorts have been changed~

What the hell is big brother doing? Alright~ Whatever~ I’ll deal with it when I wake up. Shu Ning was sleeping foolishly, after Shu Heng was done getting busy he went downstairs with light steps, it was a little bunny pajamas, he had specially gotten someone to buy it on a whim, there was even a little white bunch on the back as a tail~ So cute, Shu Heng came back up and took out his phone……

As soon as he fell asleep he slept for two hours, Shu Ning rubbed his eyes and got up, as for his new pajamas he had no words for it, but he wouldn’t take them off out of anger, it’s whatever now.

He went down the stairs step by step, Shu Ning found Shu Heng in the living room facing his notebook, occasionally his hand would move and type out a feel words, seems like work.

Shu Ning poured a cup of water for himself and observed the decorations in the villa, it was quite elegant, his gaze swept over to the sofa, huh? Why is brother staring at me? It felt very mysterious to Shu Ning, and so he walked to the side of the sofa and just as he was about to sit down, Shu Heng stretched his hands out, does he want a hug? Shu Ning hesitated for a moment and walked over to sit in his brother’s embrace, his little waist was immediately caught by his arms, and their abdomens were stuck together.

“Water water~”Don’t make me spill it.

Shu Heng’s gaze was exceptionally profound and wanton, his big hand moved downwards to the little tail and gave it a rub, it looks great on little brother’s body, small little white rabbit, it made his skin look even more snowy like jade, very tender. Shu Ning had also noticed that something was not right down there, just as he was about to move his hand over out of curiosity Shu Heng immediately caught his short little hands and rubbed them.

“Do you want to go out for a ride?”

“Yeah!”Shu Ning was spirited.

Shu Heng picked up the keys to the Ferrari, he’s going to drive personally? And it was even a sports car, Shu Ning had been wanting a sports car in his past life, he was so happy that he just about to run upstairs to change his clothes. Shu Heng curled up a black bellied smile on his lips, he quickened his steps and suddenly stretched out his hands to catch the little guy, then put him on his shoulder.

Shu Ning……

The black Ferrari was super handsome, Shu Ning sat down properly and Shu Heng fastened the seatbelt for him, the handsome male side profile was dangling around right in front of his eyes, for just a moment Shu Ning wondered how great it would be if he weren’t his biological brother?

But it’s a shame that there was no ifs in this world, blood is blood.

You want an if?

Jump into a river and reincarnate _(:зゝ∠)_

Actually it was useless even if he had reincarnated, Shu Heng was a straight man cancer, he was born and raised proper with strong willpower, who can bend him? On the other hand, some men were naturally born straight, just like how Shu Ning was born bent. And that day He Ran had even pushed a pretty girl towards him, what was he pushing her to me for? To become my sister? →_→

The cars coming by the road by the sea weren’t many, Shu Ning was eager to have a go:”Brother, open the hood~”

“No can do, your constitution is not well, you’ll catch a cold in the breeze.”

“Just for a little while,”Shu Ning didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn’t want to give up:”Actually my body is pretty good.”

Shu Heng swept a gloomy glance over at him, Shu Ning became honest and slightly sighed, just at this moment the hood on top started to move, my brother really does have a sharp mouth but a heart of tofu, aloof but passionate inside, Shu Ning was secretly happy, it’s a sports car, when can I make money to buy my own?

“Like it?”


“Should we change the bed to a car shape?”

Screw off! Shu Ning nearly bit his tongue, he pouted:”Brother! Drive properly, look to the front,”Don’t look at me  ̄へ ̄

“I’m just joking,”Shu Heng stretched his right hand over, he held the little paw in his hands and gave it a rub:”Did you forget? I’m sleeping with you.”

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