Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss-Chapter 285 - 273: Qian Zong’s Revenge (Thanks to Hua Piaoling’s Heshi Jade for the updates)

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Chapter 285: Chapter 273: Qian Zong’s Revenge (Thanks to Hua Piaoling’s Heshi Jade for the updates)

Translator: 549690339 |

Shi Yu kept emphasizing that her good wealth girl would see red at night.

She was talking about her period, but the villagers thought something bloody would happen at Auntie Apo’s house at night.

Xiao Qian and Shi Yu were trying to buy as much time as possible now.

The best-case scenario would be Xiao Qian’s period being delayed for 7 days, with Shi Yu performing her rituals during that time. If Yu Minglang discovered her disappearance in those days, he could find them in time.

But Xiao Qian also knew.

In this era, when CCTV cameras were only found in major cities, it was very difficult to trace a car with a fake license plate.

These people were constantly on the move as well.

Even if they were found, it would take time to arrest them, interrogate them, and find their hideout. It would all take a considerable amount of time.

Moreover, this would all be predicated on Yu Minglang searching for her immediately after her disappearance.

If Yu Minglang were really angry with her and agreed to her decision to break up, and just left without a word, Jia Xiufang would have no way to contact Yu Minglang for help even if she wanted to.

At this point, Xiao Qian couldn’t imagine what would happen if Yu Minglang never came to her rescue. Would she be locked up in this remote mountainous area and become nothing more than a baby-making tool?

If one day, he finally arrived and found her in tattered clothes, holding a dirty child…

The thought was too heart-wrenching, and Xiao Qian silently vowed that she would never let that vile buyer touch her.

If these people dared to lay a hand on her, she would find a way to destroy the village. She was confident that she had the intelligence to bring down this wicked and ignorant place with her.

Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that.

The human trafficker tied Xiao Qian up with a rope, the other end of which was handed to Auntie Apo, who led her along like livestock.

The biggest characteristic of a poor mountainous area was that even an old lady had great strength, cultivated through years of hard labor.

Xiao Qian, a city girl, did not have anywhere near that kind of strength.

As she was dragged along, Xiao Qian tried to test her strength against the old lady, but only ended up being pulled even more forcefully. The old woman even took a whip she had prepared from her waist and struck Xiao Qian with it.

The pain from the whip was unimaginable, and Xiao Qian felt like the areas that were hit were on fire. She glared with hatred.

This old woman had better watch out. As soon as Xiao Qian got the opportunity, she would make sure to repay the favor tenfold!

“Don’t try any tricks with me. You won’t be able to escape this place even if you grew wings. Your good wealth girl is nothing but a scam!” The old lady spat on the ground in contempt.

Xiao Qian couldn’t help but wonder if the old lady had enough intelligence to realize that Shi Yu was bluffing them all along?

But then the old lady added.

“She just wants to take you as a wife for her son, to bear him children. Bah! That fairy is so wicked, with her wasabi seed son coming back and getting a wife for free. Bah, you were bought for our family!”

Xiao Qian didn’t know whether to call her dumb or deceptively clever.

Her thoughts were full of twists and turns. She believed in the existence of fairies but thought that the fairy and Da Paozi were in cahoots. There was also an element of jealousy that Da Paozi had managed to bring home a wife with a fairy by her side.

Auntie Apo was envious that she had paid the same price for a bride but had gotten one without a fairy attached. Out of jealousy, she wanted to take her anger out on Xiao Qian by whipping her.

Demons themselves fear evil people, and this old lady was truly an evil person. Just hearing her nickname would give you an inkling of the fact that she wasn’t up to any good from a young age.

But Xiao Qian was even fiercer than demons.

“If you hit me, the retribution won’t show on you, but your son will definitely

be cursed.”

“Don’t confuse me with your godly tricks! It’s all fake!” Auntie Apo said with a guilty conscience, but she didn’t dare hit Xiao Qian again.

“We’ll see if it’s real or fake when it comes back to haunt you.”

Right now, Xiao Qian could only hope that her period would come on time to scare this old lady. Once that happened, she would be able to deceive her with more paranormal tricks.

Her cycle had always been irregular until Yu Minglang’s mother gave her some herbal medicines that, after some time, regulated her period.

However, it might have been due to her recent emotional fluctuations that her period was late this time.

Xiao Qian thought that whether or not she could protect herself and Xiao Qiang all depended on her period.

But in reality, there was another way, a more ruthless one that would be put into action.

In her past life, Shi Touyu had only told Xiao Qian that it was a very remote and impoverished place.

But when Xiao Qian saw it with her own eyes, she was still shocked.

All along the way, people stared at her with curious eyes.

Auntie Apo, on the other hand, walked with her head held high, as if she d accomplished something extraordinary and was extremely proud of herself.

She even went out of her way to take the long route through the village just to show off her son’s new bride.

The dilapidated houses, tattered clothes, and numb expressions on everyone’s faces all strengthened Xiao Qian’s belief in the theory she had instilled in Lily Tang previously.

A person’s character had nothing to do with their wealth or poverty.

Moreover, in this environment, the ugliness of human nature would undoubtedly be exposed in the absence of balanced order. In this place where light could not be found, everything was out of control.

Everyone was numb to the atrocities happening around them. No one saw the sale of human beings as unusual, and no one gave Xiao Qian a sympathetic look.

All she saw was pure malice.

So malicious, in fact, that Xiao Qian thought her previous idea of slaughtering the village wasn’t wrong after all.

Auntie Apo stopped to chat with someone.

“Auntie Apo, you were too slow to get a fairy bride!” someone teased, casting a curious look at Xiao Qian. It was an old bachelor who even tried to reach out and touch her face.

Seeming both jealous and hateful, Auntie Apo said, “Who knows if that fairy stuff is even real? It might not work once they get home. Just look at the one I bought – you can tell she’s able to bear sons.”

“You’ve wasted her on your stupid son. Can he even have children? The one you bought before died without giving birth!”

That old bachelor had green envy in his eyes as he looked at Xiao Qian. 𝐟re𝚎𝘄𝚎𝐛𝚗o𝚟el.c𝐨𝚖

Auntie Apo couldn’t stand people mentioning this and swung her whip at the old man, “You old bastard, just a toad lusting after a swan! My grandson will be holding two babies this time next year.”

“Huh, the pigs you keep in your pigsty are pregnant, too.” Xiao Qian had initially planned to lay low.

But it was too disgusting.

Her noble womb would never accept any garbage besides Yu Minglang’s seed, especially trash like these people. She would rather die than let them touch her. “Hahaha! Did you hear that? She isn’t willing to bear children for your family! Why don’t you give her to me, Auntie Apo? I’ll make sure you’ll be holding grandchildren next year, hahaha!”

“Next year, at this time, you will have fallen into a ditch and been eaten by wolves.” Xiao Qian retaliated with a more disgusting tone.

The old man was furious at her words and raised his hand to hit Xiao Qian, but she stepped back. “You want to sleep with Auntie Apo, don’t you? Grandma Huang told me about it. You even peeked at her bathing in the river and smelled her clothes.”

“You damn toad who dares covet swan flesh, I’ll fight you to the death!”