Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss-Chapter 283 - 271: Grandmother, Spare Me

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Chapter 271: Grandmother, Spare Me

Translator: 549690339

“Ah! Dad! You’re back!” Da Paozi fell to his knees with a thud and began kowtowing fervently.

His own father’s name was spoken from the mouth of a strange woman, and even his vile temper was exactly the same as his father’s!

If this isn’t Master Huang, then what is it!? It must be real!

“My goodness, there really are spirits!” Da Mei yelled out, and everyone else followed suit, including the human trafficker known as Big Baldy, who was frightened.

They ALL fell to their knees promptly.

Shi Touyu hopped over to Big Baldy the human trafficker and started smacking his head, saying with great satisfaction.

“Why is your head so shiny? It’s blinding my eyes, you fairy! Kowtow to me, or you will pay with your life!” While saying this, Shi Touyu rhythmically kept smacking his head; even an evil person like him would be afraid of this!

“Please spare me, Grandma Huang!” Big Baldy kowtowed to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu wanted him to continue kowtowing until he bled, but Xiao Qian had signaled to her with a look.

Stop while you’re ahead, too much and it will be exposed! Technically, the flaw was already present. You summoned a soul and even used Master Huang’s tone, aren’t you afraid that people would notice that you’re pretending?

But right now, these people were too scared and couldn’t think about these things.

“Get me some incense!” Shi Yu had to reluctantly refrain and make her demand in Master Huang’s way.

Big Baldy immediately drove off to the village’s only store to buy incense. In this kind of remote and desolate place, it was difficult to buy normal products, but there was always a supply of incense and paper money. The poorer the place, the more faith it held.

The fact that someone like Big Baldy, who was believed by the village to possess “infinite powers,” went to buy incense convinced everyone of Shi Yu, who was possessed by a fairy.

“These two women have never been here, how did they know?”

“Quiet down, it’s Master Huang who has possessed her, don’t let her hear you!”

Xiao Yu pointed at the two whispering villagers and laughed eerily.

“I heard, I heard!”

The eerie laughter frightened the villagers, causing them to fall on their knees and beg, ‘Grandma Huang, spare us!’ over and over.

“Turtle-like son of a… I’m telling you, don’t mess with Grandma Huang! Take good care of her, serve Master Huang properly. He will forecast your future and bring you good fortune. Don’t ever share a bed with her. If you do, the fairy will feel insulted and leave, you must pay with your life!”

Truly believing this was his father, Da Paozi hastily kowtowed.

“Dad, I’m already forty and I still don’t have a child. Our family line will come to an end!”

Upon hearing this, Shi Yu became angry and kicked his head with the heel of her shoe, “Are you an idiot?”

“Dad, what do you mean?”

Shi Yu cleared her throat, “After I died, I went out to have a look around and learned a few slang curse words! Isn’t it good to have a fairy residing here? Wouldn’t people come to her for divination? Would you still need to worry about not getting a wife if you have money? If you dare touch her, your entire family will die!”

“But Dad, you’re already dead…”

“Even if I am dead, I can die again and remain in limbo forever! By that time, I’ll come back as a fierce ghost and haunt you every single day!”

After Shi Yu said this, according to the script that Xiao Qian gave her, it should be the end.

But looking at Xiao Qian, she wasn’t content with only getting herself out of danger. She was temporarily safe with her acting as Master Huang, but what about Boss Qian?

Ignoring Boss Qian’s advice, Shi Yu took a deep breath and her voice changed again into piercing fairylike tone.

Pointing in Shi Tou’s direction, “That young lady over there is my Good Wealth Girl. If anyone touches, hits, or bullies her, I will make them suffer from headaches, stomachaches, and they will be childless for a lifetime!”

Xiao Qian was initially amused and impressed by Shi Yu’s exceptional performance, but when she heard Shi Yu improvising, she was both surprised and moved.The reason she had Shi Touyu only guarding her was because in the situation she had hypnotized Shi Touyu to know, it was limited to Wasabi Seed. If she said more, it would be easily exposed.

If exposed as a fake, Shi Touyu would be unable to protect himself.

However, this young woman, in a crucial time, was focused on rescuing Xiao Qian.

As Xiao Qian had predicted, not controlling the scale properly could easily cause trouble.

Indeed, the old woman who bought Xiao Qian refused to cooperate, stepping forward.

“Respected Immortal, this is the daughter-in-law my family bought. We paid money for her. Don’t blame us, Immortal, I’ll bum spirit money for you.”

“Even burning won’t do, she’s my girl servant, you’ve dirtied my girl, what am I to do!”

A cold sweat covered Xiao Qian’s heart.

Hey elder sister, you were supposed to pretend to be an immortal and trick people. You mentioned a girl servant, in religious context it is associated with the Boy of Good Fortune and the Dragon Maiden, both are Guanyin’s associates! What kind of nonsense have you mashed together!

You are not taking this seriously at all.

Anyone who has a bit of common sense can see through this.

Luckily, these mountain people are so backward and ignorant, Shi Touyu’s previous performance already fooled them, no one is focusing on this detail, they all didn’t know what a good wealth girl’s function is, they might think that this fairy is very capable, she even has a maid.

The human trafficker Da Mei came up and pulled Auntie Apo, “Auntie, don’t disturb the Immortal, listen to her, give this girl to her.”

Auntie Apo respected ghosts and gods, but value money more.

For money, she could even risk her life. To Auntie Apo, 4000 was a large sum of money. She had used a lot of effort to accumulate this money, how could she possibly let Xiao Qian go!

So she glared, “I don’t believe that even immortals bully people, you wait, I will splash chicken blood on you! I will make you lose your divine power!”

Shi Touyu didn’t anticipate that she couldn’t fool this person. This person wanted money instead of her life, she even dared to confront gods and ghosts. Now the situation was critical.

If she didn’t find a way to back down, Xiao Qian couldn’t be saved, she herself would also be finished.

Boss Qian spent so much time planning a good hand, and it was going to end up ruined in her hands!

At the critical moment, Shi Touyu used all her IQ and was seen pointing at Auntie Apo.

“You are going to have bad luck, you are going to have great misfortune, my girl servant, listen to my command!”

Xiao Qian didn’t know what Shi Touyu was trying to do, she could only comply and bow, Shi Touyu shouted, “Today show them the color red, a lot of red, whoever dares to touch you, let her ancestors have bad luck for eighteen generations, tomorrow let her bring ten chickens to pay respects to me!”

Xiao Qian rolled her eyes in her heart, this place is so poor, does it seem like they could afford ten chickens?

Shi Touyu made such a fuss, asking people for a large sum of money, it was very likely to drive this old woman, who wanted money instead of her life, to the extreme.

So Xiao Qian also exceeded expectations.

“Grandma Huang, ten is too much, two is just right.”

“Just right, just right, haha, Turtle, hit her, hit her!” Shi Touyu pointed at Auntie Apo and said to the violent Turtle, her Turtle was very obedient, rolled up his sleeves and went over.

Da Paozi grabbed Auntie Apo’s collar, “If you dare to disturb our family’s fairy, and she loses her divine power, I’ll eliminate your entire family!”

Whose family gets an Immortal, that family is wealthy. f𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝐛n𝐨v𝚎𝗹.com

Shi Touyu just clapped her hands, “Hit this old hag in the mouth, hit her, hit!”

“Slap!” Da Paozi slapped her, Auntie Apo saw stars, sat on the ground, and slapped her own thigh and yelled, “Heavenly Lord, the fairy’s house is bullying people, let lightning strike me dead, come and kill me!”

Xiao Qian broke out in a cold sweat for Shi Touyu..