Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser-Chapter 1765 - Qi Zhenbai’s Doting

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1765 Qi Zhenbai’s Doting

After her man left the living room and went upstairs, Chi Shuyan immediately went with Mother Qi. Mother Qi ladled a large bowl of pigeon soup for her. Chi Shuyan hadn’t eaten yet, but the sight of the soup made her want to vomit and not eat at all.

But if she didn’t eat, she wouldn’t be giving Mother Qi any face. At that moment, Chi Shuyan regretted not going upstairs with Qi Zhenbai, or not letting the man stay. Otherwise, there would be someone to eat this for her.

Seeing that her daughter-in-law was only looking and not eating, Mother Qi immediately exhorted, “Eat it while it’s still hot. If it’s not enough, there’s still a big pot in the kitchen.”

When Chi Shuyan heard Mother Qi say that there was still a big pot, her head immediately ached. In the end, under Mother Qi’s gaze, she gritted her teeth and could only endure the urge to vomit as she ate.

She was originally worried that she would throw up as soon as she ate, but she didn’t expect the taste to whet her appetite. It was mainly because Mother Qi’s cooking was really superb. The food tasted very good. The meat wasn’t greasy. The soup was piping hot, and there was the fresh taste of seaweed in it. The more she ate, the more fragrant it became. Not long after, the bottom of the bowl was revealed, and Mother Qi was very pleased.

Mother Qi really hoped that the two children would move back to the old residence so that she could feed her daughter-in-law more nutrition. Unfortunately, Zhenbai wanted to move out, so she could only take advantage of the moment when they were back to feed her daughter-in-law.

So, seeing that she had already eaten a bowl, Mother Qi immediately ladled out another large bowl of meat and seaweed. As her daughter-in-law buried her head in her food, Mother Qi continued to exhort, “Daughter-in-law, call me if you want to eat anything in the future. I’ll make it and send it to you.”

Chi Shuyan hurriedly nodded in appreciation of Mother Qi’s good intentions. “I understand, Mom!”

Under Mother Qi’s gaze, Chi Shuyan wolfed down two big bowls of pigeon soup. Her stomach bulged and her mouth was a little greasy.

Mother Qi looked even more pleased and filled a third bowl. Alarmed, Chi Shuyan hurriedly refused and said that she was already full. She really couldn’t eat a third bowl.

This time, Mother Qi didn’t say much. Seeing that Chi Shuyan really was full, she nodded and urged her again to come back to the old residence often. She was free at the old residence, so she could cook more nutritious stews for Chi Shuyan and the baby.

Chi Shuyan wiped her cold sweat and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

The relationship between the mother and daughter-in-law was quite harmonious.

Because she had eaten two bowls of soup, Chi Shuyan really couldn’t eat during dinner. Seeing the man beside her keep putting food into her bowl, she hurriedly had him eat his own food. She wasn’t hungry.

Seeing that his wife was eating so little, Qi Zhenbai frowned and said in a low voice, “Eat more!”

Chi Shuyan still dared to be willful in front of this man. She glared at him and told him not to interfere. She would eat her own food. She wasn’t hungry.

“Are you really not hungry?”

“Mm!” Because she was embarrassed about leaving leftovers, she could only secretly say to the man, “Help me eat this bowl of rice later?” Afraid that this man wouldn’t like eating her leftovers, she said that she had only eaten a few mouthfuls of the rice.

Qi Zhenbai thought to himself that he had tasted his wife’s saliva a lot – how could he dislike eating her leftovers? His eyes fell on her bowl, which was largely untouched, and his expression darkened slightly. He put on a rare stern face and said in a commanding tone, “Eat a few more mouthfuls!”

This man’s stern face was completely useless against her. It might scare others, but she wasn’t afraid at all, and simply ignored him.

Chi Shuyan’s head hurt looking at the big bowl of rice. How could she eat it? She hurriedly said, “Thank you, Dad. It’s just that the soup Mom made earlier was too delicious. I drank two big bowls in a row, and I really can’t eat now.”

Mother Qi was especially happy at her daughter-in-law’s praise. Seeing that her daughter-in-law really couldn’t eat, she told her not to. In any case, the young couple would be staying at the old residence tonight. There would still be soup in the pot later, and she would bring some upstairs for the couple to eat for supper.

Hearing Mother Qi’s words, Chi Shuyan relaxed.

At that moment, Grandpa also said kindly, “Eat as much as you can. If you really can’t eat, leave it on the table. Don’t worry, granddaughter-in-law!”

In the end, Qi Zhenbai finished the rice in Chi Shuyan’s bowl. He was completely off-handed about it and didn’t dislike it at all. Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Second Aunt, and Third Aunt couldn’t help but tease him. The man’s face didn’t change much, but Chi Shuyan was a bit embarrassed.


Qi Zhenbai also had a few drinks with his uncles, but not much. He knew very well that ever since his wife got pregnant, she had become especially sensitive to smells. He hadn’t even smoked recently, and was prepared to quit.

With Grandpa around, the Qi second and third uncles couldn’t egg on their nephew.

Chi Shuyan didn’t mind the man drinking. In short, it was fine as long as he didn’t roll into bed reeking of alcohol. He could just take a shower before getting into bed later.

After dinner, the couple stayed at the old residence. Not long after taking a walk in the courtyard outside, they returned to the bedroom. Qi Hao wanted to run over to talk to his sister-in-law, but unfortunately, his cousin didn’t give him a chance at all.

Chi Shuyan keenly smelled the alcohol on the man, and immediately kicked his calf to tell him to hurry up and take a shower.

“Wife, I don’t smell!” Qi Zhenbai opened his mouth and wanted his wife to smell him. Chi Shuyan couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to kick him again. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Qi Zhenbai strode over to open the door. Mother Qi was standing at the door with a tray and said, “Zhenbai, your wife isn’t asleep yet, is she? There’s still some pigeon and seaweed soup. Have your wife drink it later. It’s good for her health and for the baby! Bring it in for your wife!”