Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel-Chapter 81 Show Down: Chiron Vs Green Cored Beast...

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From the moment Chiron saw the sticky substance on the male egg, he knew he was done for. The only means of salvation was running as fast as he could to the location the elders had left them.

But he could not leave Nora behind. She was the ticket he needed for acquiring aura. If anything happened to her, he would take another couple of years before he could acquire usable energy.

At the moment, he had gone too far to back off now. He needed to push forward with everything he had.

But it was not just enough to run. He needed to run fast.

Chiron's training had been going good, and he had achieved a level of physical capability that many people only read about in books. But against an animal that was literally built to hunt, Chiron's achievement was practically nothing.

As if that was not disadvantage enough, this was a forest area. The ground was terribly uneven, with bumps and stones. One wrong move and he could dislocate his ankle.

But at the same time, he needed to be fast or else he would end up in the same state as the meat under a butcher's knife. f𝒓𝗲𝗲𝒘𝑒𝚋noѵ𝒆𝗹.co𝗺

And so he did the first thing that came to his mind. He pushed as much points as possible into his stats. He needed to push his physical prowess has hard as possible.

Chiron felt that familiar cold relaxing feeling of Fate points becoming his own strength, but he did not have the privilege of enjoying it.

Just to increase the chances of his survivability, he put a lot of points into LUCK.

It was at the moment he sent Fate Points to Luck that he noticed the shadow along his path that was darker than all the other shadows. Instinctively, he moved to the side. He stepped on a tree root and jumped high into the air.

And then the moment he jumped, he saw it. The very unfriendly claws of the Green skinned shadow leopard. It came for him like the attraction toddlers had for shining things.

Fortunately, by a hair, Chiron dodged it. He landed a distance away and looked behind him. Without any hesitation, He waved his hand and three paper seals with his sprit energy fell into the shadow.

He turned and continued running. As he did, he activated the seals with a hand seal.

Explosions that shocked the very earth were heard.


Chiron heard the annoyed growled of the Green skinned shadow leopard.

But he could not be bothered with if it was effective or not. The only thing on his mind was to run. He kicked against the ground and jumped once more on another tree root and sped into the distance.

As he ran, he tried as much as possible to avoid the umbrellas of trees. The darker it was, the higher the probability that the beast was going to pop out.

During this time, the Green skinned leopard made several attempts at Chiron. All of which Chiron was able to dodge with his life, but not without scars. Chiron had to change the position he held Nora.

He now held her in a wedding-day-bridal position.

The beast managed to leave claw marks on his right shoulder, his left leg, and a deep one on his back.

Every time the beast attacked and Chiron knew he could not completely dodge it, he would immediately put in Fate points into Luck.

Since Luck was like a wave that was more concentrated at the center and thinned as it spread, it helped him to manage to stay alive.

However, it was not long that Chiron noticed something weird as he ran.

This beast was only attacking from the shadows.

To the best of Chiron's knowledge, if this beast had pursued him down, it would have caught him by now. It almost felt as if the Green skinned leopard was toying with him.

Chiron dodged one more attack of the beast and had no choice but to jump into a corner. He stood up and continued running. According to his calculations, he was still on the right path to the general area that the elders were staying.

However, in front of him was something he was not expecting.

It was a series of very huge trees. They formed a huge blanket that in turn formed shadows on the ground.

"Shit!" Chiron cursed. He could see it now. The beast had not been randomly running around with him. It had been pushing him towards this place.

This was its forest, it obviously knew it more than anybody.

the moment Chiron stopped, he heard the felling of trees behind him. He turned and was surprise to see that the route he had come through had been blocked.

This was a trap. Chiron realized that he had underestimated this beast a bit too much.

And then the guest of honor jumped out of the shadow of trees in front of Chiron.

This was it. Chiron knew that there was no way he could escape anymore.

This green Skinned shadow leopard had set a good show down for the both of them.

Chiron put Nora down. As much as he did not want to, he knew he had to face this beast. He willed and Devil's touch suddenly appeared in his hands.

Nora saw Chiron's sword appear like it was a Magic trick, but she did not talk. Although she wanted to jump up and fight, she could feel the determination of her big brother to have this fight for himself.

However, this beast in front of Chiron was not just a Cored beast.

It was a Green cored beast, which was easy to identify from the low green glow coming out of its eyes. This beast had killed many cultivators only moments ago.

Chiron was at the end of the day an ordinary person. His demise was as good as sealed.

Chiron took out two small bottles of healing potion from the stash that Elder Helen had given him, and downed them.

And then he waved his hand, and the Male Egg appeared. The moment it did, the green glow in the eyes of the Green skinned shadow leopard became brighter.

Chiron could tell that he had gotten the beast's attention. He waved his hand again, and the egg disappeared into his storage system.

Suddenly, Chiron got an alert he was not expecting, however, a smile stained a corner of his lips.

>>Host, Please Defend against Fate<<

Chiron motioned with his hand, "If you want it, come and get it..."