Re:Birth: A Slow Burn LitRPG Mage Regressor-Chapter 09. Making Enemies And Friends
The blue fluid crackling across Adom's skin actually made Helios pause. For about three seconds, which was probably some kind of record for vampire reaction times to unexpected situations.
"Oh?" His perfect eyebrows rose slightly. "Now that's interesting. Some hidden strength perhaps? A touch of courage?" He took a step forward, wood creaking beneath his feet. "Admirable, really. Most would have-"
The man started monologuing.
Helios, it seems, really wanted Adom to understand the vast gulf between them. The centuries of experience. The careful cultivation of power. The futility of resistance. Something about being apex predators and food chains, blah, blah, blah.
Adom wasn't really listening. There was no time for that. Instead, he was remembering another rule of street fighting. Was it rule four? Maybe seven? Honestly, at this point, the exact numbering didn't matter.
What mattered was the principle:
'The best time to attack is when they're still explaining why you can't possibly beat them.'
[Stone Spike]
Stone spikes erupted through the floorboards, punching through Helios's legs, chest, shoulders - pinning him in place like an insect on display. His perfect face contorted in shock, then rage, then pain.
[Fireball]. Once, then...
[Fireball] [Fireball] [Fireball] [Fireball]
The rapid-fire spells lit up the room like a miniature sun.
Heat rolled off in waves, warping the air and forcing sweat from every pore. The first fireball caught Helios in the chest with a roar that drowned out all other sounds. The second and third followed with thunderous cracks, their explosions merging into one continuous blast that engulfed his torso. The fourth turned his head into a torch. His screams started as something inhuman, then became very, very human.
Each spell hit before the previous one's flames had died. They left deep scorch marks where they collided, and soon, the stench of burning flesh mingled with the wood smoke. The heat became so intense that the remaining glass in the windows began to crack.
People scrambled over each other trying to escape the shop, their previous morbid curiosity evaporating at the sight of actual combat magic.
Everything that wasn't nailed down - broken furniture, glass shards, wooden splinters, even that merchant's cart from earlier - suddenly developed a burning desire to become intimately acquainted with Helios's person. At high velocity.
And because Adom was feeling particularly spiteful (and because some habits are hard to break), another [Fireball] for good measure.
The explosion rattled windows and sent smoke billowing into the street.
There was something deeply satisfying about setting the object of your anger on fire. Multiple times. Probably not the healthiest coping mechanism, but Adom wasn't exactly looking for therapy recommendations right now.
Still, Adom knew better than to celebrate too early.
The problem with vampires was their endurance. Everyone knew that. Without the power of the sun, killing one was like trying to put out a forest fire with a water pistol - theoretically possible, practically suicidal.
Which was why Adom wasn't particularly surprised when the charred, smoking wreck that was Helios broke free from the stone spikes with a sound that might have been a roar, if his vocal cords hadn't been mostly ash. The vampire launched himself forward, movements jerky and wild, claws extended where his perfectly manicured fingers used to be.
Rule number five of street fighting came to mind: "The best defense is not being there when they try to hit you."
The vampire's burned eyes were useless, but his other senses were working just fine. Not that it helped much - Adom could practically taste the rage coming off him. Every swipe, every lunge was powered by pure fury.
Another [Fireball] for good measure.
Each miss, each new burn, each impact just fed that anger. Helios's movements became more erratic, more predictable. The kind of patterns even someone like Adom - who'd spent more time reading books than throwing punches - could read.
Which brought him to another rule of street fighting: "If you're going to do something stupid, do it with absolute confidence."
There - the opening was so obvious. Helios overextended on a swipe, his balance shifted just a fraction too far forward.
[Steel Fist]
The second spell wasn't aimed at Helios. Adom cast it on himself, launching his body forward like a missile. The combination of momentum and reinforced fist met Helios's jaw in what was possibly the most vicious hook ever thrown by a 79 years old boy.
The impact was spectacular. Bone met bone with a crack that echoed through the room. Adom's shoulder dislocated instantly - not that he felt it. Too much spite for pain right now.
[-13 Life force]
[+6 White Wyrm Body]
[-56 Mana Pool]
Helios went flying through the same wall he'd sent Adom through earlier - a fact that brought Adom more satisfaction than he cared to admit. The vampire's body disappeared into the market, accompanied by the sound of multiple impacts and shattering wood.
Maybe Helios had passed gas on impact too. Adom liked that idea.
He didn't stick around to verify the trajectory or landing site. His shoulder was starting to send urgent messages to his brain about its current condition, and he had a feeling hanging around to admire his handiwork would fall under "pushing his luck."
Besides, he had places to be. Preferably places that weren't here.
People were running, and where people ran, there was usually an exit. Simple logic. Adom joined the flow of bodies, letting the current carry him along. The system's combat high was starting to fade - his shoulder wasn't just dislocated anymore, it was making itself known with the kind of pain that suggested he'd really outdone himself this time.
[System recalibrating...]
[Spite-enhanced parameters degrading...]
[Pain suppression: 68%... 45%... 31%...]
The Undertow was descending into pure chaos. Helios wasn't the only one making noise anymore - seems the vampire's little rampage had kicked over a hornet's nest of old rivalries. Somewhere to his left, he heard the distinctive sound of steel meeting flesh, followed by screams. Gang colors started appearing: red ribbons, blue sashes, marked skin.
"Kill those Brotherhood fucks!"
"Watch the shadows! They're coming through the-"
A body flew past Adom, hitting a wall with a wet thud.
Behind him, Helios's rage echoed off the walls - the sound of someone methodically destroying everything in his path. Wood splintered. Metal shrieked. People screamed.
The spell wove around him just as two men with matching tattoos started gutting each other with curved daggers not three meters away. Blood sprayed across fleeing civilians. Nobody stopped to help. Nobody even looked back.
A woman shoulder-checked him as she ran past, clutching something wrapped in cloth to her chest. His shoulder exploded with fresh agony - the spite-fueled numbness was definitely wearing off now. Through the gaps in the crowd, he caught glimpses of what was happening in the market proper: A man being beaten to death with brass knuckles. Someone getting dragged into a dark corner by multiple hands. Fire spreading from stall to stall.
[Pain suppression: 24%... 15%...]
The Undertow was eating itself alive.
Helios's voice carried even through the mayhem. Right. Time to be somewhere else. Anywhere else. Adom pushed forward, following the densest part of the crowd, each step sending fresh waves of pain through his body.
The air was full of thick smoke, blood, and fear. More screams. More fighting. More dying.
[Pain suppression: 8%... System stabilizing...]
A hand gripped his injured shoulder - firm, deliberate. Someone had seen through the spell. Adom's fist shot up, already channeling another [Steel Fist], when-
"Wait-!" A harsh whisper, barely audible over the chaos. A familiar face materialized beside him, ducking low.
"E-" Adom started, but Eren's hand clamped over his mouth. A merchant crashed past them, knocking several people aside in his panic.
"The fuck you looking at?" Eren snarled at a woman who'd turned to stare at him apparently talking to thin air. She quickly looked away, pushing deeper into the crowd.
They kept moving, Eren's grip steering them through the mass of bodies. Adom maintained the [Camouflage], his lips barely moving as he whispered, "How-?"
"Your footprints, idiot," Eren muttered through clenched teeth, pretending to adjust his collar. "Left perfect tracks in the ashes back there."
A drunk stumbled between them, separating their conversation for a moment. When he passed, Eren continued, "Listen carefully. These people? They're heading for the safe zones. Guards there have-"
"WHICH WAY DID HE GO?" Helios's roar cut through the din. Several people near them stumbled in their rush to get away.
"-magic detection tools," Eren finished, now speaking into his sleeve like he was wiping his face. "Show up invisible, they'll gut you before asking questions."
"And I should trust you because...?" Adom whispered back, ducking as someone swung a makeshift weapon at unseen pursuers.
"Because I-" Eren stopped, shoved a gawking teenager aside. "What, you got a better plan? Your shoulder's fucked, you're in the middle of the biggest shitshow the Undertow's seen this month, and that vampire? He's naked, literally smoking and angry. Very angry."
As if to emphasize his point, another explosion of violence erupted behind them. More screams. More running.
Adom's shoulder throbbed in agreement. "Fine. Lead the-"
"Stop talking to me," Eren hissed. "Just follow. And fix your spell - your right leg's showing."
They peeled away from the crowd, moving against the flow. Eren shouldered past panicking people, creating a wake that Adom could follow. Each collision sent fresh pain through his shoulder.
A wet, meaty sound drew Adom's attention. The goblin - the one that had been chained like a dog earlier - was straddling its former master's chest. The merchant's hands were raised in desperate supplication.
"Please, I'm sorry, I'll-"
The merchant's pleas became gurgling sounds. Then nothing. The goblin kept swinging, screaming incoherently until what remained of the merchant's head was a dark paste against the cobblestones. Someone vomited nearby.
Eren pulled Adom into an alley. The sounds of the massacre in the market grew slightly muffled, replaced by closer, more intimate violence. Two men were strangling each other in a doorway. Neither seemed to be winning.
"Help! Please!"
The elf's cage. It was wedged between two waste bins. His fingers gripped the bars, knuckles white. Blood trickled from where the metal had cut into his palms.
"Sorry," Eren muttered, barely slowing. "Got my own stuff to-"
"Not you," he hissed, eyes fixed on a point just beside Eren. ""The mage. I sense you. Please."
A door exploded outward next to them. Two women tumbled out, one driving a broken bottle into the other's neck. Eren cursed, pulling harder.
"I know what you are!" the elf called after them. "What you can do! Please! They'll come back for me!"
The desperation cracked his voice. Adom's step faltered. Eren's grip turned bruising.
"Don't," he said. "You help him, word gets out, we're both dead. Move."
Behind them, the elf rattled his cage, his pleas drowned by approaching shouts and breaking glass.
As they passed the cage, Adom's fingers twitched. He tried to weave [Control] while maintaining [Camouflage] - like trying to juggle while walking a tightrope. His invisibility flickered, parts of him fading in and out like a bad mirage.
"What are you doing?" Eren murmured, eyes widening. "Turn invisible before we're-"
That split second was all Adom needed. [Control] lashed out, crushing into the lock's mechanism. Metal groaned, pins shifted-
The sound was lost in the mayhem. Even Eren, still dragging him forward, didn't notice. But Adom caught the elf's sharp intake of breath, the slight widening of those amber eyes as understanding dawned. The cage door was still closed, but now...
They turned a corner, leaving the elf and his not-quite-locked cage behind. What he did with that opportunity was his business now.
The deeper levels of the Undertow were different. Here, the chaos of the upper market felt distant, replaced by something more... deliberate. The corridors widened into vast chambers carved from living rock, their ceilings lost in darkness above. Crystal formations cast everything in a bluish glow.
"You can drop the spell," Eren muttered, his shoulders finally relaxing. "Down here, a cloak draws less attention than footprints appearing from nowhere."
Adom let [Camouflage] fade, his mana reserves grateful for the break. The air was cooler here, carrying strange scents - incense, exotic spices, sweets.
They emerged into what could only be called a bazaar, though that word felt inadequate. Where the upper market dealt in survival, this place traded in luxury. Silk tapestries hung between ornate pillars. Fountains burbled quietly, their waters tinted with swirling colors that probably weren't entirely natural.
"Keep moving," Eren muttered. "And don't stare too long at anything. Some of these merchants, they take eye contact as an invitation to negotiate."
Merchants here didn't shout their wares - they didn't need to.
Their goods spoke for themselves. A woman in flowing robes demonstrated a dancing flame that changed color to match viewers' emotions. An old man with silver-rimmed spectacles arranged golden lamps that probably were more than just golden lamps.
But it was the menagerie that dominated everything.
Cages lined the walls, each more elaborate than the last. Not the crude iron boxes from above - these were works of art. Gold and silver filigree, crystal and precious stones, designed to display their occupants like the treasures they were.
"The Collector's Corner," Eren explained, noting Adom's stare. "Where the truly rare finds end up."
A serpent with scales like opals coiled in a terrarium of living crystal. A bird with feathers that seemed to shift between planes of existence preened itself on a perch of pure silver. But it was the massive golden cage at the center that drew every eye.
Inside, a midnight puma lounged on cushions of deep purple silk. Its fur was darker than shadow itself, seeming to absorb the crystal light rather than reflect it. When it yawned, its teeth gleamed like polished daggers.
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When it turned its head, Adom found himself staring into eyes as startlingly blue as his own. The creature held his gaze for a long moment.
"Don't," Eren grabbed his arm, breaking the connection. "That thing's worth more than either of us could make in ten lifetimes. Two million gold for a single claw." He pulled Adom along. "Killed three handlers before they figured out it only eats off silver plates. Like feeding royalty."
The puma's eyes followed them as they passed.
"Where exactly are we going?" Adom asked, keeping his voice low as they moved through the market.
Eren glanced around before answering. "There's a portal ahead. Old one. Leads straight to the outer Dregs." He adjusted his collar, a nervous habit. "Most of the main exits are probably locked down by now, but this one... let's just say not many remember it's here."
"Sorry about that," Adom said, thinking of the chaos they'd left behind. "About causing all this trouble."
Eren let out a short, bitter laugh. "It happens more than you'd think. If it wasn't you, it would've been someone else." He stopped suddenly, turning to face Adom. "But not everyone takes down one of the Third Sector's top dogs single-handedly. And a mage at that." His eyes narrowed beneath his hood. "You're lucky your face isn't known. The kind of bounty they'd put on your head..." He shook his head and started walking again. "Let's just get to that portal."
A small voice piped up from somewhere between them. "Uhhh... I don't think that portal's working anymore, actually."
Eren and Adom froze.
"What was that?!" Eren's hand went to his knife.
"How would I know?" Adom spun around, looking for the source. "Did that sound like me to you?"
"No, but it definitely came from..." Eren pointed at Adom's cloak.
Adom felt something move against his side, like a small creature skittering beneath his clothes. That horrible, skin-crawling sensation when you feel something alive where nothing alive should be. His hand balled into a fist, ready to smack whatever it was-
"Don't squish me! I'm a person, a person!" the voice squeaked in panic.
A tiny white head poked out from a fold in his cloak - pointed nose, whiskers, and very human-like eyes.
"You..." Adom's fist froze mid-swing.
"Haha... hello there!" The white mouse gave an awkward little wave with one paw. "Lovely weather we're having down here, isn't it? Very... um... cave-like?"
"Mister Valiant?" Eren's jaw dropped.
"Oh, hey Eren!" The mouse brightened. "How's it going? Haven't seen you in a while, dang. You grew up even more than last time."
Adom pulled them into a shadowed alcove, away from the market's prying eyes.
"How long have you been here?"
"Oh, you know..." Valiant fidgeted with his whiskers. "Just... the whole time? The moment never seemed quite right to mention it." He let out an awkward little laugh that died quickly under Adom's stare.
"How did you even-" Eren started.
"Jumped right into his pocket!" Valiant perked up. "Right when he was setting Augustus' head on fire. Which, by the way, very impressive." The mouse gave an enthusiastic gesture with his paws. "I mean, you're probably the most wanted enemy of the Moon Children and their affiliates now, but still... that was something else! The way his head just-"
"Thanks," Adom cut him off, sounding exhausted. His day had already been complicated enough without finding out he'd been carrying a stowaway mouse-person through half the Undertow.
"Right." Valiant smoothed his whiskers, undeterred. "Oh, and I must say, your magic has this fascinating smell. Like lightning and old books. Did you know that? Probably not, since you're not mouse-sized. We're very sensitive to these things, well, I am. You see-"
"Earlier," Adom interrupted, "you said the portal doesn't work anymore. How would you know that?"
"Oh, well- hey, wait a minute." Valiant's whiskers drooped. "Here I am, trying to have an intellectual discussion about the olfactory properties of thaumaturgical emanations with an actual mage, and he just- I mean, do you know how rare it is to meet someone who can smell magic and e-"
Eren and Adom exchanged a look.
"Mister Valiant." Eren's sharp tone cut through the mouse's rambling.
"Hmm? Oh! Right, right. The portal." Valiant cleared his throat. "Well, you see-" Valiant stood on his hind legs, adopting what he clearly thought was a more professional posture. "I was actually checking all the escape routes - that's what we do, you know, us mice. Well, some of us. Actually, mostly just me. Uncle Cisco says I shouldn't, but how else would I- right, sorry, the portal."
Adom and Eren shared another look.
"Three days ago," Valiant continued hurriedly, noticing their expressions, "some cloaked individuals came through. They did something to it - ritual stuff, very fancy. Lots of chanting. Changed the runic patterns. The portal's still there, but now it just leads to a wall. Solid stone." He mimed hitting his head. "Found that out the hard way."
"And you didn't think to tell anyone?" Eren asked.
"I was going to! But then there was this fascinating shipment that came in, and then I got distracted by this shiny thing, and then- oh, you're both giving me that look Uncle Cisco does."
"Is there another way out?" Adom asked, his patience wearing thin.
Before Valiant could answer, a commotion erupted from the direction of the market. Shouts. Running feet. The sound of metal being drawn.
"FOUND THEM!" A voice called out.
Adom backed away, only to feel his spine stiffen at the sound of boots behind him. Shadows shifted on the floor - he looked up. Crossbows glinted in the crystal light, their wielders lining the upper levels like crows.
More figures emerged from the market's shadows, brandishing everything from noble-forged steel to crude butcher's cleavers. They parted, making way.
Helios stepped forward, pale flesh unmarked, pristine - and completely bare. His smile showed too many teeth.
"I've been looking for you, mage." His voice carried through the sudden silence. "Our last encounter was... cut short. Being tossed aside like a ragdoll." He touched his chest, where flames had eaten through him hours before. "The burning alive part? Also not appreciated. Even if I can heal."
Adom's eyes flickered between the weapons surrounding them. "Maybe put some clothes on first? I mean, who talks to people with their peepee out like that?"
Something dangerous flashed behind Helios' smile. The temperature seemed to drop.
"Always with the clever words," Helios purred. "Let's see how well you talk with your throat open."
The circle of steel tightened.
Adom's mind raced, calculating angles and distances. Crossbows above. Steel below. Too enclosed for fire - he'd cook himself. But air... air was everywhere.
In his mind, geometric patterns began to form. A barrier spell that could protect all their angles needed a perfect geodesic structure - interlocking triangles forming a sphere. Each vertex had to align precisely, or the whole thing would collapse under pressure. Three seconds minimum to weave it properly.
"When I signal, drop," he whispered to Eren.
Helios' bare feet made no sound on the stone. "What are you whispering about, little mage?"
The air compression would be trickier. Hexagonal patterns layered in three dimensions, each layer compressing inward while maintaining stability. Two seconds, if he could hold the barrier steady simultaneously.
A crossbowman above adjusted his stance. Another loaded an incendiary bolt. The circle of steel tightened even more.
"Take aim," Helios commanded. The silver patterns on his skin began to pulse.
Adom started weaving. The barrier pattern came first, each mental triangle locking into place.
[-12 Mana Pool]
One mistake and both spells would collapse.
Helios' eyes narrowed. "He's weaving. Kill-"
The barrier erupted outward just as crossbow bolts launched. They sparked against the geodesic surface, but Adom was already weaving the compression spell. Hexagons folded inward, layer after layer, the air growing dense enough to distort light.
"Break that barrier!"
Silver light slammed against Adom's defenses. The geometric pattern wavered. A crack appeared - then another. He couldn't hold both spells much longer.
The compression was almost complete. Just one more layer...
A crossbow bolt punched through the weakening barrier, grazing his shoulder. Blood splattered the stone.
Now or never.
Adom released the compression spell. The hexagonal pattern exploded outward, air rushing to fill the void. The shockwave hit like a physical wall.
Bodies flew. Crystal shattered. Support pillars cracked.
Three seconds until they regrouped. Three seconds to move.
"Let's go, Eren!"
"They'll find us. They'll kill us. We're dead. We are so dead." Eren's words came between gasps as they ran deeper into the market, where life continued undisturbed.
Adom's eyes swept across the rows of cages, mind racing. "The merchants who run these cages - what kind of people are they?"
"What?" Eren glanced back at the chaos they'd left behind.
"As a group. Are they more powerful than Helios' people?"
"MAGE!" Helios' roar echoed through the market corridors.
"They're the Silver Circle merchants. They're among the most powerful here, yes, and they have bad blood with the Children, but why-" Eren's eyes widened as Adom's intention became clear. "No. No, no, no-"
[Control]. The spell wrapped around the first lock, crushing it. Then the next. And the next. The creatures inside didn't move yet, unaware of their freedom. The serpent. The reality-shifting bird. There were even Dire Wolves.
"Have you lost your mind?!"
Adom's gaze met ice-blue eyes. The midnight puma watched him intently from its golden cage, tracking his movements as he freed the others. Its muscles rippled beneath fur as it pressed against the bars, waiting.
Adom smiled.
The lock shattered.
The puma exploded from its cage with a roar that shook the crystal lights.
"He's completely craz-" Valiant's squeak cut short as Adom filled his lungs.
Then it began.
A woman screamed as the puma landed in the crowd. Other creatures finally noticed their broken locks. Chaos erupted.
"My merchandise!"
"The cages!"
The wolves went first, running as a pack. The bird took flight, becoming half-visible, then solid, then gone. The opal serpent slithered free, scales catching light like broken rainbows.
"There!" Helios' voice, closer now.
Adom caught a falling merchant with [Pull] as the crowd surged. Another stumbled - he used [Push] to direct them away from trampling feet.
Somewhere, Helios cursed. The market descended into beautiful mayhem.
But this wasn't enough.
They needed more chaos to disappear.
"My beasts! My fortune!" A merchant in expensive silk robes lunged desperately toward the cages, even as the beasts swooped over his head. "Years of collecting, ruined!"
[Pull]. Adom caught him before he could fall into gorilla looking beast's path.
"I saw who did this!" Adom said urgently, steadying the merchant. "The naked vampire? Breaking all the locks?" He released his grip. "He went that way!"
Fear. Rage. Financial ruin. In moments of blind panic, the human mind seeks the simplest explanation - preferably one that can be punched. And there's nothing simpler than a naked, arrogant vampire with a history of property damage.
The merchant's face contorted with fresh rage. "HELIOS!" he screamed into the chaos. "YOU BASTARD!"
Other merchants took up the cry. "It's Helios! Of the Moon Children!" "He's destroying our stock!" "Kill him!"
Armed guards - the merchants' personal security - turned their weapons toward the approaching vampire. A crossbow bolt struck Helios in the shoulder. His response was immediate and brutal - one movement, and the shooter's neck snapped.
"No, you fools-" Helios started, but another merchant's guards attacked, their blades finding flesh.
Adom allowed himself a small smile as he ran, leaving the merchant's shouts behind them. The seeds of doubt would spread faster than any denial.
"That was evil," Eren muttered as they ducked into another passageway.
"Quite vicious for a child," Valiant muttered from Adom's collar.
"You just started a war between the Silver Circle merchants and the Children of the Moon," Eren said incredulously.
Before Adom could respond, Helios' scream split the air. "MAAAAAGE!"
They glimpsed the scene through gaps in the fleeing crowd. Three merchant guards had Helios pinned with spears. Blood ran down his body. But then he started healing and broke free.
The nearest guard's chest simply... caved in. Another's head twisted completely backward. The third tried to run - Helios caught him by the throat and-
"Shit!" Eren yanked Adom sideways as more figures emerged from the shadows ahead. Helios' people.
"How did they-"
[Control]. Adom sent market stalls crashing down, scattering merchandise. But one of Helios' men was already too close, blade whistling toward Adom's head. Too fast to dodge. Too fast to weave a spell.
The sword never connected. A crossbow bolt sprouted from the attacker's skull, seemingly fired from nowhere. The body crumpled.
No time to process. They ran.
Adom's lungs burned. Each spell was taking more effort now. Black spots danced at the edges of his vision.
"Wait-" Valiant squeaked.
A figure emerged from a side passage, hurling one of Helios' men through a crystal display like a rag doll. Marco. And behind him - Cisco's other men, engaging the enemy with practiced efficiency.
"Over here!" Marco's voice boomed over the chaos. "Move it!"
The remaining enemies fell back as they had been overpowered.
"Reinforcements," Eren breathed. "How did they-"
"Questions later," Marco growled. "We need to go. Now."
Marco led them through a maze of alleys until they reached a nondescript doorway, barely visible between two buildings. A hooded figure stood guard, hands hidden in flowing sleeves.
No words were exchanged. Marco pressed something into the figure's palm - it glinted like crystal in the dim light. The hood nodded, and pale fingers traced geometric patterns in the air. The doorway shimmered, reality folding inward until it resembled a liquid mirror.
Marco gestured. "In. Now."
Adom stared at the portal's rippling surface. Usually, he'd argue - portals were horrible things that took you apart and put you back together wrong. But right now, having his molecules scrambled seemed vastly preferable to staying in a city with an enraged vampire.
He stepped through.
The familiar sensation of being unmade washed over him. His consciousness scattered like dust in wind, each particle aware but disconnected. For a moment that lasted both an instant and an eternity, Adom ceased to exist as a singular being.
Then reality snapped back.
He stumbled out onto grass, gasping. Above him, stars filled an endless sky - real stars, not the crystal lights of the market.
The familiar stench of the dregs - waste and rust and desperation - replaced the market's incense.
"What the hell was that?!" One of Marco's men - Lars - suddenly shouted, pointing into the darkness. "Something just-"
"What are you on about?" another man grumbled as he emerged from the portal.
"I swear I saw something! Right there - darted into that alley!" Lars was already drawing his weapon.
Eren emerged next, looking slightly green, followed by Marco and the rest of his men. The portal rippled one final time before collapsing in on itself, leaving only empty air where the doorway had been.
Marco's hand went to his blade. "Lars. How many?"
"Just one, I think. Fast. Too fast."
"Spread out," Marco ordered. Two of his men swept the alley with practiced efficiency, but found nothing - just shadows and garbage.
"I'm telling you, I saw-" Lars insisted, still pointing.
"Your eyes are playing tricks," one of the others said. "Portal travel does that."
A small white head popped out of Adom's pocket, whiskers twitching. Valiant stretched dramatically, tiny paws reaching for the sky. "FREEDOM!" he squeaked, then immediately started grooming his ruffled fur. "Oh, blessed air! No more pocket! No more hiding! No more-"
"Keep your voice down," Eren muttered.
"You try being stuffed in a pocket while someone runs for their life," Valiant sniffed, but his volume dropped considerably. "I think I have lint in places mice shouldn't have lint."
"Still complaining about everything, nephew?"
"Uncle!" Valiant said. He scampered down Adom's arm, pausing at his wrist. "Oh, now you show up. Where were you when everything went sideways?"
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From the shadows emerged Cisco, impeccably dressed. He adjusted his tiny suit. "Running a business, dear nephew. I see you're alive - not thanks to your reckless habits, I'm sure."
"Not thanks to YOU," Valiant retorted. "If it wasn't for the mage here-"
"Ah yes." Cisco's gaze shifted to Adom. "Young Master Law. You eliminate one of my greatest thorns and save my wayward nephew in the same day." His whiskers twitched thoughtfully. "Augustus had been a particular... irritant for three years. Cost me seventeen good men, two shipping routes, and my favorite tea set."
"It was nothing," Adom said, trying not to think too hard about how casually they discussed death.
Marco stepped forward, Cisco balanced professionally in his palm, raising him to eye level with Adom. The sight of the enforcer carefully holding his tiny boss like a delicate teacup was... something.
"Nothing?" Cisco straightened his tie. "I think not. We're professionals, Master Law. We believe in paying our debts." He paused, whiskers twitching. "Should you ever find yourself with an... inconvenient acquaintance, our services are at your disposal. At a discount, naturally."
"Marco," Cisco called without looking away from Adom. "What sort of discount can we extend to Master Law?"
Marco's response was immediate: "Based on current market rates, operational costs, and factoring in the elimination of Augustus' competing enterprise, we could offer a twenty-seven point five percent reduction on our standard fees, sir. Thirty-two if the target doesn't require disposal."
Cisco nodded along to the calculations, still balanced perfectly in Marco's steadily held palm.
Adom couldn't help but chuckle. "I... appreciate the offer. Though I hope I won't need such services anytime soon."
"Of course, of course." Cisco said. "But the offer stands. Now, if you'll excuse us - we have some loose ends to tie up regarding tonight's... excitement."
"I hope to see you around, Master Law!" Valiant called out, already scampering up Marco's shoulder.
"Not hope," Cisco corrected, his form still perfectly poised. "Expect. One month from now, Master Law. This exact hour." He checked his miniature pocket watch. "Currently ten past midnight. Do remember."
They melted into the shadows of the Dregs, leaving Adom and Eren alone in the oppressive darkness. The younger boy started walking, and Adom followed, their footsteps echoing off the narrow walls of the winding alleys.
Above them, clotheslines created strange shadows in the moonlight, like prison bars across their path.
"So," Eren broke the silence, stepping over a puddle that reflected the glow of a distant lantern. "You're a mage."
"Yeah." Adom's voice was quiet, matching the hushed atmosphere of the sleeping Dregs. Somewhere in the distance, a cat yowled.
"That was pretty cool, what you did back there. With the beasts and everything." Eren glanced back. "Never seen anything like it."
Adom let out a dry chuckle. "Cool? I killed a man today, Eren. And those beasts I freed? They're loose in the city now. They might hurt people."
They passed under a broken archway, its stones worn smooth by decades of shoulders brushing against them. The smell of rot and river-damp grew stronger as they descended deeper into the maze-like streets.
"Hurt people?" Eren scoffed, kicking aside a broken bottle. "Down here in the Undertow? Trust me, there aren't many who wouldn't deserve it." He shrugged. "Besides, those beasts will probably head for the forests outside the city. Animals usually do."
"That's... a rather harsh view of things."
"It's a harsh place." Eren's voice was matter-of-fact. "You did what you had to do. That's how it works down here."
They turned another corner, and a gust of wind brought the smell of the river, stronger now. Mixed with it was the scent of smoke from somewhere in the distance, and the ever-present undertone of decay that seemed to permeate the Dregs.
"Still," Adom insisted, "taking a life shouldn't be something we consider... normal."
"Says the man who just got offered a discount on assassination services," Eren grinned over his shoulder, and despite the grim subject matter, there was something infectious about his youthful cheek.
"Got me there," Adom admitted, stepping carefully over a suspicious dark patch on the ground. The moonlight caught Eren's profile as he turned, and something about it tugged at Adom's memory, but the thought slipped away before he could grasp it.
They reached the invisible line where the Dregs ended and the cleaner streets of the city began. The contrast was stark - even the cobblestones changed, becoming more even, better maintained. Eren stopped at this boundary, hands in his pockets.
"Well, this is it," he said, rocking back on his heels. "I should head back. Been a wild night, hasn't it?"
He smiled again, and something about that smile caught in Adom's mind like a splinter. The moonlight fell across Eren's face, highlighting his features, and Adom found himself staring, trying to place why it felt so familiar when the boy smiled like that.
"Something wrong?" Eren asked, his smile faltering slightly.
"No, it's just..." Adom tilted his head, studying the boy's face. "You look familiar somehow."
Eren shook his head. "Don't think so. Pretty sure I'd remember meeting a mage." He laughed, and again, that laugh, that particular way his eyes crinkled at the corners...
"No, it's definitely something..." Adom muttered, more to himself than to Eren. "Your face, it's like I've seen it somewhere..."
"Only person people say I look like is my mother," Eren said with a slight shrug. "She works at a small tavern near the sea. Though I'd be surprised if you knew it."
"The Salty Dog?"
Something flickered across Eren's composed features - genuine surprise. "You know it?" There was an unexpected note of enthusiasm in his usually measured voice. "So you've been to my mother's tavern?"
"Your mother," Adom said, surprised. "Is your mother's name Tara?"
Eren nodded, smiling broadly now.
The world really is small, Adom thought to himself. "I was there last night. Had the best cookies I've ever tasted in my life. Your mother was really kind - even packed some for me to take back to the academy. Actually," he added, "I told her I'd help sponsor her son into Xerkes. That would be you, I guess?"
"You can do that?!" Eren's eyes went wide, a rare break in his usual composed demeanor.
"Sure," Adom replied. "Students can sponsor others after their first year. I'm in my second year now."
As quickly as the excitement had appeared, it drained from Eren's face. He seemed to consciously settle back into his casual stance. "Oh, that's... that's nice of you, but actually, forget about it. Mother still thinks I want to be a mage because that was my dream when I was little. But I'm good where I am now."
Like many conversations about Xerkes Academy, this one had stumbled into the uncomfortable territory of finances. There were really only two ways to study at Xerkes - either you came from money, or you signed up for Imperial service after graduation. For everyone else, the tuition fees were astronomical. Something had clearly happened with Eren's family that had made them unable to take the Imperial scholarship when it was offered. It seemed obvious from his reaction.
"If it's about the money," Adom said simply, "I can take care of it." He pulled out a small piece of parchment and wrote down a series of numbers. "Here's my student identification number. When you get to Xerkes, just tell any raven in the messenger tower this number. They're trained to recognize student IDs. I'll get notified right away."
Eren took the parchment with slightly trembling fingers, staring at the numbers like they were some kind of lifeline. His shoulders remained tense despite his attempts to appear casual. His hands opened and closed at his sides, and he kept adjusting his stance like he couldn't quite figure out how to hold himself. Adom recognized that pride - the kind that made accepting help feel like swallowing thorns.
After what felt like a small eternity, Eren lifted his head. He still wouldn't quite meet Adom's eyes, instead fixing his gaze somewhere around Adom's shoulder. "Thank you," he said, the words coming out rough but sincere. "I mean it." He carefully folded the paper and tucked it into an inner pocket.
"No problem," Adom replied, keeping his tone light, matter-of-fact. "See you tomorrow then? After five?"
That got Eren to look at him properly, surprise breaking through his carefully maintained composure. "Already?"
"If you're going to take the Xerkes tests, you'll need some accelerated training," Adom said. "Tomorrow I can check your level of proficiency, see where we need to start."
The tension in Eren's shoulders eased slightly at the practical approach. He nodded, some of his usual confidence returning to his posture. They parted ways there - Eren heading back toward the lights of the Dregs, while Adom turned toward the academy.
It felt good, he thought as he walked back, to be able to help someone else for a change.