QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System-Chapter 55 The CEO’s Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 33

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?"The shameless omega left so fast, after all the Zhang family had done for him. As for your father..." Once Zhang Jun was settled in, the Zhang madam hurriedly told him of Li Yexi abandoning the Zhang family when he was convicted and the family head leaving months later.

Zhang Jun laughed coldly. "Li Yexi left? So?" He pulled Li Shiyu flush against him on the sofa. "That's what I've been hoping for, Li Shiyu is the one I have always wanted. The divorce procedure would be carried out the moment I'm established once more.

-As for father, the fact that he readily abandoned you all while I was gone just goes to prove that he doubts my capabilities. He better not return when I'm at the top again!"

The Zhang madam nodded in satisfaction and then paused to clear her throat. "Jun'er, the Li corporation is gone."

Zhang Jun nodded arrogantly with an amused smirk. "As is expected."

"But," The Zhang madam continued and Zhang Jun arched a brow. "Li Shu abandoned the Li corporation a long time ago and started the Li Group..." She went on to narrate how Li Shu grabbed the deals Zhang Jun wanted and how the Li family has been in the limelight these past months.

At the end, Zhang Jun was clenching his fists in anger. The Li family had dared to deceive him and let his right hand man, Ting He, go to jail. He scoffed. "Good. Good. Let them shine all they can now, It wouldn't be too late to handle them once I become stable."

The Zhang madam smiled happily. Her talented son was finally back! In no time, the Zhang family would rise again and those other madams would be rushing over to grovel at her feet. She'd make them pay!

Zhang Jun beckoned the triplets over and held them. They were a little shy, too shy in fact but Zhang Jun just attributed it to the fact that he'd been away for sometime so naturally, they would be this way around him.

"Mother, how about you look after the kids for a while hmm?"

The Zhang madam eyed Li Shiyu with dissatisfaction but said nothing in the end and took the kids away with her like her son instructed.

Zhang Jun placed Li Shiyu on his lap and caressed the omega's neck. "Shiyu~ I'm quite happy you're still here after all these months. You've worked hard."

Li Shiyu smiled shyly and looked into Zhang Jun's eyes. "It's worth it as long as we get to spend the rest of our lives together." Please visit 𝗳re𝚎𝚠𝐞𝗯𝙣𝗼ν𝗲l. c૦𝓶

Zhang Jun smiled. Li Shiyu looked so beautiful with his hair that had grown even longer and his large enchanting eyes. His body also felt soft and welcoming. A body that Zhang Jun had spent countless nights dreaming of while in jail.

The alpha groaned and stood up, clutching Li Shiyu by his butt so the omega could wrap his legs around him. Li Shiyu gasped but was silenced by Zhang Jun's lips as the alpha led them up to Li Shiyu's room.

No one in the mansion saw Zhang Jun and Li Shiyu again for the rest of the day.

The next morning, Zhang Jun started his mission to get back to the top. He reached out to old friends and business associates but contrary to his expectations, they all hung up on him with one excuse or the other.

The alpha didn't let that deter him so he decided to go over to their companies instead but he spent the next few weeks being rejected from entering, some of them even banned him from going close to their companies entirely and threatened to file a restraining order against him if he didn't listen.

Zhang Jun was stunned. What was going on? Did they not know who he was? How dare they?! He swallowed his anger and tried for a few more weeks but there was no result so he decided to try reaching out to them through the social functions hosted by the elites.

News flash! He was denied entrance everywhere he went. The Zhang madam was beginning to send worried looks to her son and Li Shiyu was beginning to frown more and more whenever he saw Zhang Jun.

It's been over three months since the alpha decided to bring back the glory of the Zhang family but there has been no noticeable progress. Okay, they would agree that these things take time but Zhang Jun had not even contributed a dime to the household since he returned. They even had to resort to selling the Sedan car to put food on the table!

It was also time for the kids to resume schooling but they've been stuck home too!

Zhang Jun had began to notice the looks he was getting from his mother and Li Shiyu these days so he grit his teeth and decided to look for a job instead. Since he had been blocked by his old associates, he was going to join a company and work his way to the top.

He pulled out his CV. It was lengthy with his list of achievements and qualifications. Who wouldn't want him? With a resumé like this, companies would be rushing to grab him! He was going to show everyone that rejected him a valuable lesson!

Zhang Jun started his job hunt but was disappointed once more. It turns out no company was rushing to grab him even with his impressive resumé. Why would they want him? He was in prison for money laundering for crying out loud!

It wasn't a pretty crime to be involved in in the business world so companies rejected his application like it was a deadly virus. What if they accepted him and he brought his corrupted ways into their company?

Just look at how he nearly brought down the Zhang conglomerate with his corrupted ways. If not for Pei Jing, the company would have gone under. How about the Li corporation? He shouldn't think that they were blind and would not recognize that Ting He was his right hand man!

For Ting He to commit all those crimes, he must have had Zhang Jun's approval. Currently, Zhang Jun was like a human shaped boil but instead of being filled with pus, he was overflowing with corruption. No one wanted such a hot potato on their hands!

Zhang Jun tried for a couple more weeks and then he began to sink into despair. What was this? He was the most popular business magnate! How could he face rejection everywhere he went?!

The alpha couldn't handle the constant failure neither could he bear to face his family, so he locked himself up in his room. Drowning himself in alcohol and food that Li Shiyu diligently delivered to the front of his room door three times a day.

Soon enough, Zhang Jun started to ring the landline from his room for more than six times a day, demanding for more and more food. Each meal had to be full course and he needed alcohol to be served each time. He was still too cowardly to come out and face the world so he indulged in food, alcohol and self pity.

Li Shiyu was beginning to become fed up. Zhang Jun always asked for more food than he was capable of eating and the omega was beginning to suspect the alpha was doing it to punish him. For what? He had no idea.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was when Li Shiyu was cleaning and a news report of a charity event came on. Li Yexi was in attendance looking like a beckon of light. He looked so dashing in his silver three-piece suit with his hair combed away from his face making the surrounding alphas swoon.

Li Shiyu burst into tears. He was supposed to be the one in the limelight, he was supposed to be the one receiving the praise and admiration from all the alphas. Why wasn't it him? Why did Li Yexi always get all that belonged to him?

The omega's tears only increased when Pei Jing walked down the red carpet. The alpha was everything Li Shiyu ever wanted. He was incredibly handsome, gentlemanly and had power.

The Zhang conglomerate had been changed to the Pei Group and was directly under the Pei family now since Pei Jing bought over half of the Zhang family shares from the family head.

Li Shiyu was truly fed up. Zhang Jun had been holed up in that room for over three weeks while he served him and his unreasonable mother like a slave. For what reason? The only reason he had put up with this for so long was because he thought Zhang Jun was capable. Now? He wasn't so sure.

The omega marched up to Zhang Jun's room in anger and banged on the door. Zhang Jun refused to open the door but when Li Shiyu threatened to pack up and leave, the alpha begrudgingly walked over to the door and clicked it open.

Li Shiyu stood outside the door to take calming breaths before opening it and walking in. The first thing that hit him was the overripe smell. He frowned.

Zhang Jun did not even bother to take his bath all through the time he locked himself in here. He was too invested in his feeling of self pity to even gather enough motivation to do anything except eat, drink and sleep.

The room was filled with empty alcohol bottles and dirty clothes. Li Shiyu looked over to the bed, to Zhang Jun who was huddled under the quilts. "Zhang Jun, we need to talk."

Zhang Jun frowned. Li Shiyu had never used such a cold tone to speak to him before. Nonetheless, he did not plan on coming out of this cover.

At first he only ate and drank in order to distract himself from his problems but as more and more time passed, the amount of food and alcohol increased until he became a bloated mess. He couldn't let Li Shiyu see him like this.

Li Shiyu tsked in annoyance and walked over to the bed to pull the covers. Before he could succeed, Zhang Jun dragged his hand and pulled him into bed with him.