QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System-Chapter 42 The CEO’s Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 20

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?He Yuan only shook his head as he watched the video feed. This Li Shiyu would say anything to garner sympathy. He wondered if Li Fuyi and his wife were turning in their graves in anger.

The one thing Li Fuyi and his wife loved more than the Li corporation was their omega son and they made sure to show Li Shiyu that. The couple always put the omega first. Making sure they were there for every milestone of his life up until the moment they died.

Li Shiyu lost his parents at twenty yet he was here saying that his parents weren't always there to properly teach him. It was a horrible thing for anyone to lose their parents, He Yuan wasn't arguing that fact. But how could Li Shiyu be so shameless as to ruin their image in the eyes of the Zhangs like this?

The omega was directly implying that his parents did not care about him at all and would rather place all their focus on their work. This would only make Zhang Jun hate Li Yexi's family even more because Li Shiyu made it look like Li Anjing and Li Shu stole the company that Li Fuyi neglected own his son in favour of!

Li Shiyu was truly the king of shooting veiled bullets. Always bringing Li Yexi into the conversation in order to make Li Yexi look bad as compared to him. He Yuan snapped the laptop shut and massaged his forehead.

It seemed Zhang Jun has made up his mind to sign the divorce papers with him tomorrow. Well it was too soon. He picked up his phone and dialed Li Shu's number.

"Yexi." Li Shu's tired voice came from the other end of the line.

"Big brother. How are things going?"

"The police hackers have made a bit of progress but stumbled upon a block. At this stage, they'd needed direct access to the Zhang conglomerate's computers and accounts to make any further progress.

-They can't just go over to the Zhang conglomerate without a search warrant and the Zhang conglomerate has not done anything that would openly place them under scrutiny, well not that they know of. So there's no way forward now."

He Yuan sat crossed legged on the bed. "If there were records of tax evasion, how long will it take the government to issue a warrant?"

"Well, latest, early tomorrow morning."

"I'd send over some files now." After receiving Li Shu's affirmation, He Yuan hung up the phone and proceeded to send the pictures of the files he'd found in the file cellar.

The amount of tax evaded was not enough to pull the Zhang conglomerate down but it was enough to cause a medium sized dent and also give the police hackers access to the Zhang conglomerate by disguising themselves amongst the government officials.

Once that was done, He Yuan placed the laptop on the reading table and hit the record button just in case Zhang Jun and Li Shiyu planned on performing a show tonight.

Next he went over to take a shower and prepare for bed. He didn't even plan on watching them tonight. He was just too disappointed to muster any form of excitement.


He Yuan opened his eyes at the sound of shattered glass. What was happening? He looked outside, the skies were brightening so it was quite early. He quickly washed his face and went downstairs in his pyjamas.

"-the media! How could you be so careless?!" The family head was saying as He Yuan came into view. The floor was littered with broken glass and the older man looked distraught.

"I don't know how it got out, but I'd fix this." Zhang Jun had his fists clenched. The alpha was dressed on a blue suit and looked like he was ready to head out.

"We just pulled through a few scandals in the company that nearly bankrupted us, we can't have this now. The shareholders have been flooding my phone with calls."

"Mine too. Like I said, I'll fix this." And then Zhang Jun walked towards the front door. On his way out, he spotted He Yuan at the bottom of the stairs. He paused and glared at the omega. "Be ready to sign the divorce papers once I return. You're nothing but bad luck."

He Yuan scoffed and rolled his eyes at the alpha. "Sure. My bad luck is the cause of all your problems and not your incompetence."

"Li. Yexi." The alpha was about to walk over to He Yuan when his phone went off with a call. He stared at his phone and then turned around and walked out but not without giving He Yuan a hateful glare.

He Yuan rolled his eyes again and turned to walk up the stairs. He saw the family head glaring at him from the corner of his eye but he paid the old man no mind. If there was one thing the Zhangs enjoyed the most, it was blaming others for their problems.

Once he was upstairs once more, he took out his phone and searched for the trending news. The Zhang conglomerate was at the top spot with this alleged tax fraud. He Yuan was not even surprised at how fast the government moved.

From the minute the Zhang conglomerate made a comeback with an insane amount of money that the Zhang family claimed was from their savings, the government and many other parties have been eyeing the Zhang conglomerate and the Zhang family like a fat cow at a slaughter house.

He Yuan smiled at the news online and went about his business for the day. Zhang Jun did not return at the end of the day, he had spent millions compensating for the tax evasion so his position was a little rocky again.

He Yuan received news from Li Shu that night that the hackers had successfully gotten into the Zhang conglomerate systems during the day and would need at least 24 hours to crack the codes.

It wasn't until dinnertime the next day that Zhang Jun returned. Everyone was silent as they all ate. Li Shiyu and the Zhang older couple kept sending concerned frowns to Zhang Jun. Lately, the alpha has been eating quite a lot and had added a few pounds.

It wasn't too much and he was still quite handsome though. They all attributed it to Zhang Jun being stressed about the company so they kept silent. Once all the issues with the company was over, everything would go back to normal.

After dinner, Li Shiyu took the kids to prepare them for bed whilst the rest walked over to the living room, He Yuan amongst them. Once they were settled, Zhang Jun pointed at a file seated on the centre table.

He Yuan arched a brow. It was the divorce agreement. There was also a separate check offering to buy the Zhang conglomerate shares in He Yuan's possession for two million. He Yuan ignored the check and focused his attention on the divorce agreement.

The agreement was truly according to He Yuan's wishes. It seemed Zhang Jun was more than eager to get rid of Li Yexi. He Yuan cocked his head sideways. Just how much did Zhang Ye swipe? The amount of money Zhang Jun paid off in tax compensation was not small and yet the alpha had no qualms giving out this much?

He was also aware that Zhang Jun already started making his moves against the Li corporation. The shareholders had already turned against Li Shu and power had already started moving into the hands of Zhang Jun's right hand man over there.

Just like He Yuan advised, Li Shu pretended to be oblivious to their antics. This way, if any problem were to arise, Zhang Jun's right hand man would take the fall instead. The new Li corporation was fully established and running smoothly so the Lis had no fear of losing their source of livelihood.

He Yuan smiled. "Fine." There was no pen around so he stood up to get one upstairs. On his way up, the doorbell rang. He looked back to find the Zhangs staring at him. He shrugged and continued on his way as one of the servants walked over to get the door.