QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System-Chapter 35 The CEO’s Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 13

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?He Yuan slipped his silver needles and a bar of soap into his pocket and then leaped down the stairs until he reached the dining room.

The mess had been cleaned up and another set of hot food had been served so the entire family were seated at the table, ready to eat. They paused when He Yuan came in.

"I need to go to the hospital," He Yuan said to no one in particular.

Zhang Jun looked at He Yuan's injured foot and frowned. "Li Yexi, you already bandaged up your foot. Is there any need to make such a fuss now?"

He Yuan eyed him coldly. "Do I look like a doctor? How do I know if I did it right?" And then he sighed. "I miss my father and brother a lot so I want to go see them tomorrow but how do I explain this serious injury that I got in your Zhang family home to them hmm?"

The Zhang family head and madam frowned. The Li family was weaker than their Zhang family but that Li Anjing really knew how to kick up a storm. Even if they were dissatisfied with Li Yexi's blatant threat, any fuss that could be avoided was good. After all, as an elite family, they had to put their flawless reputation into consideration.

The family head cleared his throat and eyed Zhang Jun. "Jun'er, Li Yexi is your partner. You should take him to the hospital."

Zhang Jun was ready to refuse but Li Shiyu held his hand under the table and shook his head. The omega's eyes were filled with unshed tears but he was resolute. He was ready to endure this bit of injustice as long as it brought peace. How admirable. Li Shiyu was truly the best.

The sound of a chair scraping the ground filled the dining room. Zhang Jun walked over to He Yuan and whispered through clenched teeth, "Using power that was stolen from someone else to pressure others. Your Li family is truly too good."

He Yuan smiled and whispered back, "It's not easy to steal and still hold on to the stolen goods for such a long time. If that someone was truly capable then they would've stolen it back by now."

Zhang Jun's jaw clenched and He Yuan turned away with a smile. There was no use trying to explain that the power belonged to Li Yexi's family in the first place. Zhang Jun's brain was probably full of expired engine oil and is incapable of processing anything that remotely made Li Shiyu seem like a bad person.

A call had already been made to the hospital to have a wheelchair prepared. Zhang Jun would rather die than be unfaithful to Li Shiyu by holding up Li Yexi till they got to the hospital room.

Once they got there, Zhang Jun went over to open the door for He Yuan. After all, they were in public and he had to uphold his reputation as a gentleman. As soon as the door opened, He Yuan leaped forward and swung his arms around Zhang Jun in a hug.

"You-" Zhang Jun didn't get to finish as he slumped in He Yuan's arms. The nurses around were alarmed and moved forward to place Zhang Jun on the wheelchair that was originally prepared for He Yuan.

He Yuan slipped his silver needle back in his pocket. "He must be really tired from work yet he insisted on bringing me to the hospital to check on my foot. You can just place him in a bed next to mine to rest after checking up on him," He said with a worried look as a different nurse helped him to walk after the nurse pushing Zhang Jun.

Once the doctor finished examining Zhang Jun and checking on He Yuan's bandaged foot, the married couple were left alone to rest. He Yuan smiled and hopped over to Zhang Jun's bed.

He unbuttoned the alpha's clothes and then inserted his silver needles on different acupoints. Next he withdrew his needles and flipped Zhang Jun over to repeat the same procedure.

[What are you doing?]

He Yuan chuckled maniacally. "You'll see. Just be patient." As soon as he finished his acupuncture, he grabbed the key on Zhang Jun's neck and imprinted it deeply on the bar of soap.

As he was buttoning up Zhang Jun's shirt, the alpha's phone started ringing. It was Li Shiyu. Wow, so impatient. It hasn't even been up to 45 minutes since they left the mansion.

He Yuan would hate himself forever if he missed such a good opportunity to mess with Li Shiyu after all that happened this morning so he hopped on the bed, cuddled close to Zhang Jun and switched the phone call to a video call instead.

"Jun-" Li Shiyu's eyes widened when he saw Zhang Jun and Li Shiyu on the same bed with Zhang Jun's shirt wide open and then his eyes reddened. He Yuan felt like he was the shameless homewrecker instead.

"Li Shiyu? Is anything wrong? Do you need us for anything? Are the kids okay?" He Yuan said with a satisfied smile.

"N... No. I just wanted to check if you were okay. I'll leave you to rest now, bye." Li Shiyu hung up.

He Yuan scoffed. The omega couldn't even make up a better lie. If he wanted to check up on Li Yexi why didn't he call Li Yexi's line instead?

888 chuckled helplessly. How did he end up with such a host?

When Zhang Jun finally woke up, He Yuan was laying obediently on his bed with his legs crossed and going through his phone. Zhang Jun frowned.

"What did you do to me?" And then he looked around. "Why am I here?"

He Yuan gave him a dumbfounded look. "What could I possibly do to you? And you're here because you fainted of course."

Zhang Jun froze as he remembered something. He looked to He Yuan in disdain. "Why did you hug me?"

He Yuan laid on his side and supported his chin with his arm as he smiled at Zhang Jun. "It's been a really long time since I hugged anyone ah. And with all that happened this morning, I was feeling needy.

-You're my husband, I thought maybe if I hugged you, you would remember why you loved me in the first place but who knew you would immediately faint once I hopped on you? Zhang Jun you're such a young man but your stamina... Tsk. Quite disappointing."

Zhang Jun stood up and pointed at He Yuan with a red face. "What nonsense are you spouting? When did I ever love you? You better watch your mouth and don't go about spewing rubbish. Li Shiyu is the only one I have ever and will ever love!" And then he walked out of the hospital room like his ass was on fire.

He Yuan tsked again. This just went to prove his earlier point about Zhang Jun's brain being filled with expired engine oil. He said so many things but the idiot just focused on the one point that was related to Li Shiyu.

On a different note, it seems his acupuncture worked out just fine. This was good.