Possessing Nothing-Chapter 321: 321 The Devil (3)

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Possessing Nothing

Chapter 321 – The Devil (3)

Translated by : betterdays

* * *

It was working.

Feeling that most of his remaining life span was disappearing, Abel was convinced that the spell was working.

Magic did not lie.

Although it was the first time Abel was ever using this spell from the Weiss, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be able to tell whether it was successful or not.

The coordinate input was successful, and the spell was clearly implemented. Originally, even if it was the Grimoire’s magic, the coordinates were changed and the reason it was possible was because the spell was from the Weiss- the Grimoire’s counterpart.

Kim Jonghyun’s preparations in Germane were all for this spell to connect the dimensions to each other. But Abel had now thwarted that goal and redirected the use of the tens of thousands of souls that were originally sacrificed to connect the Demon Realm to their world.

In the bursting light, Frau was looking at the souls. Tens of thousands of souls were floundering in the light. They slid and swam through the space in the light like guppies in water.

Every time the souls moved, the space became more and more distorted. Every time they moved and the space distorted, a rift started to open up and the crack got wider and wider.


Frau understood why Kim Jonghyun killed these tens of thousands of humans in Germane instead of using it to massacre even more by powering up the Grimoire’s magic.

“It was necessary…”

It takes something intangible like a soul that can move freely between dimensions to create a connection between them. In order to connect Demon Realm and Eria, which were not originally connected in the first place, it would have clearly taken even more souls than this.

However, the coordinates that Abel set were something that were rather familiar to Lee Sungmin and a few others. The Spirit World. The Spirit World was already somewhat connected to Eria as could be seen before when the Spirit Queen had descended to take Envirus away. That being said, the amount of souls needed to connect the Spirit Realm to Eria, was the right amount and no more was needed.

* * *


At the space vibrating around him, Kim Jonghyun looked back with surprise written across his face.

That day was already incredibly surprising in many ways, but he was being surprised once more as he felt something with his mana and with the souls he collected.

“I see.”

Kim Jonghyun understood what happened. Connecting Eria to the Demon Realm was the only way he could proactively prevent the End.

The reason he thought it was “only” him, was because connecting Eria to another dimension was through magic only he could use.

But he was now understanding that it was not the ‘only’ way, and he was not the ‘only’ person who could use such magic.

“I thought you were acting blindly without any countermeasures prepared.”

Kim Jonghyun smiled and looked at Lee Sungmin.

Lee Sungmin was leaning on his spear next to some rubble with blood trickling down his forehead and body.

He panted heavily and stared at Kim Jonghyun. He couldn’t understand why the battle was now going this way.

Obviously, Lee Sungmin was overwhelming Kim Jonghyun at first.

Lee Sungmin’s speed, which had improved even further through the fight with Volander, was overwhelming Kim Jonghyun as he could not respond to it.

But what about now?

Kim Jonghyun was avoiding and blocking his spear with ease. Of course, Lee Sungmin was not in good condition because his stamina and fatigue had been piling up since the battle with Volander.

But even if that was the case, how was it possible that a Wizard of all people… was overwhelming Lee Sungmin with physical ability alone?

“I didn’t know there was this way. That Abel…… I didn’t expect at all that the Weiss could also reproduce a spell using souls as a collateral. As a result, It seems I’ve failed here.”

Kim Jonghyun approached Lee Sungmin as he spoke. He was in a very good mood now. Even if it was temporary, his ability as a complete devil made even Kim Jonghyun feel more and more intoxicated with pleasure.

His body of a Devil was progressing further and further into completion, and he was able to use the abilities of a True Devil! Of course… it would all revert back to nothing once the spell was over and his mana was depleted.

‘There’s nothing we can do.’

[Are you okay?]

Heoju asked in a worried voice.


Lee Sungmin replied mentally as he forced himself up on his two feet.

As he forced himself up, his internal organs spilled out from the open wound in his stomach. But they were regenerated in the next instant.

Every time Lee Sungmin’s regeneration was used, his head started to throb and his black heart seemed to beat louder and louder. Lee Sungmin was also well aware of what was going on with his own body and what would happen if he kept using the regenerative abilities he had gained.

“I failed. Well, it’s okay… I can do it again anyway. I know how to do this if I decide to. It’s just a pity that I lost the fighting power of Volander and the legion of Death Knights. I wish you could fill in their gap, but…”

“You failed.”

Lee Sungmin staggered and raised himself.

“And, in another way, the world has escaped from the fate of the Apocalypse. But you’re saying that you’re going to do this again?”

“What’s wrong with you? Knowing that I didn’t do this purely to prevent the Apocalypse really seems to get under your skin.”

Kim Jonghyun noticed just how aggravated Lee Sungmin was when it came to this topic.


Kim Jonghyun caressed his chin while deciding to add a bit more.

“That’s strange. I don’t know which world it’s connected to..… There’s almost no change. I’m almost certain that the coordinates and the spell were successfully thwarted to another location.”

It was a question that Lee Sungmin had been wondering about as well. Looking at Kim Jonghyun’s reaction, it was clear that what Abel was trying to do was successful.

Lee Sungmin, who raised his body, grabbed his spear once more. Looking at him do this, Kim Jonghyun raised both of his hands in a feigned expression of resignation.

“No, wait a minute. I don’t want to fight you again right now.”

Kim Jonghyun said so and took a few steps back.

“First of all, I want to make sure that what happened, really did happen.””

Kim Jonghyun said that and smiled.


Kim Jonghyun’s appearance disappeared after leaving behind his bitter smile. He had already left the area with a succession of several Blink spells.

Lee Sungmin’s expression cooled down. Without hesitation, he took stride toward the direction Abel was in.

In the current situation, the biggest obstacle to what Kim Jonghyun wants to do in the future was Abel, who had the Weiss, not Lee Sungmin, who was a martial artist.

Therefore, Kim Jonghyun must have wanted to clean up Abel first.

* * *

Abel stood blankly.

Due to the emergence of the magic he had used, the sphere disappeared because there was no longer a reason for its existence. The spell should have clearly manifested.

‘But this is somewhat…’

Abel looked in front of the new view that was in front of him through the portal created.

He certainly entered the coordinates of the Spirit Realm. There could be no possible error because his life force was certainly used up as collateral. Not only that, Abel was unsure of the sight before him because he had never been to the Spirit Realm.

Eria was certainly connected to the Spirit Realm through the portal.

But it looked incredibly different from what Abel was expecting to see.

In front of him were numerous flower gardens and luscious greenery.

Beyond the beautiful scenery, stood a splendid mansion.

‘But a mansion?’

As Abel was surprised, Frau looked at the mansion with a puzzled face as well. Aladdur, who was hiding behind her, peeked out his head and asked.

“Where are the spirits?”

“How should I know, punk?”

Frau answered Aladdur’s question in a sharp tone.

Abel ground his teeth and strode up to the mansion.

It was certainly correct that he had connected Eria to the Spirit Realm, but why the hell was there only a single mansion in front of him?

If this was the Spirit Realm, then where were the spirits? And what was with the mansion? Abel stood at the door of the mansion, letting his convulsing cheek muscles relax from the stress and agitation he was feeling. Then, he raised his hand and grabbed the doorknob at the mansion door.

It was before Abel pulled the door open…. On the other side, someone grabbed the doorknob and twisted it.

The door opened.


Abel’s eyes widened in disbelief when he saw the person who opened the door.

The man in front of him wore thin glasses and was in a wheelchair as if he were paralyzed from the hips down. The man’s hair was white and there were many wrinkles on his face.

“What’s wrong with your body?”

Abel stammered and asked.

Just beyond the door, sitting in the wheelchair, was Envirus. It was Cain, Abel’s older brother.

He looked incredibly weak, too. However, Abel’s agitation was much greater than one would normally have when seeing a brother.

At one time, I could hardly feel the enormous mana Cain once had. Now he looked nothing like his former self and was an old man in a wheelchair with nothing to brag about.

It seemed to be the repercussions of what had happened. All of his mana had been depleted and taken away when Envirus had broken the oath with Lee Sungmin.

‘Moreover, why are his legs like that?’

He never imagined he would meet Cain here, but more than that, Abel was astonished at the fact that Cain, who he had aimed for, had collapsed in such a disastrous way and looked extremely pitiful.


Cain muttered, trying to widen his blurred eyes that lay beyond his glasses.

He couldn’t see well. After hearing his voice, Envirus knew that Abel was the one who was beyond the door.


A surprised voice was heard behind Envirus’ back. It was a spirit familiar with cat ears who ran across the hallway.

She flinched as she saw Abel standing beyond the open door. Why was a human being here? Such a question arose, but Rubia hurriedly approached Envirus and grabbed his wheelchair.

“Why did you open the door master…?”

“I heard a strange sound from outside…….”

Cain stammered and replied. He couldn’t even control his own body. He couldn’t see properly and he was visibly suffering from the effects of old age.

‘This is what has become… of my brother?!’

No, that’s not what was important to Abel at the moment despite feeling angered beyond belief in finding the state his brother was in. Abel hurriedly walked forward and grabbed Envirus’ wrist.

“Where are we?”


“Where is this place?”

Abel shouted in frustration. Rubia blocked Abel with a scornful look.

“Who are you? Why… How did you come here?”

“Shut up child! I’ll be the one asking the questions. This is… Where the hell is this? Is this not the Spirit Realm? I’m sure I entered the coordinates of the Spirit Realm…….”

“It is the Spirit Realm.”

Envirus replied and continued.

“….But the spirits are not here.”


Something had clearly gone wrong.

He didn’t want to jump to conclusions just yet, but Abel had such a strong hunch.

He couldn’t see the spirits here despite this being the Spirit Realm supposedly. Not only that, but the World of the Spirits was ruled by the Spirit Queen. It was a place where numerous spirits lived. But why was there not a single spirit in sight besides Rubia, who was Envirus’ personal spirit familiar.

“Coordinates you say… The coordinates of the Spirit Realm….. Abel. I don’t know what you were trying to do, but the coordinates of the current Spirit Realm have been changed. For me who could not live in the Realm of the Spirits since I was still mortal, the Queen of Spirits created and overlaid a small space on the existing coordinates.”

That space was this mansion and garden. In exchange for breaking the oath, Envirus was also on the verge of dying.

The Spirit Queen deeply cared for Envirus and could not tolerate his inevitable death, so she ignored her long-term promise with the creators of Eria and ascended to Eria to save Envirus at the time.

“Don’t say such nonsense.”

Abel trembled.

In the end, Abel had punched these coordinates in to erase away Kim Jonghyun’s magic.

Abel devoted most of his remaining life expectancy as well towards the spell. By completely extinguishing the tens of thousands of souls in Germane that were sacrificed, it connected Eria and the Spirit Realm…. Or rather, it was supposed to.

It was now connected to nothing but a small space that took over the old coordinates of the Spirit Realm that was made for Envirus.

Abel grabbed the Weiss in a hurry. He knew his death was just around the corner, but Abel didn’t care.

After unfolding the spell, Abel stood still.

‘It hasn’t changed.’

Eria’s fate of the Apocalypse had not changed. Eria’s fateful end, was still doomed.

“The Spirit Queen…”

Abel stammered and spoke.

“Queen… Where is the Spirit Queen? Call her, please. Right now!”

“That’s… impossible.”

Envirus murmured, closing his eyes that were struggling to stay open.

“She broke her long promise to save me. In return, she fell into a long sleep.”

The Spirit Queen wanted to save Envirus despite the obvious repercussions she would face. Even if she fell asleep for a long time and never met Envirus again, she wanted to prevent Envirus’ miserable death.

“Ha… ha… ha haha…….”

Abel laughed with a despondent look. It was absurd. He couldn’t believe it. What kind of… What kind of dogshit situation was this? He unfolded this spell in collateral of using up the remaining lifespan he had left. This world. He did this to prevent Eria’s ending.


Abel spat out, staring at Envirus with eyes full of poison. This was because he couldn’t help but see what had happened. Everything had been ruined because of his selfish bastard brother, and it continued to be ruined once more.

If Envirus only hadn’t been here. If Envirus only hadn’t tried to cheat Lee Sungmin…. Envirus would not have made her break her promise with the creators of Eria and intervene, nor would she have created a space for him at the coordinates of the former Spirit Realm for his brother.

If that had happened, Eria would not have to face it’s inevitable and tragic ending.


A laugh broke out behind Abel’s back.

Kim Jonghyun was clapping his hands with a pleasant expression in the air.

He had no choice but to be so overwhelmed with joy. Abel had failed and miserably at that. It was the same for Kim Jonghyun, since Kim Jonghyun had failed too. But unlike Abel, Kim Jonghyun could always start again as much as he wanted to because he didn’t have to pay a price for using the Grimoire.

“This is a masterpiece. I can’t believe my work in the City of Endless Night was able to bring out this kind of result. Hahahaha!”

Lee Sungmin was also standing just behind Kim Jonghyun.

He, too, heard what Envirus said. He also knew why this had happened.

Lee Sungmin saw Rubia standing by the wheelchair in front of Abel. Rubia also saw Lee Sungmin. Looking at Rubia’s incredibly astonished face, Lee Sungmin forced a smile.

It was impossible to show a natural smile under the current circumstances.

“In the end, here you are. Envirus tried so desperately to prevent his own ending and his brother wanted to prevent the Apocalypse. But the foolish brother was living well in a subspace created out of the coordinates of the old Spirit Realm!”

Kim Jonghyun pointed at Envirus with his hand and sarcastically said.

“And you both failed.”

Kim Jonghyun then turned to Abel with a malicious grin plastered across his face.

“I just have to do it again.”

‘How can it be so fun?’

Kim Jonghyun laughed out loud once again as he thought so.

Chapter 321 – Fin

Read Ashes Of Deep Sea
Read Rebirth: Pampered by the Lord