Playing With Other Supernaturals-Chapter 1285 Opening the Path part 3

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Chapter 1285 Opening the Path part 3

Thanks to Ajuka stabilizing the space, Gabriel managed to create more channels to speed up the process of the Soul Migration. She was also able to relegate the Holy Power that's being consumed by the process to Heaven itself, essentially making things stand on their own without further manual manipulation.

Yamamoto, after watching for a while, approached Michael. Although he finds his appearance strange and intriguing, there's no visible emotion on his face, "May I ask, what exactly is going to happen to all of these souls?"

Michael turned to the old man and with a glance, he managed to roughly guess the position he held thanks to the way he carried himself compared to the other people present and how everyone else looked at the old man. Replying in the same respectful tone, Michael answered, "Each and every single one of them would go through a purification process. To ensure the safety and integrity of every soul, the purification can take a long time so while they are in it, they are given comfort and rest through the entire process until they are once again ready to join nature and go through another life."

Michael paused for a bit while marveling at the purity of each soul that's going through the channels, "There are also several sorting systems in the middle of it which are dictated by the soul's karma. As you might have already known, souls with heavy, negative karma can harm other souls so another purification process is dedicated to them."

"What about the stronger souls? Do these purification processes work on them?" From behind, Mayuri also approached them while asking.

Michael turned towards him and smiled, "Yes, as long as the soul is willing, that is."

"And the unwilling ones?"

"Dangerous individuals like them are sealed in a separate space."

"Sounds very dangerous," Mayuri smirked.

But Michael's expression didn't change and just nodded, "It is. But it's really rare for individuals like that to appear since most of the time, they die in battle. And that level of battle would very rarely leave the soul intact."

It'd be hard to explain any further so Michael turned to Serafall to greet her and ask about Kisuke's whereabouts, 'He needs to hear the news first. I don't want him to think we're hiding things from him.' But as he panned his head, he saw that Ajuka was staring in a certain direction with a stunned expression.

He also turned to the direction he was facing curiously and found three 'young' girls and immediately recognized the two of them, 'Ophis and Lilith. I wonder what they're doing, releasing that much Draconic Aura?'

His eyes then landed on the red-haired girl possessing the same face, a pair of Draconic Wings, and a single horn in the middle of her forehead, 'That's... Did Ophis split another part of her?' But as he stared more at the girl looking up at the sky seriously, a certain familiar aura that she was exuding was finally caught by his senses, "!? Great Red!?"

Hearing her former title being called out, Flanna finally gave some attention to what was happening to her surroundings, "Hmmm? You guys are from that side." She commented when she saw Michael and Ajuka looking at her, "Great. I think you guys could assist Blackie and Little Blackie here to move things."

"Move things?" Ajuka immediately asked. He wanted to know how Great Red was still alive but after using his Kankara Formula earlier, he noticed many weird things happening right now like how this dimension was on the verge of collapse and something indescribable was causing tremors from beyond this space. Ajuka immediately judged that there was no time for a casual conversation.

"Move the three worlds into the vicinity of the Dimensional Gap. Stabilization can come after that."

Michael had no idea what she was talking about and Gabriel, who'd just finished strengthening the channels, was also confused. Ajuka, however, started analyzing the situation from the information he gathered just now and said, "You overestimate us. Something this big is beyond the current members."

"Then ask for assistance. You can do that, right?"

Ajuka was silent for a moment before letting out a deep breath, "Haahh... I wanted to keep myself out of the spotlight for much longer... I guess this is much more important, huh?"

He then immediately raised his right hand and began constructing a form of Communication Magic, "Michael, allow my Magic to go through."

"...Alright." Michael himself sent a few words to the other Seraphs to make an exception to Ajuka's Demonic Power to come through Heaven's barrier.

'Let's see... There's no way for me to get in contact with the members of Ouroboros.' Ajuka contemplated for a moment before sending an emergency signal to 5 individuals, "I invited 5 people. Please let them through."

Michael nodded but Serafall immediately frowned at his words, "Only 5 people?"

Ajuka sighed, "The situation is a bit complicated and heated. Aside from the fact that I don't want any information about this leaking, I also can't move many people since that might just cause a spark that could light up a barrel full of undesirables."

"What about Sona-chan and the others? They should have a way to covertly move and even discover, they should be able to deal with it."

"Unfortunately, they locked themselves up and I have no way of contacting them."

Serafall and the other girls with her became extremely worried because they knew that the members of the Ouroboros Academy wouldn't easily be forced into a lockdown.

"They're here." muttered Ajuka as he looked up and prevented Serafall from asking any further, "The situation is stable for now and this is more urgent."

Up in the sky where the path towards another world was opened, 5 individuals started descending with the one leading them sporting six pairs of jet-black Angel Wings, "Another surprising thing yet again, eh? As expected of Kisuke. He also always delivers."

Behind him are two young ladies with Devil Wings, a young man in a long robe, and another one covered with full crimson armor.

"Azazel, this is sudden, but help me out formulate a working mass dimension travel spell."

"That's really sudden... And if it's you who's asking and you called us specifically, then the scope must be massive."

Ajuka nodded, "Yes. Three worlds worth."

"T-three worlds!?" Azazel started scratching his head, "This is still beyond us even if you brought Issei into the equation..." His eyes then caught the sight of Ophis and Lilith, "Unless..."

"They're helping."

Azazel sighed, "When's the deadline?" He has no idea what's going on, but he can read the atmosphere.

"I'd appreciate it if you could do it right now." Flanna suddenly interjected.

Azazel was shocked because he also missed her due to Ophis and Lilith, "...What? Wait... Are y-"

However, he was not destined to finish that sentence when a crack in the sky suddenly appeared, revealing numerous terror-inducing giant eyes looking down on them.