Playing With Other Supernaturals-Chapter 1264 [True Blade]

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Chapter 1264 [True Blade]

"You seem to have an idea of the whole truth, but what are you going to do? As long as you're a person of this domain, there's nothing you can do to stop me." Ichibei was still confident. As long as the young girl doesn't make her appearance, there's no way for Kisuke to hurt him. After all, whether it's a Zanpakuto or other Kidou derivatives, everything will just be rendered harmless because he is the 'root'.

Kisuke nodded at his assessment, "That's true. However, I also figured out a few things regarding your criteria of 'harmless'."

Ichibei became interested and rubbed his beard, "Hooh? Mind explaining?"

"No matter how large your network is, you probably can't process everything that's happening in this 'domain'. In that case, you probably employ some sort of filtering system that alerts you of only important factors like whenever the Soul King uses his power or a special individual appears."

Kisuke then started walking towards Ichibei, took out Tiamat, and made Benihime disappear, "Zanpakuto are also a relatively new invention for someone like you, but you allowed its existence and even spread it as it is a good way to gather more of the Soul King's fragments as they are essentially another vessel to contain his power, but more importantly, you named them and also acted as a limitation for the individuals who wielded them. That became evident when Aizen Sosuke thought that he could surpass his 'Shinigami' self if he could discard his Zanpakuto."

This conclusion came from his research of the Hollows and later, the Arrancars. When a Hollow wanted to seal its vast Spiritual Power, it came in the form of Zanpakuto. However, Aizen realized that he was wrong when Ichigo instead absorbed his Zanpakuto himself. Although only possible temporarily due to its innate limitations, this showed Aizen a new avenue that made him doubt his path, and in turn, lose the Hougyoku's support.

"In other words, you're probably filtering out most of the information about Zanpakuto since they have no way of actually hurting you, especially as you are now."

"Are you insinuating that the thing you're holding will be able to hurt me because it's not of this world?" Ichibei suddenly grinned widely, "I hate to break it to you, but it's still a Zanpakuto. Something that has been subdued by your own soul, hence, still a direct extension of the Soul King's fragment through you. That won't be able to hurt me no matter how foreign its ability is since it can only manifest its power through your Spiritual Power."

Kisuke stopped walking and also flashed a grin, "And what if there's a way to directly manifest her abilities?"

"By physically summoning it? That might work, but up to what degree? I've seen what that being is capable of and there's no way for it to reach the level of that young girl."

'Look at how he underestimates you.' Kisuke chuckled.

[It's the truth. Even if I physically manifest, there would be extreme limits to what I could really do. And why did you retract Benihime?]

But instead of Kisuke, it was Benihime who answered Tiamat, [Because this guy is about to do something crazy.]

Ichibei's grin disappeared when he saw Kisuke chuckle. It was then that the latter continued to ask, "Aren't you forgetting something? That isn't the only way to manifest her powers."

Naturally, Ichibei didn't forget. It was one of the events that he took notice of and also one of the things he didn't want to see anymore. It was the moment when Ichigo became Zangetsu himself. Although it was in exchange for his entire Spiritual Power, it was a form that Ichibei felt threatened.

Black spikes suddenly appeared beneath Kisuke's feet but unlike the unreal black spears from before, he felt their existence and was able to dodge by jumping back.

"That's impossible for you with what you're holding. You may be able to do it with your original Zanpakuto, but not with someone who isn't related to you. And if by some miracle that's possible, you wouldn't have enough energy to fuel such a transformation, even if you sacrificed your life."

The black spikes continuously appeared and Kisuke also continuously dodged them, however, the grin on his face never disappeared, "Two hurdles right? Then let me tell you something. I once fused with the Hougyoku. It's gone now though."

"!?" Ichibei was surprised. He never thought that another one of those things could exist, 'Soul King... How did he...'

To those who aren't aware, they may see the Hougyoku as a wish-granting stone. However, that's far from the truth as its essence is one of the Soul King's greatest abilities, 'The [Mark of Adaptation]. It is what allowed him to create the three worlds.'

As Aizen used it, it changed into a [Mark of Evolution] which allowed him to raise himself. However, in Ichibei's opinion, it's a lesser derivation of [Adaptation] since it can only go 'forward'.

'If his words were true and he was able to keep the [Adaptation] aspect...'

Kisuke was able to read what was on his mind and continued his thoughts for him, "Then the first hurdle was already cleared."

Even then, Ichibei was still confident because he had his own hidden cards, "...Then are you going to sacrifice your life? If you're lucky, you might indeed be able to hurt me with a few strikes."

"Ah... I'm really glad I kept it. I was thinking of using it for something else, but this is also good." Kisuke suddenly started muttering to himself.

Ichibei wondered what he was on about but before he could figure it out, his eyes widened and looked down. Although it's hard to tell, Ichibei noticed that the pulsing flesh under him abruptly slowed down, "...What?"

At the same time, Kisuke's crimson Spiritual Pressure exploded out, "As expected, you can't control everything even though you're so obsessed with it."

Ichibei stood up in confusion and watched Kisuke slowly grow a pair of large horns on the side of his head, his eyes turning pink and his hair growing out while turning it from pale blonde to a light blue one.

"...Hmmm... If releasing the full capabilities of a Zanpakuto is called [True Strike], what should I call this one?" Ichibei heard Kisuke's easygoing voice, "[True Blade] perhaps? Oh well, it's time to speed things up."