Playing With Other Supernaturals-Chapter 1241 Collapse

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Chapter 1241 Collapse

Even though Kirio lost her Shinigami powers, Kisuke didn't want to make the same mistake so he left a sliver of his consciousness focused on her, "Now then... Where was I again?" He loudly muttered after resuming the process of breaking Yhwach out of his confinement.

"You do know what would happen if he breaks free, right? Yhwach himself won't be the problem." Kirio got tired of standing and sat on the floor, "I'm certain that you're not here to end the world, so what are you planning to do?"

"Simply speaking, I'm gathering my aces. Well, I have a plan so this won't end the world." Kisuke answered while tracing various spots on the crystal and leaving a bit of Magic Power on it.

"Gathering aces? What for?"

"I'd like to explain, but it'd take a long time. And even if I did, there's no guarantee that you'll understand it."

Kirio opened her mouth but no sound came out of it since she decided not to say anything else, 'It doesn't really matter anymore. Either way, I'll soon forget myself and join the cycle of reincarnation with my soul as weak as it is.' She looked towards her Zanpakuto with only its handle remaining, 'I'll join you soon, Meishi.'

Kisuke finally took a step back and took out a single talisman similar to what Kunou had before throwing it toward the crystal.

The black and white talisman stuck to the crystal and a few seconds later, it started shaking before forming numerous cracks.

Kirio swallowed a mouthful of saliva as she nervously watched the lynchpin of the world being taken out, "...Is this really going to be fine?"

Kisuke didn't say anything else and just injected more Magic Power into it. A few seconds later the cracks worsened and the crystal soon started falling apart, freeing what was inside which was the bisected Yhwach.

As soon as he was free, the world itself started as it began falling apart like the crystal, but at a much slower pace.

Kisuke ignored this and conjured another spell that manifested golden chains to hold Yhwach up. Since his lower body was separated from his top part, Kisuke immediately suspended it, not just to keep it safe from rotting but also to stop Yhwach from regenerating in case he attempted to complete himself.

Yhwach still had his eyes closed but Kisuke knew for sure that he was awake, "It's not like you to pretend to be unconscious. Don't bother. I could feel your stare ever since my first visit here."

Yhwach eyelids softly flutter and after a few seconds, they slowly open up, and his six-eye pupils directly stare at Kisuke, "Urahara Kisuke... I saw your demise. I never expected that you'd one day stand in front of me."

Yhwach tried to move but he was powerless and these strange chains were bounding him.

"Of course, you wouldn't. No matter how strong you get, you won't be able to see through the original owner of that power."

Yhwach became silent but his attention was caught by Kisuke's eyes and the Zanpakuto he was holding, "Eyes that represent life itself and a being of beyond this world... I see. You left and came back... With the Soul King's assistance at that. How intriguing."

"Hmmm..." Kisuke rubbed his chin in thought, "It looks like I won't have to explain anything to you."

"You overestimate me, Urahara Kisuke. I can see everything in this dimension but not beyond it."

Kisuke furrowed his brows, 'Does that mean he won't be able to see the future in the dimension he's not in or is it that his power is limited only to this dimension? If it's the latter, then I might have uselessly freed him.'

While thinking of the possibilities, a certain thought suddenly occurred in Kisuke and he asked, "What about Hell?" freeweɓnovel.cøm

Yhwach stayed silent for a bit and contemplated if he should cooperate. But after considering the fact that he's currently nothing worthy, he decided to see where this goes, "Hell is a foreign land that has shaped itself to imitate this cluster of worlds. Beyond that, most of it is a mystery."

A light bulb went up in Kisuke's head, "I see... So another factor of your defeat was due to the fact that you can't completely see-through Hyousube-san."

Yhwach didn't comment on that but that's indeed one of the factors. He wrongly assumed that Ichibei was a Shinigami from what he saw.

"Are you not going to do anything about this?" Kirio couldn't keep her silence anymore since the shaking had worsened. The division between the worlds started disappearing and it's only a few moments from now before the worlds will crash into each other.

Kisuke turned to Kirio and casually winked at her which made the latter uncomfortable.

Kisuke turned his head back to Yhwach and asked, "You don't seem to be that concerned."

Yhwach immediately gave Kisuke a mocking smile as he replied, "What are you talking about? Isn't this what I tried to achieve? Though I have to admit, that's a worthwhile view."

"I see. So you already know about her."

Just as Kisuke finished his words, a red beam flashed through the closing barriers, opening them up again. The red meteor shook the entire palace and soon landed in the Royal Chamber where everyone was, "Boss! I'm ready!"

This is the first time that Kirio met her, however, she won't ever forget that red light, "Y-you! You're the one who punched through the barriers!?"

Flanna, in her Draconic Humanoid form, ignored Kirio since she can't take her eyes off Yhwach, "You better not use those eyes on Blackie or you'll have a bad time."

"What an interesting thing to say. I'd like to meet this Blackie of yours."

Though before Flanna could reply, Kisuke reached out to her while releasing tens more talisman, "Flanna, don't mind him. Do you think you could do everything together?"

The talisman surrounded Yhwach and all of them stuck to him. The next second, a green light covered him and he soon disappeared from the Royal Chamber.

"If it's just me, it's going to be tough, but I made some friends so this should be easy if it's just a temporary solution."

Kisuke started walking towards Kirio and scooped her in his arms, "Then I'll leave things to you here. I'll pick you up later with a freshly baked banana cake."

"Make sure to make many, boss! You need to reward Blackie and little Blackie too!" Flanna waved goodbye to Kisuke who made his way toward the edge of the palace.

"Got it."

After watching Kisuke carry Kirio and jump down, Flanna let out a short breath before muttering to herself, "As expected of the boss, it seems his decision to drag those guys into his problem was a good solution."

She then took a deep breath and let out a roar so loud that was heard in the whole expanse of Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the Human World.