Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife
Read Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife - NovelFab
- C.1182 - 1179: Staying in the PalaceNEW
- C.1181 - 1178: NewsNEW
- C.1180 - 1177: ArrogantNEW
- C.1179 - 1176: Counterattack
- C.1178 - 1175: Discussing Business
- C.1177 - 1174: Entering the Palace
- C.1176 - 1173: Begging Her
- C.1175 - 1172: Madam Tang Visits
- C.1174 - 1171: Growing Orchids
- C.1173 - 1170: Angry
- C.1172 - 1169: Disposal
- C.1171 - 1168: Huo Zixing
- C.1170 - 1167 Spanking
- C.1169 - 1166: Accident
- C.1168 - 1165 Interrogation
- C.1167 - 1164: Good Dish
- C.1166 - 1163: Attentive
- C.1165 - 1162: Arrived
- C.1164 - 1161: Persuasion
- C.1163 - 1160: Nonsense
- C.1162 - 1159 Visit
- C.1161 - 1158: Suspicions
- C.1160 - 1157: The Shop
- C.1159 - 1156: Clues
- C.1158 - 1155: Investigation
- C.1157 - 1154: Apology
- C.1156 - 1153: Someone is Angry
- C.1155 - 1152: Human Sentiment
- C.1154 - 1151: Good News
- C.1153 - 1150: Saving People
- C.1152 - 1149: Accident
- C.1151 - 1148: Carving Ice Flowers
- C.1150 - 1147: Decent
- C.1149 - 1146: Clinging to Power
- C.1148 - 1145: Winter Feast
- C.1147 - 1144: Going to the Banquet
- C.1146 - 1143: The Elder Princess’ Mansion
- C.1145 - 1142: Avoidance
- C.1144 - 1141: Contest
- C.1143 - 1140: Quarrel
- C.1142 - 1139: Recommendation
- C.1141 - 1138: Meeting
- C.1140 - 1137: Intentional
- C.1139 - 1136: Viewing the Plum Blossoms
- C.1138 - 1135: Going Out on a Date
- C.1137 - 1134: Reward
- C.1136 - 1133 Planning
- C.1135 - 1132: Seeing a Familiar Person Again
- C.1134 - 1131: Entering the Palace
- C.1133 - 1130: Meeting
- C.1132 - 1129 Going Out
- C.1131 - 1128: Arrival
- C.1130 - 1127: Entering the Capital
- C.1129 - 1126 Good News
- C.1128 - 1125: Physician-in-Chief Lu
- C.1127 - 1124: Expressing Intentions
- C.1126 - 1123: Don’t Come Over
- C.1125 - 1122: Planned Well
- C.1124 - 1121: Going to South State
- C.1123 - 1120: Lending a Hand
- C.1122 - 1119: The Reason
- C.1121 - 1118: Plague
- C.1120 - 1117: Lu Sangqi Goes to South State
- C.1119 - 1116: Meeting the Son of Heaven
- C.1118 - 1115: King Qi Enters the City
- C.1117 - 1114: Delivering a Letter to King Qi
- C.1116 - 113: Researching Pharmacology
- C.1115 - 1112: Flood
- C.1114 - 1111: Acting
- C.1113 - 1110 Impeachment
- C.1112 - 109: Flood Control
- C.1111 - 1108: Concern
- C.1110 - 1107: Pregnant
- C.1109 - 1106: Speaking
- C.1108 - 1105: Visit in Person
- C.1107 - 1104 Guests
- C.1106 - 113 Results
- C.1105 - 1102: The Candidate for Cooperation
- C.1104 - 1101 Negotiation
- C.1103 - 1100: Capital’s Rouge Shop
- C.1102 - 1099: Settling Accounts
- C.1101 - 1098: Du Heng Gets Married
- C.1100 - 1097: Xie Yu’s Official Position
- C.1099 - 1096: Laying Down the Law
- C.1098 - 1095: Went There on Purpose
- C.1097 - 1094 Whetted Appetite
- C.1096 - 1093: Apology
- C.1095 - 1092: You Look Good
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