Overpowered Archmage Doesn't Hide His Talent-Chapter 242:

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Chapter 242:

Chapter 242 A Good Day

“…He really, truly won.”

“If it goes like this, becoming a hero is….”

The representatives of the Magic Department stared at the arena with expressions that still didn’t fully grasp reality. Flan stood as usual, and in the distance, Viola’s new form lay in a pitiful heap.


Even Trixie, who typically remained composed, was now dumbstruck, her lips moving silently.

In fact, it wasn’t that she hadn’t anticipated Flan’s victory. She had observed and trusted him closely, believing more strongly than anyone that he could win.


There was a tremendous difference between harboring such expectations and seeing them realized. It was a difference as vast as the sky and the earth.

‘And it wasn’t even a normal victory.’

Flan had achieved a complete victory against Viola. It was evident to everyone that the gap between them was glaringly wide.


“Yes, Louis.”



Becky and Louis called each other’s names but exchanged no further words. Sometimes, it was possible to communicate without speaking.

Even Maiev, having recovered, clicked her tongue in awe.

‘Really, a person beyond racial boundaries.’

Traits like ‘Humans are like this,’ ‘Elves are like that,’ and ‘Vampires are like this’ seemed not to apply to Flan at all.

He was undoubtedly stronger than before. Just when one thought they were catching up to his will and abilities, he would leap ahead once more. By now, Maiev was quite accustomed to it.

However, even as she acknowledged this, she didn’t feel any inferiority but rather could smile.

Flan was no longer an opponent to be defeated but a mentor in life. Moreover, he had become a ray of sunlight, a reason for living.

“Ahaha, you know what?”

Suddenly, Louis burst out laughing, drawing the attention of the representatives. Following his gaze, they saw the professors of the Magic Department in the distance.


Everyone tilted their heads in puzzlement.

‘Could they even show such expressions?’

‘It’s my first time seeing them like that.’

It was fascinating and amusing to see the professors, whom they’d never seen show such diverse expressions, now expressing admiration.

Realizing that they weren’t the only ones surprised, the sense of reality dawned on them belatedly.


Violet absentmindedly fidgeted with her pointed hat. Beside her, the Secretary’s jaw hung open in astonishment, presenting a truly ridiculous sight.

“I’m not sure if what I’m seeing is real.”

“Without your glasses, you can’t see.”

“No, it’s not about the glasses.”

After a short exchange with Violet, the Secretary finally pulled herself together. She spoke again, her face still flushed with excitement.

“At this rate… I think Flan is greater than us now. What have we even done…?”

“Oh, really!”


Violet swiftly placed the pointed hat over the Secretary’s head, who flailed her arms like someone suffocating with a plastic bag over their face.

After a moment, Violet removed the hat and spoke.

“Just celebrating is enough for now.”

“Is that… is that so? Ah, this is the first time something like this has happened, and I really don’t know what to do.”

It was Violet’s first time seeing the Secretary stammer like a broken machine. Yet, why was the Secretary’s malfunction so understandable?

She kept watching the Secretary, who was nervously putting on and taking off her glasses with trembling hands, then turned her gaze back to Flan.

‘How should I describe this feeling?’

Astonishment? Admiration? Such expressions couldn’t even begin to explain it.

Flan had overwhelmed none other than Viola, who was considered most fitting for the hero’s position. This victory was unlike any other they had ever achieved.

‘…Has there ever been a similar case?’

No similar case could be found. Even thinking of something close proved impossible.

It wasn’t because Violet’s life span was shorter than that of long-lived species. Even drawing on historical knowledge from before her birth, there had never been anything like this.

“Ah… this is something.”

Conette, the Dean of the Magic Department, slowly covered her face with one hand. Hidden behind it, she couldn’t stop smiling.

This was slightly different from merely savoring the joy of victory.

Conette’s life hadn’t been devoid of trials and challenges. She simply knew how much Flan had to endure and strive to stand where he did.

That’s why this situation was even more enjoyable.

At that moment, a royal official who had come up to the arena looked at Conette.

‘The time has finally come.’

Conette immediately straightened her clothes and headed that way. Flan had achieved an invaluable victory, and it was Conette’s role to show the victor’s dignified and leisurely enjoyment of it.

She could never show an unpolished appearance.

“Go on, Dean!”

“Go on!”

One by one, the professors cheered for Conette. At this moment, everyone’s hearts were undoubtedly racing.

One step. Two steps.

Elegantly, Conette moved towards the arena.

To declare the Magic Department’s victory.



Everything was white.

She was clearly looking at the sky, which seemed cloudless, but the only color that came to mind was white.

Viola lay spread-eagled, staring blankly at the sky.

She had lost.

It was a clean defeat, so thorough that she couldn’t even make a single excuse or complaint. Suddenly, her mind replayed everything from the beginning.

In hindsight, it had been unexpected when the escort knight lost. According to the plan, the knights were supposed to win today and identify the hero.

Of course, the escort knight’s defeat could have been managed.

It might have even served as a tension-building prelude to the finale. However, she…

She, the top candidate for the hero, was completely defeated. A total defeat. Other than slightly tearing Flan’s collar, she hadn’t inflicted any harm.

‘If I have to blame someone, who should it be?’

Finding a single culprit to blame would have been comforting, but it was impossible. Strictly speaking, neither those who failed to predict this nor she herself were at fault.

After all, who could have predicted this?

“Um… Lady Viola….”

A royal official knelt on one knee beside Viola, who was lying sprawled out, and spoke cautiously.

“Can you get up? It’s about time to announce the results….”


“If you can’t get up, we’ll have to carry you to the infirmary. May we assist you, Lady Viola?”

The official’s words felt incredibly surreal. Having never anticipated defeat, Viola didn’t know how to respond.

In this moment, should she stand up and accept her loss gracefully, or should she be taken to the infirmary to avoid showing an unsightly appearance…?

The fact that she even had to consider such a dilemma was devastating. The shock was indescribably immense.

Ultimately, Viola couldn’t utter any response.

And no one particularly blamed her for it. No one here was unaffected by the shock, so how immense must the impact be on Viola herself?

Finally, the royal official spoke to the other officials nearby.

“Assist Lady Viola. Escort her to the infirmary.”

“Yes, sir.”

Even as she was carried away on a stretcher, completely out of the arena, Viola didn’t blink once. The knights, watching her, bowed their heads deeply.

The reason for their defeat.

Every knight sought to find that reason, but there was only one. The Magic Department was simply stronger than the knights. There was no other reason.




Not one field had they won in.

By then, Conette from the Magic Department had stepped onto the arena. On the knights’ side, the escort knight had no choice but to step up as well.

Conette spoke first.

“Ah, Escort Knight.”


“Thank you for today’s match.”

Even with a simple greeting, the escort knight didn’t know how to respond. A glance back revealed that the other knights felt the same.

He looked back at Conette.

Solid and standing tall. More dignified than ever…. It was the sight the knights had aspired to.

“Today’s match….”

With a solemn expression, the escort knight forced his stiff lips to move. With so many eyes watching, any sign of disrespect was unacceptable.

“…Thank you.”

The escort knight’s body trembled. Overwhelmed by humiliation, he didn’t know where to look, but Conette gazed at the high sky instead of this sight.

‘It’s blue.’

The weather was perfect.

“With this, the hero is…”

A royal official announced.

“…the magician, Flan!”