Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant-Chapter 356

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The sky gradually darkened. Beside the waterfall, the cold and starving two people were listless.

Lin Zhizhao’s clothes kept getting damp as the waterfall kept splattering toward him. The rock beneath them was also damp. If they were even the slightest careless, they might slip down.

Lin Zhizhao desperately tried to stay awake, because he felt that once he fell asleep, he wouldn’t wake up anymore. And Ye Mu concentrated on regaining her physical strength, hoping to recover her internal energy as quickly as possible.

Lin Zhizhao’s teeth chattered as he asked, “Now do you still—still believe he’ll come save you?”

This mountain was very cold. Lin Zhizhao felt his headache pounding excruciatingly on his forehead, but he persisted to stay awake.

Ye Mu said, “Of course he’ll come. Hang in there for a while.”

Lin Zhizhao bitterly smiled. “Even if he comes, he won’t be able to find us.”

After all, who would think that they would be in the middle of the waterfall?

This was indeed a dilemma, so Ye Mu didn’t speak for a while.

A moment later, Ye Mu noticed that she didn’t hear anything from Lin Zhizhao. Because he was poisoned earlier, and later got bitten by the python, Ye Mu was a little anxious and gave him a push!

“Lin Zhizhao? Wake up!”

Lin Zhizhao was in a daze, opening his eyes once more. He was sleepy to death, as if he would sleep at any moment.

At this moment, Ye Mu had no choice and said to him, “I’ll tell you a joke?”

Lin Zhizhao suddenly was dumbfounded. This was the first time someone offered to tell him a joke.

Ye Mu saw him staring at her, and with a light tone, “Want to hear?”


“Good, I’ll begin. Listen carefully, it’s funny!”


Where could Ye Mu know a joke? She racked her brain, and finally thought of one. She said, “A farmer rushes an ox into town and encounters a wealthy person. That wealthy person sees the farmer dirty all over, and immediately thinks of making fun of him. Running over, he asks, ‘Do you want to enter the town?’ The farmer feels extremely flattered seeing the wealthy person talking to him. He hurriedly says, ‘Yes, I want to go in.’ Who would have thought the wealthy person would glare at him, saying, ‘Who’s talking to you? I’m talking to the ox!’ Hearing this, the farmer turns around and slaps the ox, saying, ‘You ox, you have a relative in town and didn’t think of saying anything!'”

After Ye Mu finished speaking, she laughed herself. She saw this joke from a certain magazine, it’s been many years since. It should be funny, right?

But Lin Zhizhao, not sure whether or not he understood, merely looked at her, remaining silent.

Ye Mu saw him staring at her, and her vigor shook. She tried again, “Is this not funny? There’s one more, listen!”

She paused, as if organizing her words. Amidst the gurgling sound of flowing water, her voice sounded hoarse.

“In a worship hall, a pair of chopsticks asks the Sandalwood Bodhisattva: Why are we all wooden? I have to be bitten by humans, but you’re fed by humans? Bodhisattva says: You just need to be shaped a few times, but I’ve actually experienced being hacked into pieces to be a Buddhakaya. A chopping board on one side says: I object, I’m hacked by people every day, but I’m still a chopping board!”

After Ye Mu finished, she felt Lin Zhizhao would understand this joke, but he was still very quiet.

“Is—is it not funny?” Ye Mu felt awkward.

Lin Zhizhao fixedly stared at her. Under the moonlight, she seemed very embarrassed. At this moment, that extremely small face seemed to look more innocent. Although her hair was in disarray, and her clothes also a mess, her eyes were big and bright, as if reflecting the round moon in them, which greatly reassured him.

Lin Zhizhao suddenly laughed. He originally had a chubby face, and his two dimples were sweet the moment he laughed. This made Ye Mu baffled, is this person’s reflex arc so long? It had been a long while since she told her jokes!

But she didn’t understand Lin Zhizhao’s thoughts. He didn’t expect that all his life, there would be someone who would go through fire and water with him, that there would be someone to comfort him in a dangerous time, to tell a joke during a peril to keep him awake. He really felt—

“Ye Mu.” His eyes sparkled. “If I die along with you today—”

He smiled brightly. “I won’t have any regrets.”

Hearing his words, Ye Mu was dumbfounded beyond description. And at this moment, red fireworks burst in the sky before them!

Ye Mu instantly got up, looking at those dispersing red lights. It’s Mo Lin Yuan, Mo Linyuan had come to save her!

Mo Linyuan had found a number of secret entrances, but didn’t find Ye Mu. Without any choice, he could only go down the mountain and assembled the previous five hundred people together, planning to search up the mountain again the first thing in the morning.

But he was afraid that Ye Mu would be scared, so he ordered someone to let off the fireworks. If Ye Mu could hear the sound or see the fireworks, she would know that he was beside her and had never left, much less had given up!

And looking at those red fireworks, Ye Mu’s uneasiness fell quiet in an instant.

After the fireworks dispersed, she squatted down in front of Lin Zhizhao in an extremely good mood, telling him, “You’re cold, right? I’ve regained a little of my internal energy, I’ll give you some!”

After saying this, with no room for protests, she clapped a hand onto Lin Zhizhao’s back. Lin Zhizhao opened his mouth, and in a moment, a warm current poured into him. It not only warmed his body, but also warmed his heart even more.

He tightly hugged the bundle in his chest, quietly thinking.

——Mother, I think, I like a girl. Although the time is short, I really like her, but she’s not destined to be with me. I can only tell you.

The next morning, the sun rode high in the sky.

Besides waiting for Mo Linyuan to save her, Ye Mu was also thinking of a way to save herself.

She looked at the height below and also the current of the water. She felt that leaping off at this height, if she wasn’t careful, the water would instead beat her to death!

After all, falling from a high place and directly falling onto the water is not that much different from falling to the ground.

She gazed at the vine that wasn’t far, seeming to be lost in thought. Although it wasn’t sturdy, it was long enough.

Through Ye Mu’s internal energy and a night’s rest, Lin Zhizhao felt much better now. With a pale complexion, he said, “What are you planning to do?”

Ye Mu pointed to a rock on the other side of the waterfall. “If we can use the vine, we can jump up there.”

Lin Zhizhao looked at the distance, immediately saying, “It’s too far, the vine isn’t that long.”

After Ye Mu compared it for a while, she also felt it was a little risky. “Then what do we do? If Mo Linyuan doesn’t find me, we’ll be doomed, won’t we? Do we need to wait until I recover my internal energy? In this case, it’s recovering very slowly!”

Suddenly, Lin Zhizhao covered her mouth. He said in a low voice, “Listen. Is it the sound of horse’s hooves?”

Ye Mu quickly quietened, and then looked up. She saw a crowd of people closing in, but it wasn’t Mo Country’s uniform. “It’s Zhao Country’s people?”

Lin Zhizhao nodded. “To provoke both countries, Yan Country told Zhao Country’s people that Mo Linyuan would come here to find the treasure.”

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