One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning-Chapter 443: Terrible Root Law! The Great Desolate version of Gundam!

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Chapter 443: Terrible Root Law! The Great Desolate version of Gundam!

The one who sneaked up on the giant three-headed snake was not another giant beast.

Rather, it was the only descendant of the atomic dinosaur that was seriously injured by the giant three-headed snake and finally died!

This atomic dinosaur originally lived a very comfortable life.

Like other similar species, it was also relatively lazy.

Originally, it had no worries about food and clothing.

Everything was fine, but since that one dark rainy night, after a giant three-headed snake attacked his father, everything had changed.

This atomic dinosaur sobbed all night.

The next morning, the state of mind had changed.

The eyes were no longer filled with spring flowers, but with deep hatred! novelbuddy.cσ๓

For revenge.

This atomic dinosaur hid itself.

While avoiding the giant three-headed snake’s pursuit.

And secretly growing its strength.

Surprisingly, it also chose to …… went to the crater of the volcano.

To feed on lava!

And use it to exercise its physique!


This atomic dinosaur’s body underwent step-by-step changes.

The breath it exhaled became very hot!

After years of enduring humiliation.

This atomic dinosaur spied the giant three-headed snake.

Secretly waiting for the right moment.


On a rainy night, an excellent opportunity arose.

The giant three-headed snake’s defense ?was focused …… on the Great Desolate Army base on the shore.

It simply could not think that ……

A giant beast on land would dare to sneak up on it!

This atomic dinosaur suddenly popped out.

One of the giant three-headed snakes was restrained in one bite.

And spit out the scorching flames in its body.

Although the giant three-headed snake had a strong physique.

But couldn’t stop this terrible flame.

The snake’s head directly blew off!

But the giant three-headed snake was strong after all.

The other two snake heads launched a counterattack, spewing mouthfuls of flame.

The attacking Atomic Dinosaur was seriously injured!

But it succeeded in one blow.

So it didn’t dare to stay.

Immediately slip away!

It was also very smart.

Prepared two sets of options.

If it couldn’t kill it directly, then hit it hard.

That way, the giant three-headed snake would not dare to chase.

As expected, it was as smart as a three-headed snake.

The first thing that came to mind was not to make this atomic dinosaur pay, but ……

Hurry up and find a place to hide.

The first thing it wanted to do was to find a place to hide and get well.

But this atomic dinosaur deliberately made the commotion very big.

And deliberately spread it.


The giant beasts of the second land were aware of ……

The giant three-headed snake that had ruled for decades was …… Without a snake head!

Some restless beasts started moving around here.

There was no shortage of giant beasts that were previously suppressed and bullied by the giant three-headed snake.

Among the crypt, over five skeleton crawlers burst out of the ground.

Looking for the footprints of the wounded giant three-headed snake.

A tyrannical bear, saber-toothed tiger, giant E and atomic dinosaur, all acted.

The one who was most happy to learn the news was ……

The giant gorilla that has been living next to the base of the Great Desolate Army.

Now the leader was immediately taking all his kind to the battlefield.

Searching for traces of the giant three-headed snake.

Ready to kill it while it was still sick!

To get revenge for the ancestors fiercely!

There were so many places to hide in the second land.

Even if the giant three-headed snake could hide, it couldn’t hide anywhere.

One day, the giant beasts found it.

So ……

The battle quickly broke out!

These giant beasts also knew the power of the giant three-headed snake.

Did not dare to fight alone.

At this time, also discard the former suspicion and join hands.

Together against this wounded giant three-headed snake.

There were even more than ten giant gorillas that joined the battle group!

Even though the giant three-headed snake was very brave.

Without a snake head, still rushing left and right to kill.

Took out one giant beast after another.

But in the end it was …… outnumbered!

The second snake’s head was ripped off.

Not long after that.

The gorillas themselves killed the badly wounded giant three-headed snake!

So far!

The single most powerful creature the Second Land had ever seen …… had fallen!

The dominant position was also briefly vacant.

None of the giants were strong enough to convince the public.

Many behemoths were staring at them.

But in the end, they could only look on with dismay!

After the giant gorilla killed the giant three-headed snake.

It was not enough.

Continue to look for the descendants of the giant three-headed snake.

But the giant three-headed snake was so cunning.

The descendants have long been returned to the sea.

“An era has ended for this land …… ”

Su Dingfang, who was watching this battle through a drone, smiled and lamented.

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At this time, the crowd suddenly saw ……

Not far away in the forest.

Several giant gorillas were dragging a behemoth in this direction.

When they came closer.

Found that this behemoth was actually an atomic dinosaur.

It was the same one that had attacked the giant three-headed snake.

The giant gorilla dragged this atomic dinosaur.

He came to the base of the Great Desolate Army.

It kept waving its arms in a pose.

“These super gorillas are not trying to …… let us save this seriously injured atomic dinosaur, right?”

The crowd was looking to understand the meaning of these giant gorillas.

“To save or not to save?”

Many scholars and generals were a bit headstrong.

Giant gorillas as neighbors.

All these years, they were friendly with the Great Desolate Army.

The relationship was very cordial.

This favor couldn’t be unhelpful, right?

But they were naturally aware of the power of atomic dinosaurs.

And there was no friendship with the Great Wilderness Army.

Once there’s a violent attack and it hurts someone …… Then I’m afraid it’s not very good!

The most crucial thing was ……

The anesthetic seems to be ineffective against the Atomic Dinosaur.

“The Atomic Dinosaur has a very powerful physique, even stronger than the Giant Three-Headed Snake, not to mention anesthetics. Even transcendental poisons may have no effect on it.”

A scholar frowned and said.

The others were also in a dilemma.

To save or not to save was a problem.


Finally, it was Su Dingfang who spoke up and decided.

Let the giant gorilla drag in the seriously injured atomic dinosaur.

A group of scholars and a medical team got busy.

The rescue was rather time-consuming.

After an afternoon of tossing.

Finally, this atomic dinosaur was rescued from the edge of endangerment.

But in this process.

Many scholars were astonished to find it.

“This atomic dinosaur actually has a flaming furnace inside its body.”

A young scholar was shocked and said: “There is a terrifying high-temperature flame, which is much higher than ordinary fire.”

“And ……”

“What shocked me the most was.”

“It can surprisingly spit out these flames, the esophagus, mouth and what not is completely unaffected.”

Others have also expressed the surprise in their hearts.

“This atomic dinosaur is really unique.”

Another scholar picked up, “Have you noticed that the other atomic dinosaurs don’t seem to spit fire, which means …… There is no such flaming furnace in the body.”

“I even tested it carefully this afternoon.”