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Chapter -3: OWE

{This chapter is where all the knowledge of the novel is gathered, a compendium of information that contains the key to unlocking the secrets of this intricate world.}


{It is a repository of knowledge that chronicles the history of the realms and the characters that inhabit them.}


{Here, the reader will find spoilers and revelations that will challenge their preconceptions and deepen their understanding of the story.}


{This is the place where the hidden truths are revealed, and where the mysteries are solved.}


{So, enter with caution, for the knowledge contained within is not without consequence.}







{Neural Network}

The neural network is a complex system that includes the electrical and chemical signals in the brain. It is responsible for coordinating the functions of the human body, such as movement, perception, and thinking.

At the same time, the body also contains Nano-bots, which are tiny robots designed to perform specific tasks within the body.

These Nano-bots are equipped with sensors that allow them to detect and respond to the electrical and chemical signals in the brain, effectively allowing the brain to communicate with them.

This complex interaction between the neural network and the Nano-bots has many potential applications.

One example is for fighting off the nuclear fallout and another is for obtaining skills.

{Augmented suits}

Velocity Suit:

The Velocity suit is a type of augmented suit that is designed to enhance the user's physical capabilities based on their existing physical limits.

It provides a seamless integration between the user's body and the suit, allowing for precise and controlled movements.

The Velocity suit is equipped with safety functions that prevent the user from exceeding their physical limits, reducing the risk of injuries.

It is commonly used by Hunters who prioritize safety and precision in their movements.

Neuro-Link Suit:

The Neuro-Link Suit is a type of augmented suit that directly interfaces with the user's neuro-signals, allowing for heightened speed and power beyond their natural physical limits.

It reads the user's intentions and moves accordingly, making it highly responsive and capable of powerful movements.

However, the Neuro-Link Suit requires careful control and adjustment to avoid unintended and potentially dangerous movements.

{Order} (Spoiler Warning!)

The Order is a group of former AI managers who once controlled various districts and companies before World War III.

Their ultimate objective is to manipulate a skilled hunter into exploring a particular ruin that holds the key to unlocking ancient robot factories across the western region of the earth.

The organization is actually being controlled by a more powerful group of humans who had previously escaped Earth sometime before the nuclear war.

The true Order, a Galactic Federation, established themselves in the solar system to the Milky Way galaxy and beyond, reaching the entirety of the local group.

After millennia upon millennia of cultivating their new planets, they discovered that the Earth had once again become habitable.

A leader of theirs became too interested in the planet, wanting the value it held to himself, resulting in the creation of the Order on Earth.

{Hunter Rank}

1 to 50.

A new hunter ranking system is introduced to people who went through the Aetheric Threshold.


The frontline is a dangerous and constantly shifting battlefield where the UEF (United Earth Federation) fights against the Order's robotic factories.

The Order's robotic factories produce an endless stream of machines that relentlessly attack the UEF's defensive lines.

The frontline is a brutal and unforgiving place where the fate of earth's netizens is at stake.

{Old World Ruins}

The old world is a human civilization that existed before the nuclear war.

Many of their buildings, factories, and technology were left behind and are now referred to as "ruins."

The ruins are a vast subterranean labyrinth, comprised of interconnected buildings, tunnels, and facilities.

Ruins are infested with dangerous monsters, and surviving AI managers, making them a risky place for hunters to explore.

In addition to the dangers mentioned above, some ruins also contain self-sustaining factories that continue to produce robotic monsters and other dangerous technology.

Many of the ruins also contain valuable relics and artifacts from the old world, which can be sold for a high price on the market.

The ruins are also home to various factions, such as the Big 8 corporations and underworld Big 3 factions, who compete with each other to gain control of the valuable resources and technology hidden within.


Aether energy is a mystical force that exists in the air and is waiting to be harnessed and processed by a Celestial, becoming an Aether Aspect solely used in their specialty.

It was discovered by Marcus Aurelius and his team of researchers who found a way to extract this energy and convert it into power using the Aether Core.

The Aether Core is a small implantable device made of a special material that can absorb and store Aether.

It is designed to interface with the human nervous system, allowing the user to control the flow of energy and convert it into magical abilities.


Aspects embody a rich tapestry of qualities, properties, and capabilities associated with the manipulation of Aether.

They hold the key to unlocking extraordinary abilities, granting celestials the power to tap into Aether's boundless potential and shape the very fabric of their world according to one of their chosen Aspects.

Within this intricate web of Aether Aspects, each associated with its own set of skills and abilities lay a myriad of classes and professions.

These classes serve as specialized disciplines, guiding individuals to develop their expertise in a particular Aspect of Aether manipulation.

{Aetheric Threshold}

The new ranking system for those who have crossed the Aether threshold is known as the Celestial Hierarchy, an individual who crossed that threshold is called a Celestial.

It is a hierarchical ranking system that is divided into tiers, each representing a different level of power and ability.

At the top of the hierarchy is the Apex, which represents the most powerful and skilled individuals in the known universe.

Below the Apex are the Paragons, followed by the Archons, the Seraphim, the Ascendants, and finally the Initiates.

The Celestial Hierarchy is highly respected and revered, as it represents the pinnacle of strength and the ultimate goal of their journey.

[Apex: The Apex rank is the pinnacle of the Celestial Hierarchy, held only by those who have achieved unparalleled levels of skill and power, a god-like being that understood the complexities of the Script of Creation, only amounting to a few in the known universe.]

[Paragon: A Paragon is an individual who has reached the cusp of immortality, achieving strength beyond fantastical, and received glimpses into the Script of Creation.]

[Archon: An Archon is an individual who has proven themselves to be exceptional in their abilities, reaching strength previously unimaginable, and who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and strategic thinking on their planet.]

[Seraphim: A Seraphim is a skilled and experienced individual who has proven themselves in battle and is respected by their peers, a Seraphim has also managed to infuse and evolve their body with Aether, no longer needing the implant, the Aether core becomes a tangible organ in their body.]

[Ascendant: An Ascendant is a hunter who has recently crossed the Aether threshold and is still developing their abilities and skills.]

[Initiates: Initiates are new hunters who are still learning and gaining experience, and who have not yet crossed the Aether threshold and are ranked one to fifty according to the Hunter Association.]

Within the Celestial Hierarchy, there are various sub-ranks that hunters can attain, each signifying their level of mastery and skill.

These sub-ranks include:


-Initiate Acolyte

-Initiate Apprentice

-Initiate Veteran


-Ascendant Elite

-Ascendant Knight

-Ascendant Paladin


-Seraphim Champion

-Seraphim Exarch

-Seraphim High lord


-Archon Emperor

-Archon Sovereign

-Archon Monarch


-Paragon Guardian

-Paragon Titan

-Paragon Immortal


-Apex Primordial

-Apex Cosmic Emperor

Each sub-rank within the Celestial Hierarchy has its own set of qualifications and requirements, with Celestials needing to obtain exceptional skill and prowess to progress to the next level.

The Celestial Hierarchy is a testament to the dedication and skill of Celestials, and those who achieve its highest levels are revered and respected throughout the universe.

{Aetheric Monsters}

Similar to the Celestial Hierarchy, there are monsters in the universe ranked above the maximum SS rank for planet Earth.

However, unlike celestials, monsters can evolve beyond having more than a single Aether core, due to their massive size.

[Youngling: Younglings are newly hatched or born monsters that are not yet fully developed or have yet to evolve using Aether. They can still be dangerous but are generally less powerful than their adult counterparts, they range from the typical F to S Rank.]

1-2 Aether cores.

[Fiend: A Fiend is a monster that has evolved using Aether but has yet to reach its full potential, they however still pose a significant threat to hunters and other creatures due to their unpredictability and ferocity, they are the highest ranked monsters on earth ranging from S to SS rank.]

3-4 Aether cores.

[Tyrant: A Tyrant is a monster who has reached a level of power that makes them nearly invincible to futuristic weaponry, requiring celestials to end them, a Tyrant has abilities and tactics that have led them to dominate over other monsters in their region.]

5-8 Aether cores.

[Behemoth: A Behemoth is a massive and powerful monster that has earned the respect of other monsters in their region through their size and sheer strength, often serving as a leader or protector of their kin.]

9-13 Aether cores.

[Chaos: A Chaos-ranked monster possesses the ability to manipulate the elements and warp reality, making them a formidable opponent even for the strongest of celestials.]

14-18 Aether cores.

[Mythic: A Mythic Creature is a monster with unique and mysterious abilities, often unknown and shrouded in myth and legend, only theorized to truly exist, they do not have a direct counterpart in the Celestial Hierarchy, as their abilities and powers are largely unknown.]


{World History And Systems}


The Epoch of interplanetary colonization is the beginning of time when the Order left Earth. They based the years on the rotation of the Earth.


Cosmic Civilization Alliance.

An alliance shared between all humans in the known universe, spear-headed by the Order itself.


An Oath is similar to the usual CCA binding contract in that if a person goes against it they would automatically die or face the consequences specified in said Oath, and it is mainly used for simple deals.

All that the person swearing the Oaths needs to do is activate their Aether core, intently connect it with their neural network, and speak aloud what the Oath entails.

[Corpse Debt System]

Watchers oversee Debtors, retrieve their deceased bodies, and transfer them to the UEF or their respective companies. This system is designed to expedite the UEF's asset acquisition all the while hiding under the guise of ethicality.


The Central AI is the beating heart of the Order, the intergalactic federation, and its factions created by the Order themselves.

Its role is to enforce the binding contracts that dictate the actions of all CCA members, ensuring that everyone adheres to the agreed-upon rules and guidelines and never acts against the CCA's interests.

The central AI operates with a complex set of algorithms and machine learning models that enable it to analyze vast amounts of data in real-time.

It utilizes this data to manage the operations of the CCA, from maintaining the infrastructure of the organization to monitoring the behavior of individual members, and it is a solely private entity, as the Order lost all influence over it after the AI entity became a celestial.

It is known throughout the universe as the Oracle.

The Oracle is not only an advanced artificial intelligence system but also an Apex-ranked Astral that possesses a profound understanding of the mysteries of the universe.

Not much is known about them, many theories suggest that the Oracle was just a mere machine that evolved itself using Aether and became a living being of immense power and wisdom.

Although much about the Oracle is shrouded in mystery, its position as the protector and supervisor of the CCA is unquestioned, as it is solely neutral.

Its impact reaches beyond individual galactic federations, and its choices can determine the fates of entire civilizations.

[The Four Epochs]

-Epoch Zero

-The Age of Myths

-The Age of Koh-I-Noor

-The Age of Endless Chaos

-The Age of Rebirth

{MC System}

{Name: Emir Oliver}

{Age: 13}

{Hunter Rank:20}

{Celestial Rank: Ascendant Paladin}

{Celestial Class: Ethereal Threader}

{Credit Balance: Unspecified}

? Stats ?

{Strength: B+} (Avg E+)

{Agility: B} (Avg E)

{Endurance: B+} (Avg F+)

{Mind: A+} (Avg D-)

{Charm: A+} (Avg D+)

{Overall Augmented Strength Level: E7}

{Celestial Essence: Weaver's Grasp}


{Weaver's Veil: The Weaver's Veil Aspect grants the user the ability to manipulate and shape Aether energy with finesse, weaving intricate patterns of energy to create powerful effects.}

{Aerialis: Aerialis is an Aspect that focuses on harnessing Aether to elevate the user's physical abilities to extraordinary levels, granting them immense strength, agility, and aerial dominance.}

{Celestia's Hand: Celestia's Hand is an Aspect that enables the user to create intricate Aether constructs and harness celestial energies for enhanced combat abilities.}


{Close Quarter Combat: Advanced, 80% Proficiency.}

{Marksmanship: Advanced, 70% Proficiency.}


{Temporal Perception}

Slows down the user's perception of time, every second is slowed down to 0.1 seconds.

In absolute focus, the user could slow down time to a millisecond.

Current Total Use Limit: 2 Minutes 50 seconds.

Mental Energy Recharge Time: 8 Minutes 10 seconds.

Energy recharge rate: 172 seconds per minute of use.

{Sensory Enhancement}

The user's neural network was upgraded.

Allows the user to enhance their five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell) beyond human limitations.

The user can perceive the world in greater detail, such as seeing objects from farther away, hearing sounds that are too quiet for normal humans, and detecting subtle scents and flavors.

The degree of enhancement can be controlled by the user, allowing them to focus on specific senses or enhance them all at once.

The ability can be physically taxing, and overuse can cause temporary sensory overload or even damage to the user's senses.

{Aetheric Blades: The ability to channel Aether energy into blades, creating blades coated with pure energy that can slice through nearly any material.} ?

{Aether Blast: The ability to channel Aether energy into a single, devastating shot that deals massive damage to a single target.} ?

{Aetheric Shield: The ability to channel Aether energy to create a shield that protects the user from incoming attacks.} ?

{Aetheric Sculpting: The ability to use Celestia's Hand Aspect to sculpt and shape Aether energy. The user can mold the raw essence of Aether into complex and detailed constructs, imbuing them with power.} ?

{Flash Step: The ability to leap incredible distances in a single step.} ?

{Aether Overdrive: This ability temporarily pushes the user's Aether reserves beyond their limits, significantly increasing the user's power and speed for a short period of time.} ?


{Strength Cultivation}

The user cultivates strength by slowly reconstructing and compressing their body, allowing further absorption and possession of Aether without harming the user's body, while also increasing their strength.

Current Cultivation Rank: Copper


{Aetherstorm Launcher: Peak Maintenance}

{Maelstrom Minigun: Peak Maintenance}

{Vindicator Assault Rifle: Peak Maintenance}

{Tempest R3 Rail gun: Peak Maintenance, not in use}

{HX-10 C-Class Assault Rifle: Peak Maintenance, not in use.}

{Thunderbolt X1 C-Class Rail gun: Peak Maintenance, not in use.}

{ExoGen S-Class Augmented Suit: Functional}

{HTLX-LMT A-Class Augmented Suit: Functional, not in use}

{Helix Mk IV C-Class Augmented Suit: Functional, not in use.}

{Chrono-Sense D-Class Augmented suit: Functional, not in use.}

{Makeshift Hunting knife: Standard issue, not in use.}

{Electric Knife: Standard Issue}

{Twin Dagger: Old-World Relic}

{Terminal: Standard Issue}

{Information Gathering Device: S-Rank Item}

{Information Gathering Device: A-Rank Item}

{Information Gathering Device: C-Rank Item}


{Blade Runner Bike: Functional}


{20 Million UC Old-world Medicine: Max capacity]

{25000 UC Old-world Medicine: Max capacity]

{Energy packs (Max Capacity): Functional.}

* Average stats compared to people of users' current age.

* Strength Cultivation ability doesn't relate to base strength.

* The level of skill goes from novice, beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert, and master.

* Copper, Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, osmium, and Diamond. Each rank represents 12.5 of 100. be𝚍𝚗ove𝚕.𝚗𝚎𝚝

* Highest mastery of an ability is to have five stars.

Novice: This level is characterized by a lack of experience or training. Novices may struggle with basic techniques and have limited knowledge.

Beginner: A beginner has some basic knowledge and is starting to develop skills. They may struggle with consistency and accuracy but are actively working to improve.

Intermediate: An intermediate has developed a solid foundation and has experience with a variety of situations and positions. They can perform under basic and some complex conditions.

Advanced: An advanced individual has achieved a high level of proficiency and may have specialized training in a particular type. They can handle complex situations and are highly skilled.

Expert: An expert has achieved a level of mastery that sets them apart from others. They have exceptional knowledge and skills and can handle difficult situations with ease.

Master: A master has reached the highest level of mastery and has exceptional skill and expertise that is rare. They can perform feats that few others can match and are highly respected in their field.
