Number One Dungeon Supplier-Chapter 1858 Boss, Any Discount?

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Chapter 1858 Boss, Any Discount?

"Boss, do we have a discount? Lol." Rong said as Lian brought him towards Jin when the announcement was over. He looked awfully excited when he read a little more about the dungeon that had been published on the Pandamonium App.

"Don't you guys have free dungeon passes or something?" Jin asked and Lian explained to him that Rong had used up all of his passes in the first two days which made Jin speechless.

"I see that you are quite an avid dungeon goer. Here, two extra free passes for both of you. Enjoy the dungeon, yea?" Jin said that he had something to do and needed to go off soon. Besides, there were a few Pandarens despite the new price changes in the announcement still wanted to meet and greet the 'legendary' who had built the Dungeons and Pandas from scratch.

In the meantime, Lian was delighted that she did not need to pay for Rong now that Jin had given them free passes. Her bet paid off for wanting to see Jin straight after the meeting. However, this was also a good time to really test out her strength and skill. So far, she had grown her tail out but was still embarrassed to show it out in public and thus shrunk the tail size so that it could be hidden under her dress instead.

Rong, on the other hand, smiled at the free pass and asked if Lian wanted to go into the train with him despite knowing that this would be a one man dungeon. "Nah, I like to see how you fair first for my own research, to erm support you better in the future." Lian wanted to see what the dungeon would be like and having Rong to be the guinea pig was the next best idea for the night.

"Oh. Ok. Whatever you say. See you later." Rong said as he entered through the ticket counter just like the many others who had been 'duped' into buying the monthly (some even the annual pass of the highest tier!) to officially enter the platform and take the first train to the place where they will start the new dungeon instance.

Before they reached the Dark Days Dungeon instance, rules were being revealed to the players. All of their equipment would be confiscated including the items they were equipped with and they would only be given a wooden club.

Appearance wise, there would be a Grade 0 Shirt and Pants that had been delivered into their storage boxes in the station where they would be arriving. (Even their underwear had been subjected to grade zero rating.) All they had to do was to find that locker scan their QR code and they would have access to it. The changing room and toilets were not packed as each time they entered the toilets, it was a private instance for them to change before they returned to the main station and went up the stairs/elevator to the start of their dungeon run.

It did not take Rong to change and put all his remaining items into his storage ring. Another warning emerges stating that the storage ring would not be accessible while the Pandamonium App would only be available at certain checkpoints but certain functions of the app can not be used during the dungeon.

"Wow, it feels rather strict," Rong said as he did not mind all of these rules he picked up the wooden club and started to move out of the toilet to find that almost everyone was wearing the same exact shirt and they could not help but to laugh as if they were minions of some sort.

"I am going up now." Rong texted Lian but before she could reply, the message to Rong had been disabled. It was then she realised that there was no streaming available for the latest Dark Day Dungeon Instance at all. Some of the Pandarens were already complaining if there was a bug and requested the moderators and even directly messaging Jin to fix it as soon as possible. (Obviously, the System threw those messages to junk)

However, instead of replying to one of them, he made an additional announcement. There is no footage available nor streaming allowed for this particular dungeon until the next Dark Day Dungeon Instance has been released. "If your friends were to describe it to you, then please allow your imagination to run free. Cultivators who can draw, all I ask is to keep it as spoiler free as possible. However, I cannot control the internet (Lies, he could.) so if there is any information out there, please be wary of fake information as well."

"Holy crap, this is really personal training to the max. Can you imagine someone were to post an entire series of guides, only to be trolled at the very last moment?" Lian heard some Pandarens say.

"I think this will be a very real problem until the majority of cultivators who tried it can testify that the dungeon had been that way." Another Pandaren remarked.

"But don't you think this is exciting? We finally get to experience something new and perhaps dangerous." The Pandaren who overheard them join in. "Perhaps, we can make a club and only verified people, not trolls to share the information."

"Boss Jin probably will create the forum for this new dungeon when his new instance is out, so probably not so soon. Maybe earliest next week? I think he is looking at the response of this new dungeon first." The Pandarens continued to talk among themselves.

"Sigh, that means I really got to try this dungeon myself. It will be a bit stupid to ask Rong for advice, right?" Lian's great idea went down the drain as she put the pass ticket that Jin gave towards the ticket machine. "Hahah. Maybe it will cheer Rong up since he could tell me what he had experienced." Lian thoughts of slacking got worse but eventually, she decided to go experience it herself.

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