Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 1215: CER Type 1

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Chapter 1215: CER Type 1

While Madison, Nan Tian, Helion and Jacob was dealing with the three gods, Shiro had her entire focus dedicated to creating a device that could resolve the energy build up problem.

She knew that the energy build up was a result of the source code changing rapidly so her solution was to use time magic once more and allow the energy to slowly disperse itself and stabilise the object.

The only problem with this was that she would need to create a new spell circle every time the energy fluctuated since her mastery over time magic was still lacking. If she was to make new spell circles constantly in quick succession, especially with something such as time magic, the drain would multiply with each spell. At the start it wouldn't be too bad but soon the drain will be too much even for her.

From twice the initial cost, to four times, eight times, sixteen times and so on. It would continue to increase and even with all of her mana regen, mana reserves, crystals and Asharia to help as a conductor, it would still be difficult.

However, there was an easy solution to this. The solution would be to make a program that already had all the piece required to create a magic circle itself so that Shiro didn't need to constantly remake them from scratch.

Overall it wasn't that difficult since she had plenty of experience fusing both science and magic, especially considering the nature of her nanobots. But more than that, the most common type of magic back in Aria was the fusion of science and mage craft. There was plenty of names for this type of magic but the most common was technomancy.

With technomancy serving as her foundation for creating this new object, Shiro started to craft the interior using nanobots.

Compared to her other projects, this was by far the most complicated as it sought to calm the energy build up that appears when tampering with source codes. If she perfects this, she could potentially edit source codes like it was nothing. Of course there are still plenty of factors but this was a big step forward for her.

Focusing on creating the item, Shiro had a simulation running beside her, making sure that whatever she was making wouldn't blow up in her face. While the simulation couldn't encapsulate everything, it was still better than going in blind.

Watching Shiro work, Aarim was silent since she could see the blueprint of this item. While her knowledge of Asharia was surface level at best, since she was cooped up in her mage tower all day every day, even she knew that this item was more complicated.

Placing the last panel to finish off the casing of this item, Shiro imbued it with her mana and watched the intricate lines around each edge light up with a soft orange glow that contrasted with the black metal body.

The item itself was a dodecahedron that was roughly twice as big as her palms. Twelve smooth black metal surfaces that had fine runic carvings if one was to look carefully while the edges contained a barrier that was stronger than the barrier around Asharia due to it being condensed down to this size.

Holding the object, Shiro decided to name it CER type 1 for now. It was short for Creation Energy Reducer, not a very creative name but most of her effort had been placed into making the actual item rather than giving it a good name. Frankly she only named it CER type 1 out of convenience since she wasn't too keen on constantly calling this item 'it' or some other vague term.

Writing down some research notes in the tablet next to her, Shiro glanced back at Aarim.

"Well, this should serve as a good prototype. It's not perfected yet since its main goal is to prove my theory right. But I have rather high hopes for this." Shiro shrugged as Aarim nodded her head.

"In that case then I'll prepare a pocket dimension. Not sure if we want to test that out anywhere near Asharia if I'm being honest. Your recent products have the tendency too… blow up. With how much energy I'm feeling from that item, I don't want to take too many risks." Aarim chuckled while placing a new mana stick in her mouth.

She wasn't a smoker but the action of doing so was rather addicting for her and it served to give her a small chuckle during the downtime between experiments.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. There's only a err… 7-no 65% chance of it blowing up. I've done things with worse odds have I not?" Shiro smirked as Aarim stared at her silently before bringing out a piece of roof debris that had been affected by creation energy.

"That's true. How big do you want the pocket dimension?"

"Ehh~ Medium size. If it goes well nothing should happen." Shiro replied after a short moment of deliberation.

Raising her hand, Aarim snapped her fingers and created a portal for the two of them.

Stepping into the empty world of the pocket dimension, Aarim placed the debris in the centre while Shiro placed CER type 1 next to it.

"Right then, stage one." Shiro muttered as she summoned Error.

Using Error's power, she repeated the familiar actions needed to erase the influence of creation magic on the source code. Stage one was simple, the true difficulty was in stage two where she would see if CER type 1 would do its job properly.

Watching the dodecahedron unfold itself, pieces of metal started to float around the debris, encompassing it in a similar manner as the Argus system with the Earth. Green energy started to flicker as each piece radiated an emerald radiance, connecting to one another through runes.


Watching the first magic circle get constructed in an instant, Shiro narrowed her eyes and monitored both the debris and CER type 1. The debris was encased in a green barrier as the time within slowed down, allowing the energy build up to disperse itself slowly rather than in an instant. While this was happening, the internal components of CER's main body started to observe and note down the changes within the debris and created new magic circles to adapt to the changes.

Seeing that things was going rather well, Shiro had a smile on her face.

"See? What did I tell you? It's-"

However, before she could even finish her sentence, she instinctively activated a teleportation spell and brought the two of them out of the pocket dimension. Appearing back in the labs, Shiro and Aarim stood in silence.

"It blew up didn't-"

"Yeah it blew up." Shiro finished Aarim's sentence before she could.

"Has the pocket dimension collapsed?" Shiro asked as Aarim shook her head.

"Nope. Though if it did it would be a pain to deal with."

Creating a new entrance, they entered the pocket dimension once more and stared silently at the giant fissure that was now present in the dimension.

"... Want me to fix that or do you have it covered." Shiro asked as Aarim raised her hand and started to repair the dimension.

However, the moment she tried to repair it, she noticed that the damage seemed to be 'permanent' in some way. While permanent might not be the right word, time moved at such a slow pace it might as well have stopped. Not only that, Aarim could tell the damage was much deeper as she was the creator of this subspace. Glancing at Shiro, she waited for answers.

"CER type 1 blew up and all of the time magic that I pumped into it seemed to have almost collapsed the river of time in this space. The source code is also damaged severely. This space hasn't completely collapsed on itself since its destruction is unfolding in slow motion." Shiro shrugged her shoulders as Aarim scratched her hair.

"So basically this pocket dimension is scrapped." Aarim sighed.

Bringing them out, Aarim created an illusionary cube between her hands before crushing it and dusting her hands as though nothing ever happened.

"Do you know what went wrong?"

"I have some idea since I was monitoring it. The problem isn't hard to solve but I'll need to fine tune the protective shell to make sure it doesn't happen again." Shiro sighed since she had rather high hopes for CER type 1.

Before she could delve back into her research however, Nan Tian opened the door to the lab.

"Seems like I'm here at a good time." He joked with a small smile as both Shiro and Aarim shrugged.

"Well my prototype just blew up on me so there's that. Did something happen?" Shiro asked curiously as Nan Tian nodded his head and informed them both of what had transpired for him, Madison, Helion and Jacob.

"Oh damn, Zeus really left without doing anything else? I mean I'm not saying it's the wrong choice but I thought he would at least fight a little." Shiro remarked in complete surprise as she had underestimated Zeus. You would think that someone who used their lower half more than their brain would have fought Madison after suffering that kind of humiliation, but the Lightning God seems to know when to stop. Even if it meant being humiliated.

"As for the other two, I have some time to make an appointment for them." Shiro grinned since it was good to take a break from experimentation.