Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 1204: Scala Ad Caelum

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Leaving the building, Yin created a portal into the rift and stepped through with Lisandra by her side.

"You still praying?" Yin called out as Ardorius was still kneeling in front of his sword.

"What we're about to do is practically breaking the taboo. I must seek forgiveness first before performing the act." Ardorius replied without looking up. Keeping his eyes closed, he continued to pray.

"Is that so. We'll that's up to you. But we've come to an agreement with the Queen. The ones who are guilty for all of this will serve as slaves for the Queen, doing missions until they've collected enough food to compensate the city. In return, she'll let bygones be bygones. Congrats, your people can continue to live and the ones responsible aren't killed either." Yin said as she stretched her body.

"Thank you."

"If you want to thank me help my sister. Your thanks won't do anything for me, helping her will." Yin replied instantly as she sat down, waiting for Azrael to contact them since he was the only one who knew how to do the ritual.

"I understand. I… Hais. I will give you my full cooperation." Ardorius sighed as he was going against everything he had done so far. If he was being honest, this left a bitter taste in his mouth.

However, if God really accepts what they're about to do, who was he to go against the will of God?

Finishing off his prayer, he sat silently and waited for Azrael's arrival.

After waiting for around an hour, a mote of golden light appeared in the void and transformed into a sparrow.

{I have built up enough strength to go through with this ritual. Once we're out of the void, I shall lead us to a place suitable for this ritual.} Azrael said as Yin nodded her head.

Flicking her fingers, a portal opened up as the four of them left the rift.

Carrying Lisandra with mana, Yin followed behind Azrael while Ardorius did the same. Flying over the Refugee camp with all of the Vatican survivors, Ardorius activated a spell and sent a message to the young paladin, notifying him of what the decision was and what they were doing now.

Asking him to lead the refugee's back to the base, he also mentioned for him to not interfere with what happens next.

Seeing this happen, Yin only raised an eyebrow but paid no attention as her focus was on Lisandra's survival.

Flying across the ocean, Azrael suddenly stopped as the city and islands were barely visible across the horizon.

{This should be the place. Paladin, charge my familiar with your mana and I'll start the ritual. Then I need you to listen carefully to what I say and repeat after me.} Azrael said as the sparrow started to transform.

Letting out a ray of light, he revealed his form. He had long black hair that reached his lower back, a black and gold robe that was designed in a similar fashion to the pope's robes, dark gold plated armour around his shoulders, arms, waist and legs. Behind him, three pairs of black wings could be seen followed by hundreds of illusionary wings overlapping the real ones.

Raising his arm, he opened his mouth and chanted in a language unknown to Yin and Lisandra.


Parting the clouds, a sword shot down from the skies and hovered in front of him.

Grabbing the sword, Azrael closed his eyes and glanced at Ardorius.

{Listen well paladin.}

Stabbing the sword down, a giant tier 6 magic circle started to appear in the bottom of the ocean as Azrael started to chant. Copying what Azrael was saying, Ardorius used his own sword as a conduit, causing a second tier 6 magic circle to appear before overlapping the initial one that Azrael created.


Watching the ocean water boil and swirl, Azrael's figure seemed to overlap Ardorius' as they both raised their sword into the air and cleaved down.


Splitting the ocean in two, a giant golden ring of energy appeared in the sky.

Glancing up, Yin recognised it to be tier 7 in nature.

{"Heavenly Father, show your lost lamb the path to salvation. Show us the path to that of which we seek. Forgive us for our past sins and shine upon us a new dawn. On the authority of Azrael, the Angel of Death! I summon Scala Ad Caelum!"} Both Azrael and Ardorius shouted out at the same time.

Suddenly, from the bottom of the ocean, a white and gold temple started to appear as the world seemed to freeze around them.

The temple seemed to be made from a strange material that was completely crafted out of energy. There was a single path leading to the temple as the gates opened ever so slightly.

{I suggest your sister walk the path alone. That gives her the highest chance of success.} Azrael smiled as both Yin and Lisandra could tell that he was exhausted.

{We three shall wait here. Should your prayers be answered, you will be saved and I will be forgiven. Should your prayers be rejected, then nothing will change.}

Nodding her head, Lisandra took a deep breath and looked over at Yin.

"I'll be right back." She smiled as she forced herself to stand up.

Furrowing her brows, Lisandra activated a berserk skill so that she no longer felt the pain in her body.

Diving down, Lisandra flew to the start of the path as a show of respect before walking towards the temple.

Feeling a warm energy wrap around her body, she could see the darkness in her wings fade by a tiny bit.

Stepping forward, her motions were slow but her speed was fast. In no time at all, she arrived at the gates of this temple.

Feeling a strange, unfamiliar energy on the other side of that door, Lisandra glanced back at Yin before taking her first step in.


The gates closed behind her as Lisandra suddenly found herself in the middle of the sky. A sea of clouds surrounded her as there was a single path in front of her. A stairway that continued up to the unknown.

Taking the first step, Lisandra felt the energy within her body change ever so slightly. Taking another step, the sensation persisted.

Losing herself for a moment, Lisandra realised she had taken hundreds of steps and her body had physically aged. Around her, statues of angels could be seen, guarding the side of the steps.

Furrowing her brows, she wanted to look back but something in her mind told her that she shouldn't.

As she continued up the stairway, her body grew old, 'died' then was reborn and grew old once more.

Ignoring the changes to her body, Lisandra continued up the staircase, not knowing that the power of destruction started to run rampant. The seal that Beelzebub had placed on her was destroyed and her wings crumbled to ash. Her arms started to break away but she didn't stop.

As her leg crumbled to dust, both radiant and dark energy wrapped around one another to form a new leg for her to continue her steps.

Little by little, she lost her physical form until she was nothing but energy.

By the time she knew what was going on, Lisandra found herself in the middle of a galaxy. In front of her a single being floated in the star lit void.

-Tell me child, what form of mine do you see?-

A voice rang in her head as Lisandra tried to reply but no words came out of 'her mouth'. Instead, an echo could be heard in the galaxy.

[Your form is that of a faceless being. White energy is your hair and your body fades into the galaxy. Your clothes are the sea of stars weaved into a fabric.]

-I that so? A rather odd form I must say. Though not the first. Those that had seen me have observed a myriad of forms. An old man, a twisted cosmic horror, a ball of energy, darkness with two eyes.-

[What are you? By my understanding of Gods, a single biblical god should not be possible. The powers described within the books do not match the system standard. So what are you?] Lisandra asked.

Even though she didn't want to ask such a thing, it seemed that all her thoughts were laid bare.

-Straight to the point I see. Though as the daughter of the First Born of Destruction it is only to be expected. I am God, though it is not what you think. I have all the power while also having no power. I know all yet I am ignorant. Though perhaps this would be easier for you to comprehend. I am the God of Faith, Belief and Prayers. I am the being that grants an answer to prayers and beliefs to mortals. My power comes from what they believe I can do. If they believe whole heartedly that I can help then my power grows. If they do not believe I am real, then my existence fades. I am all powerful, so long as people believe me to be. But I cannot overcome what they cannot comprehend. My powers are limited to mortal comprehension. If they cannot comprehend the might of the First Born's then I am a speck in front of their infinite power. I know of all that happened in the past but I do not know what will happen tomorrow.-

-However, my divinity over faith allows mortals to seek answers in other ways not originating from me. Therefore, I ask you child of the Destroyer. Where do you place your faith?-

[My mother. The First Born of Destruction. She will forever have my unwavering faith. However, allowing myself to be corrupted by destruction would bring ruin. Even she does not want her powers of destruction to run rampant. Therefore, I must seek out the forces of creation do I not?]

-Nay. Who is to say that destruction is corruption? The calm gentle embrace of darkness and the sharp blinding rays of light. Is that not your mother and the goddess Aria? Who is to say that darkness is evil and light is good? All that matters is where your faith is placed. Who is to say that allowing yourself to darkness causes you to become evil and destroy everything? It's all about faith, child. Faith in yourself, faith in your powers. If you believe that you'll become evil, then that will be the natural result. Do you believe that your mother is evil?-


-Then you have your answer. I cannot overcome what you cannot comprehend. But as you already have the answer, then all that matters is for me to lead you to the solution. I'm not all powerful, but I can show you the path.-

Without saying anything else, 'God' waved his hand and the energy around them started to flow towards Lisandra.

Closing her eyes, Lisandra thought back to Shiro.

[She is the First Born of Destruction, but she seeks peace more than anyone else. As her daughter, I will help my mother reach her goal. Like her, I will destroy those that seek to break peace and welcome those who wish for peace.]

Suddenly, the space collapsed around Lisandra as all of the energy swirled towards her, reforging her physical body.

-Your faith in your mother is truly unwavering.- 'God' Smiled as the energy started to calm down.

Standing in the middle of the galaxy, Lisandra reappeared. Her long white hair fluttered behind her as she wore a full set of angelic armour that was dyed the deepest black. Unfurling behind her, three pairs of void black wings appeared as black energy swirled around her body. Destruction energy that threatened to reduce everything to ash but was somehow docile and calm.

"Do you have a name?" Lisandra asked as she opened her mouth.

-Nay, I need no name. I am merely one who guides, an invisible force in the universe that interferes occasionally. Tell Azrael that his bindings are of his own making, should he forgive himself and seek to do good, they will naturally release him.- He chuckled waving his hand, Lisandra felt a force pull her away from this area. However, just before she was gone, Lisandra managed to catch a glimpse of his tag. Strangely, there was no name, no class, no level. He was simply:

[The God of Faith]