Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 1202: Ardorius

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Standing in front of the elf, Yin narrowed her eyes.

"What's with your gaze hm? Seems like you know something the others don't." Yin smirked as he furrowed his brows.

"I sense his energy on you. Did he break the taboo again?" He asked but Lisandra shook her head.

"No, he did not break the taboo. He's still locked within the library. But if I may, can I ask you how I can solve my condition? I'm assuming you're one of the very few who know about what happened with angels and fallen." Lisandra asked as the elf's eyes shook for a moment.

"Let us talk elsewhere, this information should not be shared with people who shouldn't know." He sighed before Yin opened a portal to the void.

"Sir Ardorius, are you sure you must speak of this alone with them?" The young paladin asked with a concerned look as Ardorius nodded.

"This is something youngsters like you shouldn't know." Without saying anything else, he stepped through the portal leaving everyone speechless.

Doubt filled the air but Yin ignored it, entering the portal with Lisandra before closing it.

Now that they were in a private space, Ardorius sighed heavily and kneeled before the two of them.

"First of all, I must thank you for giving us some time and a chance to talk things out with the Queen. I will forever remember this favour. However, I cannot share with you the knowledge I have. I was there when the taboo was broken. I cannot with good conscience let a remanent of the Vatican's dark history remain. I don't know how long you have left to live but I'm sorry. Miss Lisandra, I witnessed your arrival in the Vatican several months ago. Had you asked me back then I might have told you considering the fact that you were still uncorrupted. However, now that you are already falling to the darkness, I cannot help you." Ardorius bowed his head and apologised.

He could feel his body screaming for him to run away as he could sense Yin's anger rising with every word he said.

"Even if I wanted to tell you, I had already burned down every single document that might've helped you. When the world changed, I had to make sure none of the records were-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he widened his eyes as Yin's hand was in front of his face, inches away from tearing his head off.

Her wrathful gaze could be seen as her hand was barely being held back by Lisandra who forced herself to stop Yin.

Feeling pain shoot through her body, Lisandra's face paled as she collapsed on the ground.

Quickly catching Lisandra, Yin felt conflicted.

"What are you doing? Why did you stop me? You know he can't provide us with anything that's helpful. Why did you strain yourself like this?" Yin asked as she helped Lisandra back on the wheelchair.

"It's not his fault and you know it. He had to burn it down to stop the spread of disaster. You know what happened in the documents. He was only making sure things didn't repeat. It was never meant to stop me." Lisandra smiled weakly as Yin healed her to the best of her abilities.

Biting her lip, Yin took a deep breath and glared at Ardorius.

"What can you tell us then? Anything would do." Yin asked as Ardorius shook his head.

"The only one who can tell you anything right now is Azrael. However, he is now bound by oath and cannot say anything even if he wanted to." Ardorius admitted as Yin took a deep breath and sighed.

"There is a way though." She said ominously as both Ardorius and Lisandra were confused.

"Mum's nanobots. She kept a skill library which make custom weapons for people who want a certain skill. Somewhere in that skill library should be something similar to her soul reading ability. I'm sure if we ask Nan Tian, he'll help us read his soul to find a way for you to survive." Yin said as she narrowed her eyes at Ardorius.

Furrowing her brows, Lisandra thought about the possibility.

Hearing this, Ardorius widened his eyes and pulled out his blade.

"I can only hope that you'll help the others." He said before attempting to end his life. However, before he could, the darkness in the rift locked his body in place, stopping him from doing anything.

"My domain my rules. We're taking you back." Yin narrowed her eyes.

{I suggest you don't. I had a feeling that he wouldn't know about it but I didn't think you would go to such lengths. If you forcefully read his memory, you'll also break a rule that'll do more harm than good.}

"Azrael!" Ardorius widened his eyes.

Besides Lisandra, a glowing sparrow appeared and landed on her shoulder.

{I used what power I could help your sister while also making sure things went well. Had he knew about the ritual I would have not said anything as I would be breaking a rule of my own oath. But since he doesn't know, it fulfils part of the requirements for me to give you some information. In days of old, there was a ritual that you could perform with the highest ranked paladin at the time, the pope and high ranking clerics. This ritual would allow you a chance at divine intervention from god. With my perception of the world, I'm guessing that gods are able to influence this world some more so you can probably just do the ritual with the paladin and the pope. If the pope is not available, I should be able to help somewhat. Though the chance of success is smaller.} Azrael admitted as Yin looked at Ardorius then Azrael.

"What do I have to do then? I doubt you're telling me this for you to do it for free. I assume you want me to talk to the Queen to let these people go." Yin said as the sparrow nodded its head.

{That would be most helpful. Paladin, I don't know your name but I suggest you follow the instructions I give for the ritual once they've helped everyone. I know you don't want the past to repeat but there are always exceptions. Plus, this may help me clear my name of my sins. After being locked up for so long and seeing how much danger is in the world for everyone, I want to do more than to look after a library. Perhaps god may give me a second chance if I help these two youngsters.} Azrael chuckled as he started to fade.

{Once I gather more strength I will send a familiar. For now, I do hope that you two can help these people survive this ordeal. However, if the ones who have committed the sin are beyond salvation in life then I hope they'll find salvation in death with the embrace of god.}

Hearing this, Yin nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Watching the mote disappear, Yin looked at Ardorius.

"I'm keeping my eye on you. Behave yourself while we talk to the Queen."

Opening the portal, Yin left with Lisandra.

Looking up at the darkness in the sky, Ardorius sighed and stabbed the sword into the ground. Kneeling in front of the sword, he started to silently pray.


Upon leaving the portal, Yin was greeted with hostile glares by the surviving paladins and the knights.

"Where is Sir Ardorius!?" The young paladin shouted out as Yin rolled her eyes.

"He's still alive. Just praying right now. We have come to an agreement, I help you guys out and he helps us out. But first of all, I want you to show me to the guys who were responsible for raiding the city and killing the Queen's subordinates." Yin said the paladins frowned.

However, understanding that these people must had lost a few braincells from all the fighting, she looked at the citizens.

"We're not going to be killing those responsible if possible. We just need them to come with us so that the discussion with the Queen can go smoother. Plus, even if you don't tell me who they are, the Queen will have her ways of singling them out. If you tell me now it'll make everything a bit easier. If not then I'll certainly remember your choices." Yin narrowed her eyes.

A commotion started to spread through the crowd as the paladin wanted to say something. However, before he could, Yin's killing intent caused his body to freeze up, stopping him from saying anything.

After a few moments, the crowd started to back away from a group of people with pale faces. They started to panic.

"I'll double check your identities with the Queen once we get there. If you aren't the right ones then it'll be a real shame." Yin said as she swept them up in a prison of shadows.

Throwing the culprits into a separate area within the rift, Yin made her way to the city with Lisandra.