Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 1165: Yisale

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"Well if you were to explain who you are and what kind of person your Queen was I might have something of use." Shiro smiled as she narrowed her eyes.

Despite only being level 780, the faint aura around him told Shiro that he was stronger than most Queens out there. It didn't help that his class was hidden too so she didn't know what kind of fighter he was.

"This…" Furrowing his brows slightly, Sabbath was silent for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Very well. Perhaps it may be better for you to come to the city to see for yourselves. She was… someone who went to the extremes for her idea of what was needed to survive. It may be hard to see but I can guarantee that she did it out of the good of her heart. Even if it was morally questionable." Sabbath sighed as he decided to not hide anything.

Raising his hands, he snapped his fingers and released a powerful aura.

"On the command of Rank 1, all of you stand attention!" Sabbath shouted out as every citizen that followed behind him lost their meek demeanor. Each of them released a powerful aura that resembled a blade as their eyes turned cold. Standing attention, they parted in the middle and kneeled on the ground.

Raising an eyebrow at this, Shiro glanced at Sabbath. This was different to what the gods did so she didn't mind it too much though it was just shy of mind control. If anything, it was something similar to students in school listening to the teacher since they know that is the natural order of things.

"If you will, we will show you what kind of person our Queen is with the facilities she's built. I will also explain her history to the best of my knowledge. While the city has changed quite a bit, we are still rather familiar with where things are." Sabbath said as Shiro glanced at both Nine and Iris who was a little surprised by the actions of the citizens but said nothing.

"Well I suppose it doesn't hurt to have a little look."

Just as she was about to stand up, Sabbath opened his mouth.

"Would you like some medicine? With your body being in its current state, I don't think it's wise to force yourself to look ok. With my eyes, I can see that you were about to force your muscles so that you could move properly." Sabbath said as he pointed towards his pure white eyes.

"Hou~ Seems like your eyes are rather special. I suppose you're revealing it to me since you believe that you can kill me whenever with my current body state." Shiro chuckled as she slammed her hand down.

A wave of mana pushed her body upright before forming strings that controlled her own body like a puppet. Adjusting her control, Shiro walked forwards as though nothing was wrong while also making sure that her body wasn't being pushed to the limit again.

Hearing what she said, Sabbath smiled and shook his head.

"That's not the case. Even though you are only level 350, the fear and danger I feel from you is very much real. Even with your body in this state, I doubt I can kill you even if I was to risk my everything. The reason I'm telling you this is that I already have a small idea of what might have happened. Plus, I sense an aura in you that is similar to the one I serve. You are also a Queen are you not? Well, most likely something a lot stronger. I'm being truthful in case my dishonesty kills everyone here." Sabbath chuckled while walking forwards.

"Fair enough. You have quite the sharp intuition then. Though I do wonder what your class is for it to be three question marks." Shiro asked with a smile.

"It's nothing special. It used to be a bad thing but it helps me make my opponents cautious. You see, I don't have a class. For some reason, I was incapable of accepting any class despite fulfilling the conditions. I have zero skills from a class, zero passives, zero titles, zero bonuses while still being able to use parts of the system like the inventory. The only skills I have been able to somewhat get are skills from skill stones but they are far limited compared to what I'll get from a class. Though I've learnt that the system is merely a support that helps you find your way through the world. While I do not have skills written on my page to show my power, my knowledge and understanding of what I can do along with my control of mana allows me to perform just as well if not better than most people." Sabbath explained while controlling some mana in his palm.

"No class? You don't have a class?" Shiro blinked her eyes in surprise since that is usually impossible with how the system was laid out but she couldn't sense any falsehood from him. His soul, while slightly grey, is still on the 'good' side. This man was telling the truth and being genuine about his current condition.

"Indeed. Though it is a bit hard for me to prove to you." He smiled helplessly.

"Hmm… It's fine. I have a way to check but not right now." Shiro waved her hand dismissively while thinking about what this could mean.

"So care to tell me a little about your Queen's power?"

"Very well. My Queen, Yisale, had the title Queen of Assassins. She may not be as powerful as other Queens who govern 'better' concepts but she could hold her own granted that she was the one to make the first move. When she helped all of us, she didn't just do it so that she may gain a boost to her own stats but rather give us a way to survive." Sabbath said as he looked up at the sky and sighed.

"She knew that her chances of winning was zero. But just because it was zero, it didn't mean that she was willing to die without doing anything. She decided to use what little of her time in this world to help lost people like us. You may be familiar with the line give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Rather than protecting us for a moment, she decided to teach us how to hold our own. How to kill those strong than us. She gave us a path that allowed us to survive these turbulent times. The training was hard, many died but people could quit whenever they wanted. Those that committed to the training are ones who wanted to take some form of control back into their lives. So that they wouldn't be killed without doing anything." Sabbath explained before looking at the citizens that followed behind him.

Opening his mouth, he called out to them once more.

"What is our priority!?"

"To survive through any means. To grant safety to this family. If someone strong tries to kill us, drag them to hell so that they can't kill the others!"

Hearing every citizen shout this in unison, Shiro was rather impressed. Thinking back to what happened to their Queen, she couldn't help but shake her head. If not for the fact that she had accepted a card, they could have met and Shiro could have given them a safer place to stay.

But what's done is done, even with her power, Yisale's code had already shattered, piecing her back together was impossible. All that was left was her broken body which the three gods used for their own gains along with her followers.

However, if they were willing to go to safety with her, Shiro wouldn't deny them. Plus, she wasn't as worried about their safety as she was before since Sabbath had mentioned that Yisale taught them how to survive through being assassins.

Arriving at the city, Shiro could see that most of the facilities that Yisale had created were torn down to be replaced with statues of the gods.

Stomping down, Sabbath revealed a path underground and made his way down.

"When her highness trained us, she made sure that we understood the importance of one another. Many would say that assassins need no emotions as they are hidden daggers in the dark. A tool for killing but she thought otherwise. While emotions may 'hinder' some operations, it is also emotions that save you when you are in danger in the form of allies that'll stick their necks out for you. We willingly allowed her to help us cultivate a second side to us. The flip side of the coin that becomes an assassin to survive. Some may see it as mind washing but we see it as a gift." Sabbath explained while showing Shiro the training facility.

Seeing all of the apparatus that was used, Shiro could tell that training was harsh. Perhaps more so than her own training that she imposed on the mech pilots.

"Is there anything else you would want to know about my Queen? If not then it would be greatly appreciated if you told us what happened to her and the truth behind our supposed 'deaths'.." Sabbath asked as Shiro glanced at him and nodded her head.