Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 1125: Helios

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Throwing one last needle, Shiro escaped the attack unharmed. Looking towards Rokarn, she felt a sting of pain in her eyes along with a system notification.

[Analysis is upgraded to EX status.]

Quickly glancing at the newly upgraded Analysis EX, it basically allowed her to view everything in slow motion if she wanted to. Though she couldn't use it for long periods at a time since it overexerts her eyes.

Shaking her head, the pain disappeared as her passive regeneration healed the damage.

'This isn't good. If Rokarn attacks anyone else it'll turn the tides of this war.' Shiro thought to herself with a frown.

Even if she had several charges of Grace ready to be used, she still wasn't arrogant as to think that she is able to protect everyone against Rokarn.

'I need to end this army so that everyone can focus their attention on Rokarn.'

"Estrella! Send everyone back to the station. I'll activate defence systems. Right now I'm going to blow everything away!" Shiro shouted out as she clasped her hands together and released a wave of cold mist.

Freezing everyone except for the party members, Shiro closed her eyes and simulated what she wanted to know. Knowing the defences of some generals here, she could probably use the void bomb and kill everything. But, more portals were being opened, filling the gaps in the army.

Understanding that she probably needed something more so that it would wipe out the planet connecting to the portals, Shiro had an idea. It MIGHT be overkill but it could potentially harm Rokarn.

Slamming her hand down, a giant tier 7 array expanded from her spot.

Summoning Silvanis, Shiro stabbed it into the centre of the array and powered it using the tier 8 magic circles that they had carved onto the blade.

Sensing the eruption of Divine Energy from her body, Rokarn stared at her curiously.

He wondered if she expected him to let her activate whatever skill she wanted without care. Even if he was going to help her improve, this was not the way.

Drawing his sword, he sent a wave of energy crashing towards her.

Before it could even touch her, shadows twisted together and swallowed the attack. While it could not absorb all of it, the energy that it could not absorb was drained away by the runes that were in the array.

With Yin being the Seven Sin Gluttony, Shiro obtained the skill Devour which was weaker than Yin's Gluttony. However, it was still good enough since it gave her the extra push that she needed.

"Rokarn, I dare you to take this head on." Shiro taunted as a portal opened up above her.

Slowly, a giant crystal could be seen descending from the portal.

After their investigations in the north, they found out that as long as they continued to provide life energy, the crystal sprouting from the body would increase in size. By sending every monster that they killed to the crystal graveyard, they created something that was half the size of Asharia.

Raising her hand, nanobots appeared and started to carve runes into the surface.

While he didn't know what she wanted to do, Rokarn wanted to see how she'd defend this.

Slamming his hand down, the ice that restricted his army shattered in an instant.

"Charge!" Rokarn commanded while launching several energy blades towards Shiro.

Just as Shiro was about to counter, she saw two shadows shoot past her and recognised that it was Yin and Attie.

"Estrella! I thought I told you to teleport them away." Shiro frowned.

"Well I can do that or we can help you out. I know what you're worried about but I've marked everyone and can teleport them out with a snap of a finger. If you can finish this new bomb of yours, great. If it self destructs before it is finished, I'll teleport everyone." Estrella smiled as Shiro scratched her head.

"Fine, everyone! Cover me while I focus on this." Shiro ordered as everyone rejoined the battle while Shiro focused on carving runes into the crystal.

"Need a hand?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro thought about it but shook her head.

"I'm making a planet, I have it handled." Shiro smiled as Nan Tian raised his eyebrow.

"You're making a planet?"

"Yup. Well, a planet is not accurate. I'm making an orb of nanobots that will simulate the sun. What do you think would happen if I was to condense then collapse said simulated sun with this giant crystal amplifying everything?" Shiro asked as Nan Tian paused in realisation.

"I see. If you want to do that then I suggest probably further condensing it to increase its power against a single being." Nan Tian smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind."

With everyone now protecting her back, Shiro's lips curled up into a smile while she focused on creating this giant lightbulb.

Closing her eyes, she simulated a weapon that could harness the power of a collapsing star. While she was not the best at creation, she was quite experienced in destruction. She couldn't create a big sun so the crystal would help her amplify everything.

'I need to be able to harness everything in a single weapon. While I have the attunement of Void Star and Aspect of Fire, I don't think that's enough for a weapon that can harm Rokarn.'

Thinking about it for a moment, Shiro decided to carve a certain crest onto the crystal. It was a crest that Gaia had shown her during their spare time when learning about the icons of other gods.

The icon of the mighty sun belonging to Helios.

Opening her eyes, she flared her divine energy and fuelled the crystal, allowing it to be amplified and redirected to the crest.

Suddenly, the next thing she knew, she was in a white space with a single person in front of her.

His stature was huge with his upper torso completely exposed. Red markings wrapped around his body before gathering on his back to form the icon of a sun. He had long blonde hair that was like the mane of a grand lion, pride radiating from his eyes as he stared at her. Crossing his arms, he sat down. Despite his pride, he had heard much about Shiro. The tier 6 legend that killed a God. One who forced Nyx to stop her attack by order of the system. And the one that the Primordials support.

[Helios LVL 1000 The Sun God (Divinity 2)]

"I'm a busy god and you should know that a war is happening, Demi God. Gaia has told you this much no? However, as it is you, I will grant you the audience that you desire. So tell me, what caused you to carve my crest despite the myriad of other gods you can call upon?" Helios asked with a smile.

"I seek your power to create a mighty sun." Shiro answered truthfully as Helios raised his eyebrow.

"Is that all you want? If you desire a mighty sun, can you not take one from the known galaxy?" Helios asked as he pinched the air in front of him and plucked out a sun.

Realising that he must have condensed it down into the size of a marble without any signs of exploding, Shiro was impressed by his control over his divinity.

"Yes, but I will not be able to use my nanobots as a catalyst since the sun has already formed. I believe you are acquainted with Argus right?"

"Indeed. The all seer has boasted to me about your creation in his name. Perhaps you are planning the same for me?" Helios asked with expectation in his eyes.

"Perhaps. What do you think about helping with the creation of a weapon that can push back the primordials?" Shiro offered as Helios burst into laughter.

"Alright! Sure! What do you need me to do? I will spare as much power as I can Demi God. Show me the creation you seek to create."

Before she knew it, Shiro was now back in space and Helios' crest now shone brightly on her arm.

Chuckling softly, Shiro turned towards Estrella.

"Help me out a little, I wouldn't want to engulf the Earth or the moon." Shiro said as Estrella teleported next to her.

Transforming the tier 7 magic circle beneath them, she teleported everyone to the far reaches of space. Where neither the earth or the moon could be seen by anyone.

Realising that she used Divine Energy in that teleportation to even force him through, Rokarn was impressed. However, if she teleported him, then the usage of divine energy must have been huge. And yet, she was flaring an unending stream of divine energy that fuelled the crystal.

Narrowing his eyes, he noticed that it had a different property than usual. This one was volatile like the sun.

"A Sun God." Rokarn muttered.

In the next moment, the crystal flew up into the sky and suddenly exploded with nanobots. Transforming into a giant sphere of metal, Helios' crest erupted out in flames that caused Attie to flinch from the heat.

Snapping her finger, Shiro had Estrella help her teleport everyone away so that they were safe from the next attack.

In her mind, Shiro had finalised the blueprint and added the name.

[Sun Breaker Spear – Helios]

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