Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Chapter 1113: Revel's Training

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"So what exactly do you need me to do?" Revel asked while yawning. Scratching his hair, he seemed quite dishevelled from playing games all night.

"I just want to see the effects of your storm when powered with my mana and see what I can do to avoid being killed accidentally. That way, when we need to use this tactic, we have prior knowledge rather than just winging it and hoping everything works out." Shiro explained with a shrug.

Currently, they were in the middle of a grass plain that stretched on for as far as the eye could see. It was surprising to have this kind of landscape in the new age but Shiro knew that it was just disguised as such.

Beneath the thin layers of grass were countless ravines that will reveal themselves with the slightest touch. The monsters that dwell within these ravines would kill you before repairing their trap, making it seem like nothing had happened.

"What about me then?" Syradil asked while sitting on a large rock that she ripped out from one of the ravines.

"You're after Revel." Shiro shrugged as Syradil nodded and laid down before closing her eyes.

Snapping her finger, a barrier appeared around her.

"Right then, now that she's also ready, let's get down to business. You can think of this as a little spar since we never actually fought one another. It's good for me to understand what you're capable of." Shiro smiled as Revel nodded his head.

Taking a few steps back from Shiro, a fierce aura exploded out of his body as blue scales started to overlap his arms.

Two horns protruded from his head along with rows of spikes down his spine.

Unbuttoning his shirt and allowing it to hang on his waist, Shiro could see natural scale armour on his body.

"Well this is rather new. I thought you could only go human or dragon form." Shiro said while crossing her arms.

"Well having a large form is fun but it's too big of a target. In a large army fight I'm fine with that form. But against someone of your calibre, I'd rather condense my power. This human form might not be as defensive as my dragon form but everything else has been drastically improved." Revel grinned while massaging his wrist.

Lightning started to flicker around his arm as blue runes appeared on his body.

"Oh? And here I thought you were just playing games all day." Shiro chuckled.

"You're not wrong. But just because I'm playing games doesn't mean I can't think up of ways to improve." Revel shrugged before revealing a serious expression.

"Allow me to show you what I can do."

"Your move first." Shiro smiled as she swiped her hand down and summoned a nanotech sword along with a hand cannon.


Just as she finished her sentence, Revel disappeared from sight and appeared in front of her with a lightning spear ready to pierce her body as she shifted her body and parried with the sword.

Absorbing all of the mana, Shiro made sure to avoid using her own mana so that she could test out what he could do on his own.

Relying on pure physical power, she adjusted her grip on the sword and disarmed him from his lightning spear.

Letting go of her sword, she placed her finger against his chest before punching.

The sudden transfer of force caused the scale armour around the chest to crack as Revel widened his eyes.

However, he wasn't blown away.


Opening the armour on his chest, his lips curled up into a grin as it wrapped around Shiro's arm, securing her in place.

Looking at his eyes, Shiro could tell what he was thinking.

'I dare you to use mana!'

Narrowing her eyes, Shiro took a step forward.

If her arm is stuck in his chest right now, that means he couldn't put his guard up properly. However, it also meant that she couldn't get out of his attack range. It was now a case of who could grasp this opportunity and Shiro was faster.

Stomping down, she slammed her spare hand into his stomach before twisted her palm, forcing her elbow to slam against Revel's jaw.


Feeling his armour crack under her attack, her joy was short lived as Revel was akin to a berserker who didn't feel any pain right now.

Without caring for the wounds, lightning flashed across his body for a moment before a giant tier 6 magic circle enveloped the two of them.

A single second didn't even pass before lightning crashed down from the sky.

Knowing that any use of mana would increase the intensity, Shiro didn't hesitate to cut her arm off and jumped away from Revel.

Tracing her finger across the air around her, a portal opened up and swallowed her whole, protecting her from the lightning.

Once the lightning settled, Shiro stepped out of her portal and glanced towards Revel who was now holding the arm that she cut off. Even in that lightning storm, the arm was barely damaged.

"Even without mana enhancing your body, it can still withstand an attack that could kill a tier 6. Hell, I didn't even make you bleed. The only ready this is bloody is because you cut it off yourself." Revel shrugged while tossing the arm back. Just as he did this, it disappeared and was transformed into ambient mana.

"Well I pride myself in elemental resistances. My physical defence is strong thanks to my armour but anything magic-related is due to my innate nature." Shiro replied as she snapped her finger and healed her arm in an instant.

"I can continue with physical combat if you have more to show me. If not, we can move onto magic."

"I still have more to show. Can't be too much of a disappointment now can I?" Revel laughed as his suddenly cut off.

Slamming his fists together, the sound of lightning could be heard but the clouds didn't change.

Raising her eyebrow, Shiro glanced at Revel who was charging at her. With each step, his aura would increase.

By the time he was a few steps away from her, he seemed like an unstoppable lightning god that destroyed anything in his path.

However, Shiro was composed.

There was a technique that she was working on in order to deal with the Suiciders that would detonate as long as there was mana.

While she could use the no mana zone, she needed a better method.

Entering a stand, golden runes appeared on Shiro's arm as she flashed in front of Revel and 'grabbed' the aura around him before condensing it into an orb and slammed it back into his body.

While Revel was immune to lightning, he wasn't immune to pure energy. With the energy rampaging through his body, he kneeled down and coughed up blood.

Soon, this pain disappeared as Shiro healed him with life fire.

"Did you make your last move slow so that I understood what was going on?" Revel asked as he forced a smile.

"Yup. You can convert mana but nothing higher. You can't convert it either if I was to change its shape into something else. You see this, this is celestial energy. Don't get it mixed up with Divine Energy as Divine Energy is what is used by the gods while Celestial Energy is a cheap replica I suppose. By mixing the two together and converting the lightning around your body, I was able to find a loophole with your physique and send everything back at you. Your physique is strong against people that use mana but it's limited against Demi Gods that have already began to use Divine Energy. Rokarn has a Divinity Rank of 3, if he struck you… Let's say you might meet a good friend of mine called Hades." Shiro chuckled as Revel sighed and scratched his head.

"My Physique revolves around countering mana, lightning and physical based attacks with my innately powerful defence. In other areas, it's a little weak." Revel admitted honestly as Shiro nodded.

"Hence why I showed you this method. With how you fight even without the assistance of someone else's mana, I think you're in a pretty good spot. We just need to find a way to cover your weakness and Celestial Energy is perfect for you. You can't use mana due to your physique but Celestial Energy comes from the soul. When I sent it through your body, I had already scanned you to see how your physique reacted and it was rather adaptive. If not, you would probably be convulsing on the ground and spasming rather than just coughing up blood." Shiro shrugged as Revel's smile twitched.

She was more than happy to let him suffer such a strong attack to check his compatibility when there were better ways of testing this. Ones that didn't leave him convulsing on the floor.

"What? Everyone else was training using the harsh method. No one in a fight will just let you figure out a counter while they're waiting. You need to try to adapt in a situation where they're kicking the sh*t out of you." Shiro shrugged but Nimue could tell that it was 60% bullsh*tting, 20% serious and 20% sadistic intent.

Hesitantly nodding his head, Revel wondered what kind of training he'll need to do in order to use this Celestial Energy that Shiro mentioned.