My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily-Chapter 1016 - If You Don't Want To Die, Then Get Lost!

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Chapter 1016: If You Don’t Want To Die, Then Get Lost!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At 02:00 AM…

Anyway, the entire Jijing Island was now in a state of frenzy and unrest. Lin Shuang and the others appeared at Base 102 openly.

They came to take Gu Mang.

Lin Shuang got out of the helicopter and walked towards Gu Mang. “Big boss, how bold of you.”

Releasing all of the top secret information from Base 102 to everyone was something that only Gu Mang could do. What’s more, she sent the files out in her own name openly.

That bunch of old people at the Elders’ Association must be pissed off.

But this way, the news will inevitably leak out and the Base 102 scandal will be known to the public.

Tomorrow, this would surely make it on international news headlines!

Gu Mang leaned against the tree with her arms crossed and she was in a lazy yet arrogant posture. She poked the brim of her baseball cap. “So-so.”

The corners of Lin Shuang’s lips twitched. ”

“Brother Cheng.” He Yidu and Qin Fang greeted Lu Chengzhou.

Lu Chengzhou nodded. He was only wearing a thick black sweater and Gu Mang was wearing his coat. It was buttoned all the way to the top as he was afraid that she would be cold.

Qin Fang handed the down jacket he had brought to Lu Chengzhou.

The man took it and wrapped it around her. Then, she pulled the zipper up to the top. “Let’s return.”

Gu Mang acknowledged softly with a hum.

The two of them had just turned around when a big group of people walked over.

All of them had the same expression. They looked glum and displeased.

The Ye family and the Bai family headed over towards them.

When Ye Junci thought of the information that she received, there was the fresh smell of blood in her chest and her eyes were bloodshot red. “Gu Mang, do you know where the corpses of the children from the failed experiments are?”

Gu Mang thought of the map in her hand. She wasn’t sure if they were where the marked spot was, so she shook her head. “I don’t know.”

Ye You held back the tears in his eyes. When he thought of all the torture that his brothers had all suffered, the killing intent that was shown on his face was overpowering.

Bai Zhang and Mrs. Bai kept silent.

Other than wanting to get even with Leng Xuan and the Head Elder, they had come here today as they wanted to retrieve the corpses of those children.

“Inhumane!” A middle-aged man with bloodshot eyes said. His tears trickled down hard. “My son… He was only eight…”

“I had so much trust in them! I handed my son over! They used my son as a lab rat!”

“I would rather my son be average. What a f*cked up genius plan!”

Every curse sounded like they were soaked it blood.

Ye Junci took a deep breath and told Elder Ye. “Take them in with Ye You. Bring all the children who are still in the base out.”

Elder Ye’s eyes were red too. “Got it.”

Ye Junci thought about Gu Mang’s health, then she looked at her and said, “Chengzhou, take Gu Mang back to rest first. We will deal with this place.”

This was a grievance between them and the Head Elder and Leng Xuan.

Lu Chengzhou nodded and put his arms around Gu Mang’s shoulders, “Let’s go.”

Just at this moment, the sound of helicopters landing came from the sky. Countless heavily armed men dressed in black roped down.

The Head Elder stepped out of the helicopter and put his hands behind his back. His expression was dark like never before. “Gu Mang, where are you going?”

A large number of people surrounded them.

Gu Mang stopped in her tracks and turned around slowly. She looked really arrogant. “Who are you to care about where I’m heading for?”

“Do you think that you’d be able to leave today?” Leng Xuan approached her step by step. Each time she saw Lu Chengzhou and Gu Mang being intimate, she went mad from jealousy.

“Leng Xuan!” A patriarch charged forward and wanted to hit Leng Xuan. “I want you to pay for my son’s death!”

Before he got near Leng Xuan, he was stopped by the secret guards of the Leng family.

“Charge at once!” Someone suddenly shouted.

Instantly, everyone rushed at Leng Xuan.

“Are you guys trying to start a rebellion?!” Leng Xuan looked over and her eyes were full of ruthlessness. She scoffed, “What? Do you not care about the living people in your families over those who have already died?”

After she said that, it was as if there was an invisible nail that held everyone’s feet in place. The redness on their faces faded.

Leng Xuan still had control over the medicine that everyone needed.

Just then, Ye Junci saw Black Eagle and Brahma walk over. She finally understood why the Head Elder and Leng Xuan were not afraid of them.

The previous time, they had had Killer Alliance. This time, it was both Shadow League and Killer Alliance.

When the Head Elder saw how things were going, he looked at Gu Mang and laughed. “Gu Mang, do you really think that if you reveal everything, you can make everyone turn against us?”

Gu Mang did not answer.

The Head Elder looked around at the people who were already too afraid to take further action. “You were full of vigor and passion when you arrived, but who isn’t afraid of death? Would this bunch of losers dare to fight us?”

No one dared to retort even after being insulted straight in the face.

“You and Lu Chengzhou are willing to risk your lives, but I understand these people way better than you do.” The Head Elder looked back at Gu Mang. “In the face of life and death, they have no guts.”

Leng Xuan looked in disdain, at the people who had come to even things out with them menacingly. At this moment, they did not dare to utter a single word.

“If you don’t want to die, then get lost! Base 102 is no place for peasants like you!” She yelled coldly.

Someone bowed at Gu Mang right away. “Director Gu, thank you for telling me the truth.”

After saying this, he turned around to leave.

Since he arrived here, only several minutes have passed and he had already conceded. He conceded fully and everything that Gu Mang had done that night was in vain.

All because of the medicine that Leng Xuan had.

“Life or guts?” Gu Mang looked at the Head Elder and she looked like she was laughing.. “Why can’t I pick both? Even if they wish to continue kneeling before you, I can still bring them back on their feet.”