My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser-Chapter 541 Bravo

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" You two having fun with your new punching bag?" Song Yan asked as she looked at the raised hand of Lu Peng who dropped his hand to the side at once, even though Song Yan has told them to teach Song Lan a lesson, she did not say that they can beat her up. What if she gets angered by the fact that they were hitting Song Lan and if she was to get angry then wouldn't she scold them again? ฦ’๐ซ๐’†๐žw๐—ฒ๐š‹๐—ปเซฆ๐˜ทe๐™ก.c๐‘œ๐™ข

Seeing that he has dropped his hand down from hitting Song Lan, she raised a brow and said, " Why are you stopping? Punch her if that is what you want, I will not say anything."

When Lu Peng heard Song Yan say this, his eyes shone brightly as he turned to look at Song Lan before raising his hand and then hitting her straight across her face. The hit was not light at all, and Song Lan who was punched in her face immediately felt her face turn to the side as her mouth slowly got full of blood and something more.

" Bravo! What a fantastic job, you have done!" Song Yan clapped her hands as she praised Lu Peng when she saw that a spurt of blood came out of Song Lan's mouth. This was a sight that was enough to make her heart was feeling really happy when she saw that Song Lan spat a mouthful of blood on the floor.

Her eyes glittered with glee when she saw the small puddle of blood back then when her son jumped off the building, she watched his entire body get covered with blood. Compared to that this was nothing and not even half to what happened to her son, and she was yet to take that interest from Song Lan.

" Song Yan, you bitchโ€ฆ" Song Lan gritted as she glared at Song Yan who was happily clapping but before she could finish cursing, she was once again slapped causing her face to turn to the side once again.

Song Yan looked at Lu Cheng who has slapped Song Lan and raised a brow causing the latter to flush in shame and embarrassment as he said, " I just wanted to stop her from cursing you boss and nothing else."

" You two can leave there is something that I want to talk to her about, there is no need for you to stay behind," Song Yan told the two Lu brothers who nodded and then walked out of the storehouse, but before leaving they both paused and Lu Peng said, " Boss if she tries anything call us."

These past few days they have received a lot of money from their sister who was playing the role of Song Lan, it was to the point where they have filled their bank accounts to the max and their cards were more than maxed out now Song Yan was like their guardian angel and they would fight with anyone as long as she was concerned.

" I will," she told them and only then did the two of them leave the storehouse. Once they were gone Song Yan turned to look at Song Lan and clicked her tongue, " You are in such a pitiful condition, Lan'er." She mocked with a smile on her face. " Do you have any idea how long I have waited for this day to come? It has been years โ€ฆ I have dreamed of you on your knees with your entire body being used as a stress reliever tool. Too bad I can't share my stress reliever with others, I bet they would have loved using you as well."

" You will never get away from this! My mom will never let this go! And nor will my father, they will come for you sooner or later Song Lan and then you will suffer!" Song Lan truly hated Song Yan at the moment, she wished she could destroy the woman with her hands but her situation stopped her from doing so. " You hear me?"

"Don't worry, Lan'er. I will bring your mother and your father into the same pitiful situation as you very soon, you will be the eyewitness of their glorious fall don't worry," Song Yan winked at her causing Song Lan's face turn pale, when she saw that Song Lan's complexion did not look good, Song Yan faked a surprise expression. " What? Did you think that my revenge will stop at just you? Nah. Your mother owes mine and your father owes my father, as for you โ€ฆyou owe me. You are paying for yours, they will have to pay for theirs as well."

" You psychotic bitch," Song Lan stared at Song Yan, she has never seen a Song Yan like this back then she thought that she was a fool but this woman was anything but a fool. The way she looked at her and how she kept everything in control of her, it was as if she could see everything that was happening around her. " How long?" She asked before raising her voice as she screamed at Song Yan. " How long were you planning this?"

" I don't know what gives you the false perception that you are allowed to have to ask questions from me," Song Yan dragged the only chair in the room and then sat down as she looked at Song Lan. " But since you have asked so desperately I will let you on this little secret, I have been after this for years." Five hundred years to be exact.

Noticing the resentful gaze of Song Lan, Song Yan raised a brow and asked, " What's wrong? Your mother killed my mother and your father trapped mine in a basement, you almost killed me and even succeeded, you didn't find that wrong, so how come you suddenly find this entire thing too much to look at? Because this is happening to you? Not much of a big talk when you are the one who is being cornered?"

" You will pay for this! As a celestial master, you are not supposed to harm a person whose hands are not stained with blood! And here you are harming meโ€”โ€”"

" When did I? Did I touch you? Did I hit you? Or did I clench my fists and punched you in the stomach? I did nothing of the sort, I just borrowed someone's hand, and I have to thank you for teaching me that," she leaned down as she dragged her hand down her thighs and then smiled at Song Lan. " And do you know why celestial masters, guardian angels and many other being exists?" She asked while looking into Song Lan's eyes. " You don't know, right? But I do, we exist because God's judgement is often late and we deliver those judgements on his part. And unfortunately for you, your judgment is in my hands." ๐™›r๐šŽ๐ž๐‘ค๐šŽ๐—ฏ๐—ป๐—ผ๐ฏe๐š•.๐’„๐จ๐“‚

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