My Triling System-Chapter 56

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56 Chapter 55: Different Magic

Forcing herself to stand up, Lexa grabbed the hands of the dark fairy sitting on Kevin’s feet. That’s when she saw it. Kevin’s eyes were glowing green. The fairies had used a daze skill on Kevin. He would be acting against his will.

Now she understood why Kevin was like this. She had once seen her sister use the skill on an Elf because he didn’t fall for her beauty. She said the elf would do whatever she tells him to do even if she orders him to kill himself. The families of the male Elf tried to cancel the charm but they were unable to. Despite all the spells they tried using to save their son, it was all to no avail.

But she could recall her sister telling her that there was only one way they could stop it. Unfortunately, she didn’t pay much attention to her words back then so she didn’t remember what she said.

“What do you want, loser.” The dark fairy said as she clasped her hands from Lexa. She turned around and was now facing Kevin as she sat on his lap.

“What a cute elf you are. It’s been a long time since we last saw someone as cute as you. We’re stuck with ten ugly males.” The fairy lamented. She signaled for the other girls to leave while she sat more comfortably on his lap, her chest squeezing on Kevin’s chest.

She smiled in a Seductive way as her hands ran down his cheek. “By the way, I’m Jeri, the sister to that idiot brother of mine.”

She could see Graham walking toward Max. She knew a fight would start between the two because her brother loves showing how powerful he is. He wouldn’t settle for peace. Jeri also had that chaotic spirit in her. It is something that runs in their blood. She knew if her mother doesn’t accomplish her mission the easier way, she’ll accomplish it with chaos.

While Jeri was having fun romancing Kevin, Lexa’s blood was boiling with anger.

‘ There must be a way to stop this madness.’ Lexa thought as she glared at Jeri. Then an idea abruptly struck her. ‘ Perhaps doing this might make Kevin come back to his senses.’


She grabbed Jeri’s arms, flew, and threw her into the sky. Jeri was then sent far into the air but before she could go farther, she spread out her wings and tried to resist the force that was carrying her away into the sky.

She then started flying downwards to meet Lexa. This was the type of thing she loves. Disputing, revolting, rivalry, quarreling over something, that’s what she loves.

“You’re dead, crush snatcher!” Jeri screeched as she landed in front of Lexa. Lexa was already sitting on Kevin’s lap. But Kevin’s eyes were still gleaming green, showing that he was still in a daze skill.

‘ There must be a way to stop this.’ Lexa wasn’t giving up. She’s the only one who could help Kevin right now. He knew if he were in his right senses, he wouldn’t allow this unknown dark fairy to touch his body as they like.

“Get up,” Jeri said.

“Never, you can’t stop me,” Lexa retorted.

Jeri chuckled amusingly, her girls were about to gang up on Lexa but Jeri stopped them, saying it was her fight, so no one should interfere.

Step by step, Jeri strode towards Lexa who was currently sitting on Kevin’s lap.

“I said get up right now. Do you have difficulty hearing?”

“Not until you release him. Cancel whatever charm you’re using on him or I’ll do worse than just sitting on his lap. He’s not your boyfriend, why would you be forcing him to do things against his wish?” Lexa said angrily.

“And who is he to you? You’re not his girlfriend, are you? You’re just an admirer, secretly crushing on him. You are waiting till he finally asks you for a date but he hasn’t. Why? Because you’re ugly.. damn ugly. Exactly not his taste of women.” Jeri taunted her, trying to provoke Lexa to the point where she would get angry and try to fight her.

And it worked, the little bit of words said by Jeri hit her so hard that she almost cried. But she’s not the type that cries over people.

“You disgusting, annoying bitch!” Lexa stood up from Kevin’s lap and jumped at Jeri with anger. She formed an ice sword and swung it at Jeri who raised a shadow shield to block the attack.

From a few distances, Matt and his gang could see Lexa and Jeri fighting. They weren’t surprised she was fighting a dark fairy until they saw Jeri, the dark fairy use shadow magic to block Lexa’s attack.

“What? Shadow magic?” One of Matt’s men exclaimed and the others raised their heads to see.

“Is that not rare? Shadow magic? Something we were forbidden to learn.” Another said.

“It is just like our lightning Magic, only the strongest Person could learn something like that.”

Just as the magical creatures were separated as dark and light creatures, the Magics they could learn were also separated as Dark Magic and Light Magic. Shadow magic was one of the magics of the dark Fairies. They have a series of magic like transformation magic (The ability to transform into different animals, e.g Bats, Minotaur, Lion, Bees, and other dangerous animals. etc. And into other creatures like an ogre, trolls, Humans, etc), Cloning magic, Summoning Magic, Mind Controlling magic and many others.

If a light creature were to learn magic like the ones mentioned above, including Shadow magic, he would be called a criminal for breaking the rules of the Creatures of light and dark.

Although there are magics both creatures were able to learn, it is limited to only one and it is just Fire magic.

The two girls had gone violent as both started attacking each other, injuring themselves as they did this. 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝒆𝘸𝚎𝙗𝒏oν𝙚𝘭.𝐜𝒐m

“Boss, what do we do? I think the girls are fighting over Kevin.”

Matt sighed and a little frown appeared on his face. “That Kevin guy, he’s one lucky bastard. Let’s wait for a little bit. I’ll give a signal when it’s time.” Matt’s eyes was on the shadow magic that Jeri was using. He wished he could learn something like that. It would be so great to have that type of magic as his second magic. But there were two problems, one, he couldn’t learn it because it takes forever to learn a second magic. No one succeeded on learning the second magic and lived long. The second problem was that, they were forbidden from learning the shadow magic. It belonged to the creatures of the dark.

In the midst of his thought, someone had suddenly tugged his arm.

“Boss, do you notice this also? The girls are fighting over Kevin, but he’s not interfering? He’s been on that same spot without moving or doing anything. Don’t you think it looks suspicious?”

“Just wait as I told you, I don’t care what the fuck is wrong with him.” Matt replied still not taking his eyes off Jeri.

Swinging down her ice sword, Lexa managed to cut through Jeri’s shoulder and blood was drawn. So far, the two girls have been cutting through each other but none managed to cause a large wound as Lexa’s.

“You! You’ll pay for this.” Jeri had been taking the fight easy from the beginning but seeing that she’ll lose if she keeps it up, she decided to go violent. Lexa saw the determination on her face and then a weak smile appeared on her face. She was also taking it easy with her, thinking Jeri will reconsider but it doesn’t seems like she will, so she decided to go violent.

Jeri lifted her two fists and two huge fire balls appeared in her hands. She sent the balls at Lexa who immediately placed her hands on the ground and wide ice shield emerged from the ground, knocking the fire balls away.

“I’m not stopping until you set Kevin free.”

‘ System, are you still unable to do something about it?’ Kevin grinned.

“I think I have a solution. The only way this spell can be broken is if Lexa, who is not using any spell on you, kisses you on the lips.”

“What?! Kiss me? Are there not any other solutions apart from that. What about the resistance in my body, can I resist the spell?”

“I’m sorry Kevin, but there is no other way apart from Lexa kissing you. Your resistance against the spell is so low. The spell is so hard to resist.”

“So what do we do now? I’ll try and converse with Lexa and tell her to kiss you.”

“I still feel bad about this idea...”

“Kevin forget about that, your freedom is the most important thing right now.” The system replied.

“Okay, okay... but how will you converse with Lexa. She’s busy fighting right now.”

“For that,.. I’ll need your help. Stare hard into her eyes once she looks at you.”

“What? But she’s not facing toward me. Her back is facing me.”

“Then you’ll have to find another lady fairy to kiss you in place of Lexa.”
