My Supermodel Wife-Chapter 999 - Think For Yourself!

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Hearing this, Chris closed his eyes, and after exhaling several times, he suppressed the urge to beat him.

He stomped on the table with one foot, took out a cigarette case and annoyedly pulled out a cigarette. As he spat out a white mist, he lifted his chin. "You still think we are brothers? Don't you know what you're doing now? For a woman, you're suspicious of my intentions?"

Samuel licked his lips and sighed heavily. "Chris, I don't doubt you."

"But you also said that you and Emma had never met, so how would you know her true purpose in returning? Not to mention that you said she came to Merry just to take her kidney for her son. That sounds like a joke."

Chris looked at Samuel coldly without saying a word.

The man in front of him was clearly trapped in his own thoughts, so no matter what he said, it seemed that Samuel would not believe him.

Samuel's trust in Emma and his feelings made him not believe that Emma was a woman full of deceit.

Chris furrowed his brows a little tiredly. After a long time, he asked in a low voice, "Brother, before we continue, please tell me first. What are you going to do with sister-in-law?"

Hearing his voice, Samuel's eyes grew darker. "I have sent someone to investigate her whereabouts. I never thought about divorcing Erika. No matter what, I will find her again and ask for clarity."

Chris looked deeply at him, then immediately asked. "Do you love her?"

Samuel raised his eyes for a moment, but did not immediately answer his question.

After seeing this, Chris sighed. "If you don't love her, why don't you just divorce her? Even if you get her back, are you sure you can still love her? Brother, do you still not know the reason why she left?"𝒇r𝙚𝙚𝓌𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝗲𝘭.c૦𝑚

At this time, Chris' very sharp words did not give Samuel a chance to escape.

After a few brief questions, Samuel was speechless.

After spending a few breaths, he turned his gaze to look out the window, and whispered sadly, "Love her or not, does it still matter? After living together for so many years, I gave her a luxurious life, and she has taken care of my family for me... Even if Emma returned, it would not threaten her position at all. If she felt uncomfortable in her presence, why didn't she say anything? Why did she just walk away without an explanation?"

At this moment, Chris' cold gaze was staring at Samuel. He then sneered and said cold words, "Brother, you really don't know anything about women! If she likes a luxurious life, she won't be leaving today."

"As for her taking care of the family for you… the maids can also do that for you! Your words just now clearly show that Sister Erika is the same as that of a servant in your eyes! If I were her, of course I would go!"

Samuel felt that this kind of statement was rude, he immediately turned his head to reject the truth in Chris' words.

But when his anger almost left his lips, he couldn't find the right words to refute Chris' sarcasm.

Samuel was caught in a dilemma while constantly doubting himself, was he really that heartless towards Erika?

But from the start until now, the way they got along like this was like a convention, and he never thought that one day, Erika would just walk away from here!

Hiding under the illusion all things were fine between them, it seems that his wife doesn't want to hide her unwillingness and dissatisfaction.

Who is really stupid and insensitive?!


Half an hour has passed, Chris and Samuel did not find any answer that satisfies both of them.

Chris left a sentence, "Think for yourself," then turned and left the house.

He followed the guidance of the maids to the outer courtyard.

In the scorching heat, he saw the little girl squatting alone on the shore of the artificial lake throwing stones.

The butler was standing not far from her. Hearing footsteps behind him, the man turned and walked quickly. "Young master, what about master?"

Chris slowly shook his head, looked at Merry's back as he said, "Jean will be here soon, so please prepare the arrangements."f𝑟e𝒆𝘄𝐞𝚋𝚗oѵ𝐞𝗹.c૦𝑚

"Okay, I will go now!"

The butler was planning to leave, but he paused and stared at the lake quietly. Looking over the lake shore, he added, "Miss has just cried for a long time. Madam leaving the house is a big blow to her. Young master, please take care of the lady for us. I entrust her to you!"

Merry was the child he cared for from childhood until growing up, he had never seen her cry so badly in all the years he had worked here.

His little young Miss is such a wonderful woman, why doesn't her father know how to love her and her mother?!

Hearing the voice, Chris patted his shoulder and nodded. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

The butler sighed in response, and motioned for the servants to return to the main house immediately.

By the lake, Merry crouched on the ground with bloodshot eyes. As she stared at the rippling surface of the lake, a shadow fell over her head. She then stopped throwing stones into the lake.

The little girl raised her head excitedly, and called out softly. "Brother..."

Chris knelt down at the right time and rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Do you want to cry again? I can give you my shoulder!"

Merry had a sad expression on her face. Hearing these words, she smiled with her small mouth. "What's the use of crying again, my mother won't come back!"

"That's right!" Chris looked at her gently, pulled her arm to stand up from the ground, and comforted. "No matter what happens, crying can't solve the problem. If you have the energy to cry, you better think about what you need to do to fix this matter. As long as you can think of what you need to do, big brother will help you!"

Merry winked, looked around, and then quietly moved into Chris' arms. "Brother, you're indeed the best! I want to find my mother, and wherever she is, I want to meet her. If she really doesn't want me anymore, at least… I want to see that she is okay. This time, my father did something unforgivable, so whatever decision my mother makes, I will support her."

After that, the little girl lifted her head from Chris' embrace and asked hopefully, "Brother, can you help me find her?"

Chris looked into Merry's clear eyes and nodded without hesitation. "Yes!"

Even if it was difficult, he would not hesitate to find his 'mother-in-law' at all costs.

Hearing the voice, Merry heaved a sigh of relief. With her small hand gripping the man's shirt around his waist, she said, "Then… as long as mom isn't around, may I stay at your house? If you're not comfortable, then I'll rent an apartment. However, I don't want to go home. Otherwise, every time I see my father's face, I can only be reminded of that evil woman. As long as my mother doesn't come back, I won't come back either! After all, I already have enough money to live on my own! If necessary, I will delete my name from the Hiroshi family!"

Chris listened to the little girl's anger and couldn't help but smile. "Even if you don't have money, I'll take care of you forever! If you don't want to go home, stay at my house. If you want privacy, you don't need to rent an apartment. You can live in any real estate I own."

Merry snorted upon hearing this and buried her face in his arms.. "If only my mom didn't go… She'd be happy to see how well you treat me."