My Supermodel Wife-Chapter 976 - Time Will Prove Everything

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Emma was ??speechless!

At this moment, Samuel was folding his legs, his posture was haughty, and his expression was full of ridicule.

He ignored Merry and continued. "Emma, ??you've been gone for 22 years, and today you suddenly returned as Anna's aunt. You and I are no longer the young people we were then, so just tell me, why would you do all that!"

Emma seemed unable to believe what she was hearing. She opened her mouth and asked loudly, "Samuel, in your eyes, am I that kind of person?"

"If I want to be who I'm not, I won't be coming back!" She added.

Samuel's eyes locked Emma's slightly changed face deeply.

In the years of his frivolous youth, Emma was the sunshine in his heart and the woman he loved so much.

But after time passed, having reunited in this moment, the innocence at that time no longer exists.

The person he had buried in his heart now appeared again that it almost instantly shattered his life.

If she had said she had no purpose when she left him, Samuel would never have believed her.

But if Emma still had some motherly feelings, she wouldn't have the heart to throw Merry away at that time!

At this moment, Emma saw Samuel's indifferent expression, her eyes continued to sparkle, as if hesitating.

After a while, she lowered her eyelids. "I don't have any purpose. You may want to doubt me, but you can't break my resolve to recognize Merry. I came here today just to see her. If it bothers you, I'm sorry . Samuel, I'm not going to give her up. Merry is my daughter, she deserves everything better, and I want to make up for it too!"

Samuel laughed without anger. "How will you make up?"

"She is my daughter, and when I sent her to the orphanage, I really had a problem that I can't say. Now, I have finally gathered the courage to find her again. Can you give me a chance to take her back to my family's home?"

Samuel narrowed his eyes, and said in a sharp tone, "Taking her back to your family home is what you call making up for her? Impossible!"

How could he let her take his little baby so easily?

Emma's eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes were firm. "I am her real mother, and for the sake of this child, are you willing not to give her a chance to get to know her real mother?"

Merry suddenly stood up from the sofa, frowning at Emma. "Even if my father gave you a chance, I wouldn't go with you. So what if you gave birth to me? Did you raise me? Are you the one who sleeps beside me when I'm scared at night? You came to my house and thought you could just take me away, how naive! Besides, I don't need you to make amends, my life is very good now."

Emma never thought that Merry would be the first to attack her.

This little girl, according to her understanding, was definitely a simple-minded, sweet and carefree girl.

At first, after learning that Anna had a good relationship with Merry, Emma often asked her niece about her daughter.

But now it seemed that Merry was the most difficult to deal with.

Right now, Emma was clearly angry at Merry's resistance.

Samuel sat right across from Emma, ??he could clearly see that there was not a hint of love and affection in her eyes that a mother should have. f𝒓𝑒e𝙬𝒆𝚋𝘯૦𝘷𝐞𝑙.c𝑜𝐦

This was the woman he had hidden in his heart for so many years? How shameful!

What had happened to her all these years that she became what she is today?!

It had to be said that Samuel's complicated feelings, like something he had always thought of as trust, suddenly collapsed.

The man felt ridiculous and sad.

However, Emma didn't notice the change in Samuel's expression.

She stood with a sullen face, walking in front of Merry. After swallowing her anger, she then said to her, "Merry, I know you blame me in your heart, but you shouldn't talk like that. Do you know your words really hurt my heart? What have you learned at the Hiroshi family's house so far?"

"Is this how Erika taught you to treat older people? Look at you, so unruly, unlike a young dignified lady should have. Merry, come back to the Sylvester house with me. Later, I will take care of you and teach you well, okay?"

Merry was slightly pricked by the faint disdain in her eyes.

If she underestimated her so much, why should she bring her back to her house?

The little girl struggled, releasing Emma's tug, and shook her head abruptly. "No. I don't care about you and I'm not going back with you. You clearly don't like me, why do you have to take me away? Who knows if you have ulterior motives?!"

Since Merry is so loved, she can see the true face of the other person transparently.

In Emma's eyes, she can't see the love she has for her at all. It is unreasonable to want to take her away immediately.

At this moment, Emma closed her eyebrows, her expression displeased and embarrassed.

She patiently took Merry's hand again, and said softly, "Merry, I am your mother. What else can I do but try to get you back?"

"I don't care!" The little girl struggled again and tried to avoid Emma.

Samuel watched this scene indifferently, thinking he couldn't say anything.

At this time, Emma's patience was running out.

In order not to let her plans go to waste, she could only suppress her heart, pretending to be sad, and said, "Merry, time will tell."

After saying that, Emma took the opportunity to grab her handbag from the sofa without saying anything. After that, she turned around and left the living room.

She came and went in a hurry after disturbing the peaceful life of the Hiroshi family

... .

In the calm living room, Samuel took his unfinished cigar on the table, and after turning it on, he exhaled the smoke deeply.

Merry stood near the couch, saw his face, and hesitantly said, "Dad, is she really my real mother?"

Samuel stopped smoking and nodded slightly. "Don't worry anymore. I won't let her take you away."

The little girl didn't care about Samuel's promise. "I won't go with her either, I'll go see mom first!"

When the words fell, she ran to the second floor.

Merry was still a child, but not that stupid.

She recognized Erika, so even though Emma had brought her to this world, she couldn't compare to her mother in front of her eyes.

After Merry left, Samuel sat in the living room in silence for a long time. The woman who had been missing for 22 years ran back to take his daughter. This story was too hypocritical and full of chaos.

A few minutes later, Samuel took out his cell phone from his pocket and made a call.

"Check for me right away, Emma from the Sylvester family. The information should be as detailed as possible."

After Samuel gave the order, he threw his phone on the sofa..He really hoped that Emma would come to make up for Merry and not because of some hidden secret.