My Space-Time System-Chapter 599 Retaliation.

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Chapter 599 Retaliation.

Dorian soon spoke up, his tone calm even after learning of the tragedy that had occurred.

"We must devise a plan to dismantle that cannon at any cost," his words reverberated through the room, urging swift action against the looming threat.

The General, his voice filled with a mix of anxiety, continued his report.

"Your Majesties, the energy signature of the annihilating beam was traced... it originated from the heart of Tarius."

The words hung in the air, a bitter revelation that was met with an unsettling silence through the chamber. Dorian's visage remained calm as he digested the new information, while silently admitting his prior intentions had become more of an impossibility now the location of the cannon has been determined.

The realization that the devastating energy surge had originated from within the Synder Empire's own capital was a sobering blow. The only option now was to find ways of mitigating the effects of the death cannon until they could reach the capital.

However, just as Dorian was delving deeper into his strategic discourse, the General filled with regret, interjected with an apologetic tone.

"Forgive the interruption, Your Excellencies," he began. "I'm not done reporting."

In a move that piqued their curiosity, the General withdrew a holographic device, its ethereal glow illuminating the room. With a series of deft commands, a luminous screen materialized, displaying intricate details and vital information.

The trio focused their attention on the screen, as the holographic screen flickered to life.

In the holographic display, the battlefield materialized in intricate detail, capturing the chaos and intensity of the conflict. The scene unfolded with Tigerian soldiers manoeuvring across the rugged terrain, their formations disciplined and resolute.

Suddenly, with precision akin to predatory strikes, the Synder empire forces emerged from the shadows, ambushing the unsuspecting Tigerian backlines.

Blazing weapons erupted in fiery bursts, casting an infernal glow across the battlefield. The scorching heat of the Synder soldiers' weapons wrought havoc, cutting through the Tigerian ranks with searing efficiency. The acrid smell of smoke mingled with the desperate cries of wounded soldiers.

Groups of Synder soldiers coalesced into clusters of five. Arcane energies crackled in the air as these assembled groups unleashed seething torrents of flames, engulfing swathes of the Tigerian army in roaring infernos. The onslaught was relentless, leaving chaos and destruction in its wake.

As the Tigerian forces attempted to rally for a counterattack, the Synder soldiers executed a swift and calculated retreat. With eerie efficiency, they activated intricate warp devices, the soldiers vanished into thin air with a blinding burst of energy. The devices detonated instantaneously upon their departure, leaving behind nought but wisps of dissipating magic, making it impossible to track their spatial coordinates.

As the holographic scene dissipated into a mere shimmer and the glow of the display vanished, the General swiftly pocketed the intricate device with practised ease, concealing it from view.

With a composed demeanour, the General prepared to deliver further intelligence, his gaze meeting the stoic looks of Dorian, Tidewalker IV, and Cassius.

"Reports indicate a thorough search effort," the General began, his tone measured. "Our squads scoured the grounds, delving as deep as 4000 meters below the surface, yet found no trace of the Synder Empire's hidden bunkers."

Cassius, breaking his silence with a measured voice, spoke with a profound certainty that drew the attention of the assembly.

"Most likely, their bunkers lie even deeper," his words resonated with a depth of understanding. "Their concealment requires depths beyond our current reach, necessitating the use of warp devices for their departure."

The General's visage registered a stunned surprise, a flicker of realization dancing in his eyes at Cassius's astute deduction. Dorian and Tidewalker IV, acknowledging the truth in Cassius's assessment, nodded in silent agreement, their countenances marked by a calm resolve.

"The Synder Empire's intent is clear, they aim to employ guerrilla warfare," Cassius' words hung in the air, laden with a weighty understanding of their adversary's strategy.

Tidewalker fixed a composed gaze on Cassius, seeking guidance amidst the mounting complexities.

"There are too many problems arising, what course of action do you propose?" he inquired, acknowledging the multifaceted challenges they faced.

Cassius, with a thoughtful nod, steered the discussion to the immediate concerns plaguing their strategizing.

"Our primary issue lies with their cannons," he continued, his mind working through the labyrinth of possibilities. "These weapons possess the capability to neutralize even angels, suggesting an unparalleled destructive force. If they can destroy such powerful entities, they pose a grave threat to fortified cities protected by barriers."

He paused, a glint of conviction in his eyes as he outlined a potential tactical approach.

"As long as our soldiers maintain a presence within proximity to the Synder Empire's cities, they are unlikely to deploy these cannons. Fear of obliterating their cities and their inhabitants will prevent them from using those cannons in such close quarters."

"The Synder Empire has grown cautious of our long-distance warp arrays," his words hung in the air, signalling a shift in the enemy's defensive measures.

"They've extended patrols beyond their city sensory arrays, vigilant to prevent any setup of our long-distance warp arrays."

Dorian and Tidewalker IV exchanged silent glances, absorbing the gravity of the situation. Cassius's astute observation shed light on the evolving tactics of their adversary.

"To counter this," Cassius continued, "Our troops must refrain from marching directly towards cities. Continuous warping becomes our sole solution to bypass their vigilant patrols."

The prospect of constant teleportation, while evading enemy detection offered a potential loophole in the enemy's watchful eye. 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦𝓌𝘦𝘣𝑛𝘰𝓋𝘦𝘭.𝑐𝘰𝓂

Cassius shifted the focus to a critical aspect of defence against the Synder Empire's lethal cannons.

"Furthermore," his voice resonated with urgency, "A member of each unit should be assigned to monitor the skies without interruptions. The moment signs of the cannon being deployed are spotted, immediate warnings must reach our army."

The leaders nodded in solemn agreement, acknowledging the urgency of this vigilance. The tactical advantage of early detection could spell the difference between survival and devastation in the face of the enemy's formidable weaponry.


5 chapters Mass release coming up on the 19th!

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