My Space-Time System-Chapter 594 Charge.

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Chapter 594 Charge.

The city of Verdantovia was currently being protected by 25 Angels, 5 of which were at the peak of the Angel realm, while the remaining 20 were a mixture of Ordained and Prevalent Angels.

The city's firepower was multiple times that of Willowbrook. This meant that the tactics used by Sealord Granick on Willowbrook would be immediately rendered useless the moment they entered the sensory array's range. This made things extremely difficult for the invaders, but that didn't it was impossible to capture the city.

Outside the range of the sensory array and cannon range, special troops had been sent out alongside array masters to set up, not only 1 but 3 sets of arrays at the four sides of the city.

Once all the arrays were complete, the long-distance array was immediately activated. Four extremely large portals appeared, and groups of armies comprising thousands of soldiers poured out.

In a matter of minutes the city of Verdantovia was surrounded from all sides and without wasting another second, the troops of Tigeria began setting up siege weapons, defence devices and so on.

It was at that moment, that the 4 sea lords stepped out of the long-distance warp arrays, and monitored their progress.

Undoubtedly, the presence of hundreds of thousands of enemy soldiers appearing out of nowhere couldn't go unnoticed even if all the inhabitants of Verdantovia were blind. However, both the patrols that were the first to discover the enemies and those positioned on the city walls were unable to do anything about it especially since they were beyond the range of the city's weapons.

The only thing they could do for now was request backup from the capital.


After the call with the capital ended, Ethan, the commanding officer who was at the Perfect Angel rank made his way to the teleportation array room to receive the incoming reinforcement that consisted of 3 more peak Angels and a few other angels.

This was to show how serious the Synder empire was in defending Verdantovia. However, an unexpected issue arose.

The inscriptions of the Warp array lit up, signalling the arrival of the troops, but after a few seconds, the lights flickered before dying down.

"What is going on?!" Ethan was both vexed and annoyed that the technical team could not perform their work properly at such a crucial time. "Fix it immediately!" Ethan roared at the technicians.

"On… it sir." The lead technician stuttered as he and his crew began troubleshooting to locate the source of the problem.

After a few minutes, the lead technician returned to Ethan but this time he wasn't scared, rather his movements had become urgent.

"Sir, we have lost spatial connection with every city in the empire." The lead technician reported in a grave tone.

"What?!" Ethan was utterly shocked by the news and was a few seconds away from making the technician's body explode. That was when his brain reprocessed what he just said.

"How is that possible?" Ethan was totally confused.

The Ash Corps' warp array system wasn't perfect like that of the space element. It could only warp people from a known point (warp array) to another Known point (warp array), but even that had a drawback.

The warp array system made use of nodes that stretched throughout the empire, with the main node being the capital. So for one to warp from node A to node Z, the connection with the nodes in between had to be active.

This system made it perfect when facing off invaders since an invasion always started from the borders and not the centre.

"I have to inform them." Without wasting another second, Ethan contacted the capital.

"What happened? Your spatial coordinates were disconnected from the network?" Prince Bryon asked with a frown on his face.

"We have no clue of what happened, that is why I am calling you." Ethan stated as he was now more worried.

"This can only mean they have a method of locking down the space of a large area." Prince Bryon murmured to himself and immediately reverted his gaze back to Ethan.

Locking down the space of an area wasn't a new thing, since they constantly used it to prevent dangerous people from escaping. However, locking down the space for a city and beyond was beyond their capabilities.

"We will be routing reinforcement to Thornburg. So try and hold out as long as possible till they arrive."

"Yes, you Highness." Although he did not like the situation one bit, there was nothing he could do about it.

Immediately the communication link was cut, Ethan began making his way out of the Square. If he wanted to make sure that the city would stand long enough, he had to make sure all their plans were perfect.

"This is just the beginning." Sealord Granick smirked as the sound of the war drums of the Tigeria empire was being heard from the four corners of the city.

Unlike normal war drums that only boosted the morale of the soldier, the sound waves produced by the drums were manipulated by the Angels and demigods of the Wind element to enhance the soldiers.

With tremendous boosts in both stats and morale, the troops began pushing in, under the cover of mobile war barriers.

At the same time, the siege weapons came to life. In front of a few groups of long-range cannons, golden rings brimming with mana floated into the air before expanding.

The golden rings not only tripled the power of the energy attacks passing through it, but it also increased the range of the attacks.


"Shit!" Ethan cursed as he arrived at the wall and saw that the attack had already begun. 𝗳𝐫𝗲𝗲𝐰𝗲𝐛𝐧𝐨𝘃𝗲𝐥.𝐜𝐨𝐦

"We have to hold out as long as possible for reinforcement to arrive from Thornburg." Ethan announced as he immediately commanded his troops to move outside the wall to intercept the incoming enemy forces.


The city walls rumbled violently as the city cannons let loose on the charging invaders. Although the troops of Tigeria were protected by mobile barriers and spells from their Angels, the destructive power of mana cannons were no joke.


Screams were heard all around the battlefield as concentrated energy shattered some mana barriers, turning the soldiers behind them into ashes.

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