My military branches can Evolve Infinitely-Chapter 288 - 244: Lord Zhou Ye’s Visit Experience (3K)_1

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Chapter 288: Chapter 244: Lord Zhou Ye’s Visit Experience (3K)_1

The Eternal World is filled with wild monsters, and even outside of the Red Fog Disaster Moon period, the world is shrouded in a faint white fog.

The higher you fly, the thicker the white fog.

Locating rural-level, town-level territories is not an easy task.

The same applies to finding monster camps and monster tribes.

The family of Mu Yuan is equipped with countless scout falcons and powerful forces, only then they can easily find those monster tribes that are not well-concealed.

The Red Leaf Territory naturally does not have scout falcons.

Ordinary battle falcons can’t fly far before dying, and he’s not willing to let the griffins go freely.

The search for surrounding territories depends on reasoning and tracking based on clues and traces.

Lord Zhou Ye of the Red Leaf Territory has now discovered six territories in this area.

Two of them are pioneer territories, and their locations have long been made public.

He visited these two lords early on and reached a tacit agreement with them.

Of the remaining four territories, he has visited three.

Only this one is left.

“Speaking of which, this territory is indeed a bit remote.”

He happened to discover traces of a caravan passing by on an occasion. Following this clue, he finally determined that there was a human territory in this area.

But from a different perspective, a territory in a remote area that can withstand the monster tide during a trial must be strong.

Unlike the two territories he visited before, they are obviously weak, and he estimates there are only a handful professional-level powerhouses. The lords of these territories need to hire old players to escort them on long journeys, so naturally, they are not in his list of potential collaborators.

They’re too weak to be considered.

Zhou Ye, with several leading soldiers, walked along this slightly processed dirt path, his thoughts drifting.

Soon, the surrounding trees became sparser, and instead, the number of watchtowers and arrow towers standing on the ground gradually increased.

Far away, some farmland being reclaimed could be vaguely seen, with farmers working on it.

This area is yet built with the Black Rock City Wall. It is only after passing the newly reclaimed farmland and walking inside for a while that you can see a four-meter-high city wall spanning here, which is quite magnificent.

The city gate is open with many territory citizens coming in and out, transporting materials.

There are also soldiers patrolling around the city, orderly and peaceful.

Zhou Ye nodded slightly.

He could assert that the level of this territory is not low just by observing these aspects, whether it is military strength or governing ability.

Unlike the previous territory he visited, the common people were numb or fearful, and many watchtowers and arrow towers had monster scratches that had not been repaired.

That territory had obviously been attacked by monsters, causing many casualties among the territories citizens.

The Tianyuan Territory was not open to the outside world, but if a territory wants to grow and expand, it cannot avoid having dealings with surrounding lords and various forces.

It is not advisable to close and lock the territory.

It’s not appropriate to refuse a visiting lord at the door.

Since a lord is visiting, Mu Yuan decided to meet him personally.

“Baiyun City, Zhou Ye.”

The lord in armor reached out and said.

Mu Yuan also reached out, “Baijiang City, Mu Yuan.”

He walked with this lord into his territory, with the reception area naturally limited to the southern district.

In his plan, the southern district will also be the external window of his territory in the future, and there are no secrets here.

Many lords arrange it this way.

The core area has always been out of public view, and he just has a few more less recognized areas within his territory.

However, the Tianyuan Territory does not have a dedicated reception venue, so Mu Yuan set the location to the First Cafeteria.

Eating and drinking are in harmony with the culture of Xuan Country.

Lord Zhou Ye is a very communicative person, and he talks about his experiences of this trip.

“Before coming here, I had been to several territories. None of them were as prosperous as Brother Mu’s.”

“But…” he said with a sigh, “Some of us lords are unfortunate. Our territories were established not long ago when we encountered the very dangerous Red Fog Tide. According to the information, this Red Fog Disaster Moon will bring a fiercer monster tide than in previous years. I thought it would be better to form an alliance for mutual attacks and defenses with surrounding territories to survive the Red Fog Tide.”

“Before I came here, I already reached a preliminary alliance agreement with three lords.”

“An attack and defense alliance?”

Mu Yuan pondered.

It took him a while to understand the meaning of Lord Zhou Ye’s words.

It is to form such a small group-like alliance of attack and defense.

Many lords do this, and the benefits are indeed multiple. For example, individual ranger players generally cannot achieve as much as players who have formed a mercenary group.

This is the advantage of grouping.

However, true powerhouses do not need to group together.

The enemy of his Tianyuan Territory is not the monster tribe from the surrounding region.

Mu Yuan paused and said, “When we face difficulties, it is natural that we should help each other. Besides, conducting commodity trade is not bad. Our territory is currently forging a batch of new equipment…”

An alliance is not necessary.

However, if a lord emits a signal for help, his Tianyuan Territory will naturally assist. Additionally, after hearing the experiences of Lord Zhou Ye visiting several territories, Mu Yuan suddenly realized that he could trade with the territories around him.

The lords around who lacked strength and resources usually could only trade with the passing caravans.

But there weren’t many caravans, and their goods’ prices were high.

Considering this, why not sell equipment to these territories and purchase raw materials. Currently, the sales of the Shiling Town shop hadn’t picked up. Selling products at a discounted price to the town’s merchant guild wouldn’t be as profitable as selling to surrounding territories. Primarily, these territories were not far away, so the transportation cost wasn’t high.

As Master Li trained several blacksmith apprentices, the production capacity of the blacksmith shop was gradually increasing, capable of mass-producing low-level equipment.

The plan was feasible.

The rest would be left to Isloa and Daisy to perfect.

As the lord, his role was, of course, to propose suggestions. What else are competent employees for?

Zhou Ye had no idea of Mu Yuan’s thoughts. He could only muster a stiff smile.

Had he not made it clear enough?

An offensive and defensive alliance was a mutually beneficial thing. The most he could get out of it, as the founder, was only slightly more profit.

Well, it didn’t matter if he hit a wall. Different lords had different ideas, and he would persuade him again.

Zhou Ye was thinking about this as he followed Lord Mu to a spacious place.

On one side of the intersection was a square paved with marble slabs. In the middle of the square was a small fountain, and around it were numerous baskets of flowers, which left Lord Zhou Ye dazzled.

Lord Mu’s territory seemed a bit extravagant in its construction!

Mu Yuan was actually a pragmatist, his construction of the territory could only be said to be very rudimentary, with virtually no scenic aspects. From the perspective of new lords like Zhou Ye, any lord who could make their territory look a bit decent at this time was an excellent lord. They wouldn’t have the resources to care about aesthetics and cleanliness.

It was not until this point that Zhou Ye noticed how unusually clean and tidy Mu Yuan’s territory was.

Not only was there rarely any garbage on the streets, but more importantly… there was no foul smell!

There was no overpowering smell of excrement!

Unlike his or other people’s territories, walking in the refugee area required constant vigilance. You had to watch your step, or you might accidentally step on something sticky and soft.

Even though the core area of his territory was separated from the living area of the citizens, sometimes when the wind blew, the foul smell would drift over.

It was unbearable.

He remembered how he couldn’t stand the smell at first, but gradually got used to it.

Only at this moment did he realize that Mu Yuan’s territory was too clean. It was so clean that he wanted to take a deep breath and enjoy some rare fresh air.

No, he couldn’t breathe deep; it would be too embarrassing.

Zhou Ye finally calmed down but was still very envious. He indirectly asked Lord Mu about his governance methods.

“There is no such thing as the art of governance. Just build a few public toilets and bathhouse buildings.”

Zhou Ye:”…”

He didn’t feel like talking anymore, but his eyes were still looking around.

He saw the destination of the trip, the First Canteen.

Hosting guests in such a place might seem crude, but he did not mind. As he said earlier, it was amazing for a lord at this stage to make their territory look somewhat decent.

Hosting a lord of high status in the canteen felt reasonable to him.

Zhou Ye also saw the four-story-high patrol team building. To a Lanxing person, this was just a low-rise building. But compared to the crude straw and wooden houses, and low-rise mud buildings in most newly established territories, this tall and beautiful building was definitely a luxurious landmark.

However, when compared to another bustling building at the end, the former two seemed lackluster.

Lord Zhou Ye couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Holy shit, a profession transfer building!”

“Holy shit, it’s delicious!”

“Holy shit, it’s flying dragon meat!”

Unlike at the beginning, Zhou Ye, like Duo Lai, started to wolf down his food.

He also chatted about interesting things regarding the construction of his territory till now, or the adventure to Shiling Town. He didn’t mention anything about the offensive and defensive alliance anymore.

Zhou Ye knew it well.

A lord who could have a profession transfer building was probably much stronger than him.

What he wanted was leadership in the alliance, and of course, he wouldn’t bring in a lord who was stronger than him.

This content is taken from fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm.

Was it a good thing or a bad thing to have such a strong neighbor?

It’s both good and bad.

During the Red Fog Disaster Moon period, the benefits probably outnumbered the disadvantages.

He thought about this while continuing to eat. He genuinely thought the food was good. The chef was skilled, and this rare-level flying dragon meat was indeed a rare treat.

Brother Mu was generous.

Even though it wasn’t suitable to bring him into the alliance, trading between the two territories could still take place for mutual benefit in the future.

After eating and drinking their fill, Mu Yuan escorted Lord Zhou Ye to the city gate and sent a team of soldiers to escort them on their journey.

“Brother Mu, feel free to visit me when you have time.”

“Sure, sure.”

Mu Yuan watched the team leaving in the distance, then took out a map.

There were more than ten neighboring territories marked on it. Those territories had been discovered unintentionally by the Battle Falcons during their explorations.

Since the exploration direction was concentrated on the north, he didn’t have a lot of neighboring territories recorded down.

He must make a deliberate effort to find more in the future..