My military branches can Evolve Infinitely-Chapter 272 - 236: These Newbies, Not Too Good (3K)_1

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Chapter 272: Chapter 236: These Newbies, Not Too Good (3K)_1

Mu Yuan’s expectations for his troops are not the same as others.

Other lords hope to gain an epic, but for him, epics are not hard to get. What’s difficult is to get epics with additional talents, gifts, and abilities.

He didn’t want them to be like Dead Bone with the stature of a Great Emperor.

Nor did he expect them to carve out a path to greatness through continuous growth like Duo Lai.

But at least, they should be on par with Hong Yi and Rakshasa, right?

Otherwise, they would just be an ordinary epic, similar to Bone Two, Jun and other subordinates.

However, what Lord Shepherd didn’t expect was that he would recruit an existence even ‘worse’ than an ordinary epic – yes, that’s you, Water Mirror Dragon.

“Water Mirror Dragon ■ Difu”

“Grade: EpicOne-Star”

“Level: LV1/LV32 (Inherits past life, can be quickly promoted to War General Level 3)”

“Talent: Dragon’s Might, Body of the Water Mirror”

“Skills: Dragon Claw, Dragon Breath, Mirage of Water, Water Mirror, Mirror Reflection, Magic Cylinder,…”

“Artistic Conception: Beginner”

This Water Mirror Dragon is a unique individual with some inheritance from its previous life as a Water Mirror Dragon, and thus has decent combat power upon recruitment.

Actually, the Water Mirror Dragon does not stand out in terms of combat among the giant dragons.

At the same level, it is most likely not a match for Frost Giant Dragon Sario. But the greatest strength of the Water Mirror Dragon lies in its ability to reflect techniques. Even without using skills such as “Mirror Reflection” and “Magic Cylinder,” just its body itself is an excellent shield for deflecting techniques.

It possesses “Magic Resistance.”

Its scales, like mirrors, are a natural field for reflecting techniques.

The Water Mirror Dragon has impressive features and distinct traits, so there should be two aspects that Lord Shepherd would be satisfied with. However, it is a pure blood giant dragon.

What does that mean? It means it has no future.

“It’s promising now, but not in the future.”

“No, we can’t completely deny the possibility of success in the future.”

Right now, he has 48 Dragon Force Swordsmen in his territory. Like Xi Liu, they can produce Evolution Points for both the Human and Dragon races, half from each.

If combined, it’s approximately as if Tianyuan Territory has 26 pure Dragon Series soldiers, with a guaranteed daily production of at least 10++ Evolution Points.

Counting all other various bonuses, the high estimate for a month could be around four hundred, equating to four thousand eight hundred in a year.

Stockpile for four years, and it should be enough to evolve to Epic Two Stars.

The future is promising…my ass ‘n’y — L!

He may as well hope that his evolution talent will undergo another version upgrade.

“In general, because the Water Mirror Dragon inherits from its previous life and can level up quickly, it is acceptable in its current form… it may even be able to rise again in the late stages, but it won’t work in the mid-stages.”

“As for the Dragon Power Strongman…”

“Dragon Power Strongman ■ Uta”

“Grade: Excellence Three-Star”

“Level: LV1/LV35”

“Talent: Body Refinement, Reaping What You Sow (Incomplete)”

“Skills: Deliberate Boom Fist, Dragon Power Tornado, Dragon God Fist”

“Artistic Conception: Small Achievement”

From the level alone, it can be inferred that the Dragon Power Strongman ‘Uta’ gets even more gifts from his past life than the Water Mirror Dragon. Despite this, Uta’s skills are rather scarce.

He doesn’t look like a special individual at all.


“The talent ‘Reaping What You Sow,’ seems to, like Duo Lai’s ‘Swallow,’ possess infinite possibilities. Even without anything else, with just this talent and their own dedication, they have the chance to break one limit after another.”

“As for Dragon Power Strongman Uta…”

This guy is currently doing one-handed push-ups and handstand jumps.

Good, very energetic!

The Great Lord likes this kind of eager new recruit.

If the talent ‘Reaping What You Sow’ is as he expects, and Uta is determined enough, his future prospects certainly far exceed those of Water Mirror Dragon Difu.


Water Mirror Dragon Difu is currently grooming its scales, looking indifferent.

Mu Yuan waved to the Dragon Force Swordsmen, “Let’s go.”

With him, as well as his territory’s Lu Liu, Xi Liu, Duo Lai, and several other subordinates, the Dragon Force Swordsmen orderly headed towards the outskirts of the Secret Realm and the Tai Xuan Base, preparing to head back from there.

The other lords also led their newly recruited soldiers, who had promising futures, humming songs as they set off.

The recruitment ground for the Dragon Force Swordsmen quickly quieted down after the bustling crowd dispersed.

A slender and graceful Water Mirror Dragon bathing in the sun opened its eyes: Where are the people? Where are the people?

“Hey! Lord, wait forme, hey!”

“Ah- This is indeed a countryside-!”

Water Mirror Dragon Difu is currently only Level Two, but it can already skillfully use its power. Its little body, over two meters long, hovers in mid-air, with rings of light forming around its erect dragon eyes. Using the power of the water mirror, it creates a structure similar to a telescope lens to look around.

It seems that this is a cultured dragon.

The cultured dragon appeared dejected – the thought of living in such a countryside in the future made its life appear dim.

However, at least there are a few places with good feng shui in this countryside. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

It pointed to the north, raised its neck, and uttered a crisp, tender, but decidedly majestic voice, “I… wish to build my nest there.”

It pointed to the Ice Spirit Cold Pool located in the northwest of the Tianyuan Territory.

The homeland of the Snow Girls.

Mu Yuan nodded, “You can, but you can’t bother the Snow Girls inside.”

After finishing, the lord looked at the general called Lu Liu, “Leave the arrangement of the Dragon Force Swordsmen to you, consult with Isloa regarding their food and accommodation. Also, the training volume you arrange for Dragon Power Strongman ‘Uta’ can be two to three times more than the regular amount. You can decide on the specifics…”

The two chatted as they faded into the distance.

Water Mirror Dragon Difu widened her eyes: Hey, hey, hey!

Shouldn’t they have stayed talking to me a bit longer? I’m the legendary Water Mirror Dragon, a noble dragon ahoy!

Despite quickly determining that she was in a rural area, Difu didn’t entirely snub it. She noticed some valuable spots in the area, promising a bright future. She had also detected the dragon scent on the Lord.

The Lord wields the power of dragons.

It seemed like there was also another Giant Dragon in the territory.

She was quite curious about her soon-to-be territory and its young but powerful Lord. She thought she should have the pride and dignity of a Giant Dragon and was waiting for the Lord to tell her all about it.

In her ancestral memories, when a Lord recruits a Giant Dragon, isn’t it treated like a treasure?

But the Lord only said one thing and then walked away…. walked away…. away.

And she had to initiate that single conversation.

Humph, Lord!

She decided then, that she would not speak to the Lord for a month.

“But why do I always feel that the Lord values the Dragon Power Strongman more? Clearly, he’s only a mortal, and I am the noble dragon!”

Sipping lemonade.

“Perhaps it’s because the Dragon Power Strongman ‘Uta’ has great talent. The Lord always values talented individuals.”

Xi Liu, chin in hand, thought it over and said.

Water Mirror Dragon Difu: “???”

So she, a mighty Giant Dragon, has less talent than a mortal?


She decided then, that she would not speak to the Lord for two whole months!

However, she was really curious about the territory, her new home. She needed to understand it well, so she locked her gaze onto Xi Liu and Duo Lai.

– – Actually, Xi Liu was- Mu Yuan specifically left her here to be the ‘newcomer orientation officer’ for the Water Mirror Dragon.

Being of the same gender or sex, and both being dragons, they might find common ground easily.

Difu indeed sniffed the dragon scent from Xi Liu, but beyond that, she also detected a certain something that gave her the chills.

She moved her dragon claws and turned to inquire from the seemingly harmless Duo Lai.

“You’ve asked the right person, the most senior predecessor of the territory is in front of you – General Duo Lai.”

Duo Lai patted the scales of Difu and quickly laid out the basic conditions of the Tianyuan Territory.

Like which food was delicious;

Where the tasty prey was;

As a Giant Dragon, Difu was also a member of the foodie club. She should have been delighted by the thought of good food, but…

IThe heart of the Earth Rock Dragon is delicious. J

IThe Six-winged Flying Dragon we hunted down the other day was also quite tasty.J

jThere seems to be a Roaring Flame Dragon left in the cold storage, we should have a full dragon feast to welcome today’s newcomers. J

Difu: trembling.jpg!

Is this the reason why Giant Dragons aren’t valued in Tianyuan Territory?

No, it’s not.

Duo Lai, as a hero, can see Difu’s panel. As the oldest in the territory, he knew many secrets.

He slapped Difu’s wing, “It’s probably because, here with us, Giant Dragons aren’t that rare, Xi Liu is a Red Dragon, and next door is an Undead Dragon, and…”

“In a while, there will be even more Giant Dragons in the territory.”

Water Mirror Dragon Difu: “???”

Why does she feel like she’s not understanding?

“Newcomer, your path forward might not be so bright, but do not worry, our all-capable Lord will figure out a solution.”

A few days later, the Dragon Force Swordsmen, under Lu Liu’s arrangement, had integrated into the Defensive Troops.

For now, their levels were still low, and as they were still technically human, they trained, ate, and lived alongside the elite of the Defensive Troops.

Only Dragon Power Strongman ‘Uta’, having absorbed the gift from his previous life, had greatly leveled up and was now the ‘new generation’ strongman of the Tianyuan Territory.

Based on Uta’s level, Lu Liu assigned him a corresponding training meal.

However, this meal kept getting upgraded.

Triple! Six-fold! Ten-fold! Twelve-fold!

After reaching twelve-fold training intensity, Uta had pretty much hit his limit. However, it seemed his physical limit could still be pushed further, and the more he trained, the more he progressed, as if there was no ceiling to his potential.

After leveling up, aside from his regular training, Uta indulged himself in challenging stronger opponents.

His challenges are different from Sario’s past challenges.

He was purely addicted to fighting.

Also, he only challenged those stronger than him. Precisely speaking, Uta, while training with the Defensive Troops, always sparred with the elites. After he had digested the gifts from his previous life, even the elites of the Defensive Troops, including the vice-captain Niu Si, were not enough for him.


The mighty fist glow diminished under the Wave of Extreme Cold.

Foll𝑜w current novels on fɾēewebnσveℓ.com.

The figure swinging his fist contracted under the frost, becoming immobile.

With one Dragon Claw swing from Sario, Uta’s body flew off and plunged into the ground.

This was the ninth time Uta challenged Sario, and as expected, he had lost nine times.

Sario hadn’t even used half his strength.

He held his head high, giving advice as a senior,”Newcomer, you keep striking with only your fists and feet, a fighting technique like that… your future won’t be so bright.”

“You need to be like me, possessing tough scales, enormous strength, a Dragon Breath that can obliterate large groups of enemies, and the ability to control your surroundings. Only then can you truly be invincible.”

This batch of newcomers, not so great.

‘Old’ predecessor Frost Giant Dragon, shaking his head with a sigh.