My military branches can Evolve Infinitely-Chapter 255 - 226 Epic Two Stars, King’s Might (3K)_1

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Chapter 255: Chapter 226 Epic Two Stars, King’s Might (3K)_1

Mu Yuan eventually found Dead Bone in the academy.

Under the cover of nightfall, most areas of Tianyuan Territory had been plunged into darkness. Only a few places, such as the ‘hospital’ and the ‘ security department building1, in the southern residential area were usually lit.

The academy was also an area that was often lit.

This was a rare building. It didn’t need kerosene lamps. Crystal lamp columns inside scattered a soft but bright light.

However, it was late, deep into the night, and there were few people in the academy.

In front of a bookshelf stood Dead Bone, dressed in glossy black armor with a long black cape falling down, surrounded by delicate energy that formed into hand structures, pulling out many books and flipping through the pages in mid-air.

Sometimes it would stop flipping and start to ponder, then would write and draw on blank sheets of paper.

Once the material was prepared, the Dead Bone took an empty book and started to input content.

Before long,

The book “Steady War: From Tianyuan Territory to the World” gradually took shape.

To Dead Bone, the path of steadfastness is endless, and it’s merely a tiny climber on this path. It still needs to continue advancing and learning.

Learning is not just limited to cultivation and creation of skills.

Steadiness is not so one-sided.

Combat skills and cultural accomplishments must be grasped and learned concurrently, otherwise one may be led astray in the climb to steadiness.

Because of this, it particularly asked the Lord to move many relevant books and documents here.

However, the path of steadiness cannot be simply copied.

The strategy of steadiness differs in different territories and situations.

After Dead Bone absorbs and digests some cultural knowledge, it will write books such as “The Steadiness Series” and “Will of Tianyuan”. Particularly the latter, by Dead Bone’s strong recommendation, not only the awakened self- aware species but also the territory citizens should learn.

Read Tianyuan Will, learn the spirit of the Lord.

However, the book “Will of Tianyuan” still lacks in many areas, which is still far from making clear Lord’s spirit, noble character, foresighted eyes, and most importantly, the steadfast style.

Dead Bone must work hard, strive to study the spirit of the Lord, and strive to write a more suitable, easier-to-understand “Will of Tianyuan”.

Thinking of this, the soul fire in Dead Bone’s skull burned vigorously for the first time in a long while, emitting a bright, ghostly blue glow from under its face mask.

Mu Yuan put back a copy of “Will of Tianyuan”.

“Have I ever said so many inspiring quotes?”

Perhaps he did.

When Dead Bone was still Skeleton Soldier and Skeleton Warrior, and still looking dull, Mu Yuan would often tell some inspirational stories. For instance, the fish leaping through the dragon gate, from Little Skeleton to King of Skeleton, fortunes changed over time, don’t bully a skeleton because they’re poor, and so on.

Perhaps there were some famous quotes among them.

That’s indeed me…

No kidding.

My son Dead Bone, has the demeanor of a great scholar.

Mu Yuan eventually contacted Dead Bone through Spiritual Link, asking it to go to a special ‘Land of Evolution1 in the Skeleton Cemetery.

Here, there is an auxiliary formation that Isloa arranged and carved a few days ago. It only needs to be filled with Soul Sand to use.

Between him and Dead Bone, no further words were needed.

“Evolve, and move on a more steady path.”

Just one phrase, and it brought Dead Bone’s state to 200% readiness.

For Tianyuan’s glory;

For the steady development of the territory;

For a bright future;

Dead Bone must obtain enough power from evolution.

The glow of evolution enveloped it, and Tianyuan’s strongest began to evolve into Epic Two Stars.

In the world,

Purple glow appeared, and despite being at night, it seemed dazzling. Its scale was many times larger than when an Epic One Star was born.

The Domain Interferer was operating at full power.

Even though the purple glow covered the entire western area of the territory, it was still calm outside and no trace of it was found.

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“The Domain Interferer might still be able to cover the evolution of Epic Three Stars, but when Dead Bone steps into the Legendary Life, I’m afraid….”

Not I’m afraid.

It will inevitably be unable to cover it.

When a legendary entity emerges, the orange glow will spread hundreds of kilometers, if there is no cover, it may even be clearly visible thousands of miles away, let alone the birth of a Legendary Life.

“Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.”

“It takes a full 20000 Evolution Points to evolve into an Epic Two Star, Epic Three Star either 80000 or 100000, the Legendary One Star…”

According to the rule, it will require much more to upgrade a large tier compared to a small tier, possibly hundreds of thousands or even a million.

It’s still a long way to go.

Even though it is not hard for him to evolve an Epic right now, but legendary… it is still something that he dares not to expect in the short term.

However, if calculating the date is possible, he might assist Dead Bone to make a full effort to charge into the Legendary tier.

The evolution of Epic Two Stars takes a longer time.

After Dead Bone transformed into light for seven or eight minutes, the sound of the panel certification finally rang in Mu Yuan’s ear.


‘Prompt: Your hero ‘Dead Bone’ has been promoted to Epic Two Star Tier and awakens an Epic talent ‘Lord’s Might’.’

‘Prompt: Affected by numerous factors, the talent ‘Lord’s Might’ has evolved and become ‘King’s Might’.’

‘King’s Might’

‘Description: Dead Bone possesses an unfathomable aura, every word and action can make enemies fear, and even sway the weak to surrender. Because Dead Bone is of Undead origin, its King’s Might is exceptionally effective against the Undead.’

“The king’s majesty does not only target enemies, elemental particles also submit to the throne of the king.”

“Besides, when Dead Bone actively stimulates this talent, it can significantly enhance the effects of the former two, and possess an extremely horrifying deterrent power. A single glance can cause countless enemies to faint, or even directly annihilate them.”

“Explore the application of advanced order on your own.”

King’s Might!

Unlike Dragon Might, it is not only a form of coercion, it can also interfere with reality, and it represents a kind of symbol of order.”

At this moment, the invisible divine might diffused around Dead Bone who was still standing invincible, as if causing the space to ripple slightly.

Black fog also gathered like soldiers lined up in formation, guarding Dead Bone all around.

This is when the dignity of the king shines, all the elemental energies of heaven and earth will submit.

After awakening the ‘King’s Might’ talent, in Dead Bone’s mind, a speck of light representing the Light of Will is rapidly growing stronger.

One inch! Two inches! Three inches!

Thebeamof light representing the Light of Will is constantly extending.

The Light of Will can only maintain a constant state and retain its combat power on the verge of death, but when the Light of Will grows to a certain extent, it can interfere with reality.

Legend has it that the Light of Will can also be manifested, forming an actual object.

This is too far-fetched for him, Dead Bone.

But the constantly growing and strengthening Light of Will, in turn, drives the King’s Might.

The invisible coercion that spreads out seems to be about to condense something.

However, Dead Bone’s blue soul flame has not been lit yet, and its eyes remain closed.

It is still in a mysterious state.

After all, Dead Bone General has not yet mastered new skills, and it must be able to gain more power during evolution.

Lord Shepherd was certain.

“An epiphany skill?”

“No, according to the current steady path, what I am lacking is not skills.”

Dead Bone has mastered many types of skills, including close combat, long- range, weakening, summoning, and resurrection. Having one more advanced skill is just icing on the cake.

If it only makes a slight progress, wouldn’t it be a waste of this invaluable opportunity for evolution!

Such an opportunity, even though the Lord never speaks about it, certainly came at a heavy price.

It cannot, and does not wish to let this cost go to waste.

Therefore it wants….

Even though it is in a mysterious state of evolution, Dead Bone still clearly controls the direction of its progress.

It did not awaken any skills.

It just materialized the Wraith Sacred Mountain.

Boom, boom, boom

The Wraith Sacred Mountain, which just materialized and was suspended in mid-air like a mirage, was expanding at a pace visible to the naked eye.

Dead Bone’s idea is simple.

Since it can use the opportunity of evolution to enlighten advanced skills, why can’t it use this opportunity to enlighten and greatly enhance the power of the Wraith Sacred Mountain?

This recognizable yet unreal territory, somewhere between reality and the cracks of space, was drawing an invisible energy from some void.

The white bones piled up on the Sacred Mountain kept getting taller.

Three hundred meters! Four hundred meters! Six hundred meters!

More regions were formed on the Sacred Mountain, no longer limited to skeletal creatures.

There were countless pieces of flesh piled up, forming abominations full of flesh.

There were vampire bat swarms flying out from a pool of blood.

At the high point of the Sacred Mountain, second only to the Skeleton Throne, there was a thick skeleton growing out, forming a massive skeleton that was more than ten meters high and dozens of meters long.

Two Bone Dragons flew out from this graveyard and circled the Wraith Sacred Mountain, letting out a roar towards the sky.


One of the Bone Dragons even flew out from the territory of the Sacred Mountain, circled around Tianyuan Territory in the sky before returning to its nest in the graveyard to rest.

They were creatures derived from the Wraith Sacred Mountain.

They prospered or declined in unison with the Sacred Mountain.

They are not truly alive, but as the Wraith Sacred Mountain continues to grow stronger, they can one day advance to become real individual lives.

However, compared to lives and troops, these native creatures of the Sacred Mountain also have their advantages – their level was similar to Dead Bone, they did not need to be nurtured, and were ready to use upon birth.

Their level could be raised as Dead Bone leveled up.

Regardless of whether they went out to kill or stayed in the territory honestly like charging treasures, they were much stronger than weaklings of the Apprentice Level Profession Level.

Under the stimulation of Dead Bone, the Wraith Sacred Mountain had stepped onto a new stage.

Two days later,

Mu Yuan activated the beacon device sent from above.

In a split moment, a winding road of stardust spread out.

Mu Yuan brought his generals and set foot on this path that had folded space and led to somewhere special.

After walking a few dozen steps, the sight before him suddenly opened up.

The sunshine was sprinkling on the earth, the grass was slightly swaying in the breeze.

The road was laid with bluestone, and on both sides stood bronze pillars, with murals carved on them.

Setting foot here, you could feel an ancient and vast aura rushing over you.

There were familiar figures waving to him.

“Yo Tianyuan, you’re here too.”