My Hollywood System-Chapter 161:

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Chapter 161:

“I hear Leo’s working on the script of [Catch Me If You Can]. He’s already bought himself a nice penthouse in downtown Los Angeles, and if I remember correctly, he hasn’t left the place since he settled in. Kind of like you. He hasn’t even been to any parties lately. It’s like you adopted an Italian version of yourself, Will.”

Jeffery quipped from his seat, inside Will’s office, as he sipped his cup of coffee. He continued.

“But, he said he’s waiting to cement himself with this next movie, before indulging himself. I think there’s a little party animal inside of him somewhere, so that’s where the similarities between you both end, or else it would have been too uncanny.”

Will shook his head as he smiled fondly thinking of his almost protégé actor. He sipped his tea, before replying.

“Yeah, he is working really hard. He thinks he hasn’t done enough yet to be attending parties and he wants to at least work in one more big movie before he even thinks about partying. Well, we’re getting off-topic. The script for [Hitch] is complete. What was Marcus’ response to it? Will he be ready for the screen test?”

Jeffery furrowed his brows and replied.

“I have to say that he looked really gaunt. The drugs did a number on him, and he really needs to throw this out of the court for it to kick start his career again. But I think he will pull it off. He seemed enthusiastic about the project and Jennifer did say she will guide him through the whole thing, so we will see as to how everything turns out.”

Will nodded, hoping his friend would do well with the role he had been given. He himself didn’t realise the potential he had in him. Will was sure that Marcus could reach heights he hadn’t even dreamt of, if everything went as planned.

“I hope he does well. He has a lot of untapped raw talent and he was really easy to work with.”

Jeffery commented and continued.

“You know, this will be the first time that this studio will be stretched. Not just one or two, but a total of four different ways. With [Catch me if you can], [Hitch], and [Spider-Man], all entering pre-production at the same time, we will be stretched thin. That is after not taking the work with the show [Friends] into account. Have you figured out how we’re going to handle it?”

Will nodded as he said.

“Yes. As far as [Friends] is concerned, the set is being set up by OP Studios inside our facility Central Perk. The Apartment itself is being decorated according to New York standards, even if it is a bit on the larger side.

I had provided them with a sketch from a two-point perspective as well as a three-point perspective to effectively get it all pictured for them. The only thing remaining is the cast. I will take care of that in time.”

Will said as he was calculating something in his head. He continued.

“For the big picture productions, I was thinking of compartmentalizing our studio. Your team will get divided into three, obviously. But it will be augmented by the team that the others from the Big Six send in. So I hope we will not be stretched too thin.”

Jeffery mulled over the plan of action in his head and nodded slightly.

“And we will finally get to test out the animation, the VFX, and CGI departments that you bought after [Liberty City]. The one that you acquired from Mega Works will finally get to show their effectiveness with [Spider-Man]. Speaking of which, have you heard about Jixar?”

Will furrowed his brows and took another sip of his tea, and shook his head as he couldn’t recall such a name. Although the name was surprisingly similar to another studio from his past life, he didn’t want to jump to conclusions just yet.

Seeing that Will didn’t know, Jeffrey explained.

“It’s a small animation studio and their majority shareholder is looking to liquidate after some minor disagreements with the creative head, founder, and another major shareholder. It recently gained a lot of credit for a film it animated. If you feel that we will require a larger workforce and more resources for the animations in our films then it’s a prime business for you to buy up.”

That did seem like the perfect opportunity for Will to expand his network of resources. He nodded and made a note on his computer.

“Alright, I will have Amanda look into it. She will handle the necessary processes and I will get her to acquire the company.”

Jeffery sighed and said.

“You know at the pace that you’re buying up companies and expanding the company, I just hope no one accuses you of hostile takeover in the industry. Becoming a monopoly is all well and good but it will need a lot of government backing.”

Will laughed as he understood where Jeffery was coming from. Even in his previous life, Disney had to resort to a lot of shady deals with government officials so as to hide the growing power of their oligopoly.

Disney essentially had gained control over 40 percent of all Hollywood. Anyone who looked to even try and compete in the market had to one or the other deal with the company.

But for Disney, the groundwork for that kind of power was set up over almost half a century. Walt Disney has been crucial for its inception. That was after not counting the perfect stance that Disney had fallen into during the various political shifts in the climate.

Will would have to be extremely cautious if he wanted Dream Vision to eventually reach those kinds of heights in this life.

“Anyway, what happened over at Marvel? Amanda told me you sacked its old CEO. And how is the script for [Spider-Man] coming along?”

Jeffery broke his musings with the question.

Will shook his head, clearing from the contemplative mindset he had entered and replied. 𝒇𝑟𝐞𝐞w𝐞𝑏𝙣𝑜vℯl.co𝑚

“Well, you know I was a big fan of the original Marvel Comics and so was my dad. I especially loved Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and the Avengers. But the CEO had meddled way too deeply and took away the creative freedom of the original writers like Stan Lee.”

Will said as he remembered Stan Lee. He continued.

“You should meet the old man sometime. There is just this pure enthusiasm that he radiated and you could see that he was passionate about his characters. The problem was because of the CEO. The characters that he had originally written were cast aside.

Peter Parker was killed off in their series after the Fantastic Four got lost in the negative zone. And Iron Man was killed off too, with him dying of heavy metal poisoning. They were replaced by other characters, yes. But they became bland because the original writers were not given their freedom to do as they wished.”

Jeffery looked amused at the rant and said.

“You’re passionate about this, aren’t you? Didn’t know you were a comic nerd. I am sure you will be able to write a good script with [Spider-Man].”

Will laughed again and said

“Oh, you don’t know half of it. I let Stan Lee retake control of his characters, they will make a comeback. He even had this wonderful idea of building a universe that he named 616. It was for all their stories to unfold in the comics. The script that I have written reflects his work with Peter Parker and Spider-Man. I am sure with him working alongside me, I would be able to write a script that did his stories justice.”

Jeffery smiled, happy that his friend was working on something that he was clearly very passionate about. He could hear the genuine hero worship he had for the old man amend Stan Lee and he vowed to meet him personally.

He then asked.

“Have you decided on who you want to cast as your ‘Peter Parker’?”

Will thought about it and replied

“I did ask Leo originally but he refused and I can respect his decision. To be honest I was thinking of holding auditions for this as well. And hey, if we don’t find a good Peter Parker, I can just do it myself. I did good during [17 again].I am sure I will be able to give the character justice, like it deserves.”

Internally he was really wondering if he’d be able to find a good replacement for Tobey Maguire. He had embodied Spider-Man from his childhood. Plus he brought a lot of meme factor with his portrayal. He had become Spider-Man for millions of fans around the world.


[Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, Another secret to the Magical World, Unravelled. f𝘳e𝒆w𝗲𝐛𝘯𝐨νe𝚕.co𝓶

The Harry Potter books have become a phenomenon. Although roughly aimed at 9- to 12-year-olds, grown men in suits have been spotted with them on trains. Parents squabble over who gets to read them to the kids and teachers say a chapter can silence the rowdiest of classes.

An 8-year-old who wrote to the author, Will Evans. He quoted at the back of this second book, says: ‘I couldn’t put it down. Please write another one’.

Evans’ first novel, [Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone], has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide.

When The Chamber of Secrets came out earlier this month, it immediately shot to the top of the hardback bestsellers list – the first children’s book ever to do so – outselling even the most famous of modern Writers.

A seven-book deal has followed between Warden Books and Will Evans. There are even rumors of Will Evans eventually adapting the books into a film format using his own well established yet relatively young film studio in Hollywood.

Harry Potter is a wizard and a pupil at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a faraway castle where trainee wizards and witches live a blissful life taking ‘Transfiguration’ classes and playing ‘Quidditch’ (hockey on broomsticks with flying balls). They inhabit a world that most ordinary humans or as the book calls them, ‘muggles’ cannot see and know nothing of. They can pass in and out of the ‘muggle world’, but take great care not to be spotted.

They have an enviable amount of freedom, flying around in enchanted cars. There is a notable absence of parents – Harry’s parents were killed by the evil Lord Voldemort (aka He Who Must Not Be Named). Voldemort is equally intent on eliminating Harry. He tried but failed last time around. Now he has returned and unleashed a terrifying force (a gigantic serpent) from the castle’s dungeon (the Chamber of Secrets), who roams the school ‘petrifying’ the pupils to stone.

With the help of his best friends Ron and Hermione, Harry finds the Chamber and slays both the serpent and Voldemort. En route, they encounter a depressed ghost called Nearly Headless Nick, who longs for a full decapitation so that he can join the Headless Hunt, some elephant-sized spiders, and some Mandrakes – planted babies that can kill people with their deafening cries if they were dug up.. But all ends happily.

We at The Guardian encourage readers, children and adults alike to dive into this fantastic world of mystery that Will Evans has brought to our world and embark on a journey of magic and mystery with him.]


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