My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!-179 Chapter 179

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Southern Country

On earth, the smallest country in terms of the land mass was definitely the Southern Country fšš›eš—²š”€ešš‹š‘›oš˜ƒš’†š—¹.cš—¼š’Ž

This country is an archipelago that housed thousands of islands that range from extremely small to big

Since it is a country surrounded by bodies of water, anything that comes from the sea is common here whether it be something as simple as seafood or precious objects like pearls

The country has many beautiful sceneries most of which are beaches

On the sky of one of the countryā€™s beaches, space parted to reveal a spatial portal and from it, a man wearing a mage robe with one side black and one side white came out

His facial expression was completely stoic yet for some reason, he felt both dangerous and kind. It was a bizarre impression that one would have after seeing him

It was like, he could be the most selfless saint but at the same time, he has the tendency to be the cruelest demon ever born

This man is naturally none other than Claude Preston. A mage with names resounding on all four countries of the earth realm as of right now

He is a mage with a body count of three 7th rank mages. Something that no one from the current era has ever achieved

Due to the unorthodox path that the 7th rank mages use, fighting amongst each other would just hurt both sides

Whenever they use their real power, they are literally consuming origin energy that was used to create their blessed land bit by bit

The more intense the fight was, the more origin energy they would consume to the point that their Blessed Land would shrink

As a realm with broken laws, earthā€™s origin energy is clearly not abundant in the slightest. Why would these mighty mages fight to the death considering that there is almost no chance that they could kill each other?

As such, Claudeā€™s record naturally threatened these people sitting at the apex of the world

Itā€™s just that even if they want to do something, what could they do? Claude is not someone that they could find as he has the aid of the entire earth realm!

Claudeā€™s eyes stared at the people enjoying themselves on the beach. There were families, friends, colleagues, etc.

All of them look happy but that soon changes

With a wave of Claudeā€™s hand, the civilians suddenly found themselves being covered by mana

The mana was not there for their own usage but was instead used to move their body without caring for their will

Claude sent the people on the beach far so that they would not become collateral damage to what he would do next


ā€œW-whatā€™s happening?!ā€


ā€œDamn it! My body wouldnā€™t stop!ā€

ā€œWhat the hell!ā€

The civilians have differing reactions but Claude didnā€™t spend much time with them. After sending the civilians away from the beach, he flew down

When Claude was finally on top of the water, the water in the sea became lively as if it was excited to be in his presence

With the aid of the earth realm itself, Claude continues to go down the sea

No matter how strong a mage is, they would still receive resistance whether that be air or water resistance. Itā€™s just that, the resistance was too weak to make much of a difference in their power

As for Claude, he didnā€™t face even the slightest bit of resistance. The water in the sea was completely docile towards him and let him do whatever he wants

His figure soon sank deep into the sea to the point that sunlight couldnā€™t pierce through the water on his surroundings anymore

Even then, he continued to go deeper and deeper with not even an ounce of water resistance or strong gravitational pull

Soon, his surroundings were once again shrouded by light and the source was a place that looks like a palace under the sea

The Palace was gold and green in color and looked something straight out of a fairy tale

It releases bright lights and the insides were devoid of any water as if there was some invisible wall that was preventing the water from entering it

This Palace is actually a 7th rank mageā€™s Blessed Land and the owner was one of the vilest 7th rank mage ever

Since such mages are almost impossible to kill even if a mage at a similar rank make a move, there was nothing that they would be afraid of

The owner of this palace is even one of the most fearless mages. It was to the point that while the others are hiding their Blessed Lands inside the folds of space, this mageā€™s Blessed Land was almost completely out in the open

As long as a person could resist the pressure from reaching this deep down the sea, they would be able to see a Blessed Land with their own eyes

Despite the distance, Claude could still see that all the people living inside the palace are women, beautiful and sexy women specifically

Even the ugliest woman living in this palace could at least be considered above average in the outside world

ā€œTruly a lustful and perverted manā€¦ā€ Claude muttered with a tone of disgust. Even his normally stoic face showed his emotions

The owner of this Blessed Land likes to take the women of his country and even sometimes women of other countries to his Blessed Land whether they like it or not. Clearly, consent is not in his vocabulary

As for what happened to the women he took? It was pretty obvious. All of them have to roll in the sheets with him

It was true that Claude was the realmā€™s chosen and all 7th rank mages must die to protect the earth realm but he still lived a human life

If he starts to target all the mages from his birth country, the Eastern Country would definitely be annexed by the other countries

Without a 7th rank mage, the Eastern Country would go down. As such, Claude would most likely leave the mages of his country as the last mages that he would kill

And if he is going to choose who would die first, naturally, he would choose the evil ones just like the owner of this Blessed Land located under the sea

The inside of the Blessed Land is the ā€˜possessionā€™ of the mage that created it. As such, even as the realmā€™s chosen, Claude cannot control the things inside of it

However, it was different for the things and energy outside of that Blessed Land!

Claudeā€™s eyes flashed and he controlled the surrounding water. If he could, he would try to save these poor women as such, the water concentrated its power on a single point

As a result, the Blessed Land trembled as it resisted the waterā€™s assault

Since Claude was simply controlling the nearby water, it wouldnā€™t be easy to breach this Blessed Land. He could use more power but that would use up origin energy that earth is lacking and also not only killed the kidnapped women but would also most likely result in the destruction of the Southern Country and the lives inside it

ā€œWho dares to attack my paradise?!ā€ An angered voice instantly resounded. Even in the water, the voice still traveled with ease and entered Claudeā€™s ears

ā€œPrimal Sea, come out!ā€ Claude replied, his tone containing a hint of killing intent

Not long after, a person appeared at the edge of the Blessed Land. This person was wearing a loose robe that almost shamelessly showed off his entire body

Despite possibly being a man that already reached a thousand in age, this man looks like a man in his late twenties

He was handsome in an evil way and he also gave off a playboy aura

ā€œWho the fuck are you? Do you want to die? Wait, no forget it, for your audacity, you deserve a thousand death!ā€

Primal Sea didnā€™t bother to recall if he knows Claude or not and simply pointed his finger at the water outside of his Blessed Land

With his power as a 7th rank mage, the water obeyed his will and tried to shred Claude to death

However, since the water is something that is part of the earth realm and was not something that Primal Sea has created using his own power, it was as easy as breathing for Claude to calm the water

Just sending his intent alone already causes the water to stop š’‡rš™šš™šš“Œš™šš‘š—»š‘œš˜·š—²š˜­.cą«¦š‘š

While Primal Sea could still control water to attack Claude, in terms of energy cost, it was simply not worth it

After all, if the water and mana of the earth realm would obey someone, it would be Claude that is the realmā€™s chosen and not Primal Sea that was marked by the realm as a leech

The result was pretty obvious. Whatever environment Claude entered as long as it is inside the earth realm, it would be his turf