My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!-170 Chapter 170

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The combination of strength that comes from the path of Tattoo Warrior and Mage was unrivaled in the same rank

If Rezen were to fight Space Breaker and Blood Immortal again, he would be able to defeat them easier than the last time

The stream spells confronted each other. At first, they look like they were in a stalemate but soon, Soul Crusher starts to be overwhelmed

The [Soul Stream] spell shrinks as it was being pushed back by the [Sun Stream] spell causing Soul Crusher to grit her teeth

The stalemate lasting this long is already a testimony of how strong Soul Crusher is. Her strength merely comes from her mage path while Rezen has combined two paths with a resulting strength that is not as simple as 1 + 1

In the end, Soul Crusher waved her hand to the side and their stream spells landed on the hard ground


A crater at least twenty meters in diameter was formed as the stream spells blasted it

If Soul Crusher let the clash of stream spells continue, no doubt that she would be the one that would lose

Her earlier confidence was shattered and she took Rezen with even more seriousness than before

She stretched out her hands and casts two spells at the same time

“[Ghost Field!]”

A large magic circle formed on the ground and from it, disgusting ghost-like entities emerged. The ghost has bodies that are seemingly illusory as if they could pass through physical objects with ease

These ghosts without wasting any time pounced on Rezen, ready to devour his soul

“[Muddy Mind!]”

The second spell of Soul Crusher was also activated. This spell’s effect was very simple. It’ll cause the target’s mind to figuratively sink into mud!

Their thinking speed would decrease by a large margin and even if their mind wants to do something such as conjuring a magic circle, it was as if they were treading a sea of mud. Not only would the casting spells be slower and harder than before, there is also the risk of a backlash

With [Muddy Mind] preventing Rezen from casting spells at his fast speed and the [Ghost Field] ready to attack his soul, he would normally have a hard time defending

Without the ability to cast spells, mages are only slightly superior compared to normal humans

However, what Soul Crusher didn’t take into account was the possibility of Rezen cheating so that soul spells could hardly affect him

The [Muddy Mind] has a negligible effect on Rezen and his casting speed has not suffered at all

“[Sun Palm!]”

A yellow magic circle formed on Rezen’s palm before his palm gathered the energy of the sun

His palm glowed beautifully as he sent it plummeting down

His palm struck the ground, sending a chaotic wave of sunlight that seemingly dissolved the ghosts into nothingness

“H-how could this be!”

Soul Crusher’s eyes constricted as she unconsciously took a step back. The hardest type of spells to defend against were spells that targeted the soul

Even 5th fusion rank mages would be affected by a soul spell at the 4th rank even by a little bit yet Rezen looks as carefree and casual as before

Seeing that her soul type spells are not working, Soul Crusher summoned her other mystic gem which was a steam-type gem. A combination of fire and water mystic gems

She knew that there would be times when she would have to fight an opponent that is not affected by soul spells. To make sure that she would survive those times, she condensed another type of mystic gem

Since souls spells wouldn’t work then she has to use spells that targeted the opponent’s physical body!

“[Giant Genie!]”

A magic circle formed below Soul Crusher and from it, hot steam appeared that condensed into a genie that was ten meters tall

Soul Crusher vanished from everyone’s sight as she was enclosed with the hot steam that formed a giant genie body

The genie’s presence brought steam to its surroundings. Steam that is detrimental to humans

Mages’ physiques are not overwhelmingly better than a normal human’s body. If they were to inhale this hot steam for a prolonged period of time, no doubt that they would suffer

However, not even a hint of panic could be sensed from Rezen despite the fact that the steam genie swung its fist at him

Rezen clicked his fingers together and his own magic circles formed below his feet causing his surroundings to distort for a moment before the entire area changes

The Training Ground was merely a flat large space. But now, the training ground changes and turned into a jungle

“What’s this?” Soul Crusher formed. She could see trees around her but based on the movement of the elements, this spell is not a nature-type spell

While doubtful inside of her, Soul Crusher controlled her steam genie as it crushed a nearby tree

“Hmm?” She knitted her brows as she felt no resistance whatsoever from the tree. It felt like it wasn’t there in the first place

“Are the trees not real? Wait, no!”

Soul Crusher soon realizes what was happening and what kind of spell used against her but it was already too late


This spell didn’t create trees. These trees are just illusory images created by manipulating light 𝐟𝐫𝗲𝙚w𝚎𝐛𝙣𝐨𝙫𝘦𝗹.c૦m

The sun itself also has the power of light and this spell distorted people’s senses

Unfortunately, when Soul Crusher realizes that, it was already too late f𝘳𝚎𝐞we𝐛𝑛𝐨𝘃e𝘭.co𝘮

“[Sun Stream!]”

“[Sun Stream!]”

“[Sun Stream!]”

“[Sun Stream!]”

Ten [Sun Streams] spell in total were cast by Rezen, targeting Soul Crusher from ten different directions. And the thing is, thanks to the [Distortion] spell, Soul Crusher didn’t see where these stream spells were coming from

She only sensed them through the movement of mana but it was already too late

The stream spells penetrated her genie and landed on her body to the point that Space Monarch has to step in and save her. If not, she might have died from the spells that Rezen casted

With Space Monarch needing to step in, that means that Soul Crusher loses and the [Distortion] spell was deactivated

“W-what happened?”

“Did Captain Soul Crusher lose?”

“I couldn’t see what happened because of those trees that suddenly appeared!”

“Was that a nature-type spell? Don’t tell me not only was his sun-type gem at the 5th grade, even his nature-type gem is at that level?”

“That Rezen guy is too monstrous!”

Thanks to Rezen’s spell, the spectators were unable to see just what really happened

However, Space Monarch is different. No matter what spells were used, as long as it was the power that hasn’t reached the 7th rank, he could easily see through it

As such, he was not as clueless as the others. And after Rezen’s first victory, he became even more fond of such a genius

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Space Monarch clapped his hands at Rezen’s victory, showing his good will to him. Out of all the 7th rank mages, he truly is the one kindest to the mortals

“Great, great. Both of you did well! Shall we move to the second fight?” Space Monarch said and Rezen nodded his head

He just want to get through this as fast as possible so that he could upgrade his farm again by another level

Once his farm is at the 6th level, although he couldn’t defeat or kill a 7th rank mage, he would have the ability to save his life even if he were to face them


The second mage that Rezen has to find was none other than Hyrin of Daydream. She was yet another genius mage that only lose to one person aside from Rezen on the second part of the Tournament

Compared to Soul Crusher that specializes in soul spells, Hyrin just like most mages specializes in attacking their opponents’ physical body

She was someone that is more tricky to deal with. Against Soul Crusher, Rezen could cheat by consuming his crop which would make it hard for soul spells to affect him

However, frontal spells are different and Rezen doesn’t dare cheat when there is a 7th rank mage on standby and watching the battle

“Please go easy on me” Hyrin said in a neutral tone though her guard was already raised to the maximum

Even if it was her, although she doesn’t think that she would lose to Soul Crusher, she is also not confident to defeat her, and as easily as Rezen does

It was only natural for her to raise her guard against an opponent like Rezen. Fortunately, Daydream has not stopped her from defeating Rezen if she could

As a genius, she has her own pride and naturally, there is a thirst to defeat Rezen inside her

As soon as the signal was given, Hyrin made her move

“[Erupting Lava!]”

She formed her magic circle on the ground that releases pillars of molten lava that causes the surrounding temperature to rise