My Enchanting System-Chapter 564 A Droplet Of Madness

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"Who are you? No, what are you?" Dispater growled as he couldn't understand what type of creature he was facing. He could already sense both draconic and devilish power in him, in addition to something else.

"Cain Lisworth is the name, just a random mage." Cain smiled waving his hand, a burst of mana covered his body as protection from Dispater's Iron touch.

CLANG! Dispater banged his staff on the ground, "A random mage? I asked what you are."

Cain smiled, lifting his palm up "You're made of iron right?" CRACKLE! [Lisworth's Enchantable sword: Lightning] A blue lightning sword appeared from thin air in Cain's hand.

Dispater took a step back, he could sense that the blade was a seventh-tier spell. "What is a mage doing with a sword, speak up."

Cain took a stance, CRACKLE! CRACKLE! Lightning flashed from his body, "Slaying a devil king, die!" [Thunder Flash] [Enchanting: Electric discharge]

In a white flash, Dispater barely lifted his staff in time. CLANG! CLAP! CRACKLE! He blocked Cain's strike but he wasn't able to stop it. In a lightning bolt, Cain flew with Dispater across all of Dis.

"What is this?" Dispater growled feeling his arms get numb from the constant discharge of electricity. He tried to deflect Cain away but to no avail.

"Lightning is always drawn to iron and steel. You're not shaking me off!" Cain laughed as he increased his mana. Dispater's face twisted as he realized the inevitable hit, "Here we go!" [Blade Dance] and another [Thunder Flash]

CRACKLE! CLING! Cain's sword sliced right through Dispater's staff. Just before Cain could slice him in half, Dispater teleported away.

THUD! Dispater landed on the ground panting, holding the gaping wound in his stomach with his burned hands.

<HP: 3696/3900> => <HP: 1965/3900>

'On top of the wound, his lightning burned my insides. What is he, what is this magic? If not for my staff I would have been sliced in half' Dispater coughed blood, is this his end? He thought.

"Dispater lord of Dis, the second layer of hell. You are really weak… this is your fault for relying on Tiamat on the front." Cain burst out laughing at the weak Devil king, "You had one ability, relied on it and that's all. Where are your tricks and cunning?"

"Silence mage, you shall die and that's your fate. The maws of…" Dispater growled but Cain cut him off…

"Fate? I'm the king of the second layer, Cain Lisworth I can turn people to stand by just looking." Cain stared at Dispater. [Flesh to stone]

"What nonsense are you talking about…" Dispater noticed his hand slowly petrifying. "W-what?" He immediately sliced it off with his claws and looked at Cain.

"See? What has gotten to you Dispater? To dare turn on your master…" Cain growled with a smile, his mad soul oozing out.

"Told you to stop spotting nonsense!" [Devil Word] "Kill him!" Dispater shouted to the pit fiends that have resurrected but none of them moved. They have already gone mad under Cain's soul, they will only listen to him.

Cain looked at one of the dozing pit fiends, [Dominate Monster] "You, tell him!" Cain shouted.

The pit fiend turned toward Dispater drooling, "Dispater, what happened to you? Turning on our lord." The pit fiend growled and the other devils lined behind him. "There is still a chance, General Dispater, to return to our lines." The pit fiend extended his hand toward the confused Dispater. 𝘧r𝑒𝘦𝒘𝘦𝙗novel.𝐜o𝒎

'Am I the problem? No, it can't be, this mage is… not but only the lord of the layer can order the devils…' Even Dispater started doubting himself.

"Stop spitting nonsense, I'm your lord Dispater!" Dispater shouted clinging to what he thought to be right. mon among pure-blood Rakshasa."

'Selena's hands are normal, she isn't pure blood. Got that, I do want her hands to stay normal so no evolving into a pure-blood.' Cain thought

"Rakshasa's eyes vary vastly, from the gold and black slits of tigers to the multifaceted protruding orbs of insects depending on the individual animalistic visage. Regardless of the shape, the eyes burn with slight infernal light filled with deep cunning and intellect that most mortals will find extremely disturbing."

'I do remember Selena's eyes glowing from time to time.' Cain thought, 'you have a crap ton of intelligence and are a cunning bastard on your own, no one will notice her with you around.' Morena added.

'Yeah, I should spend more time with Selena trying to figure out her abilities and nature.' Cain replied to Morena.