My Cell Prison-Chapter 262 - : Moat

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Chapter 262: Chapter 262: Moat

The deputy leader Heidler, riding atop a giant black python, immediately spotted the mysterious knight emerging from another direction in the forest.

A skeleton warhorse that feeds on death,

A white giant scythe that is huge and exaggerated,

It’s like a death god wandering in the world.

Such an image even made Heidler mistake it as a hallucination caused by the imminent death of himself and his party… However, a closer look revealed that it was indeed a knight.

Around his waist hung a badge, black with dark gold trim, and a crossed sword emblem on it symbolizing his knighthood, which Heidler had never seen before.

Feeling Heidler’s gaze,

The mysterious figure atop the skeletal warhorse slowly turned his head… under the cloak were a pair of pure white eyes, like a flowing river.

A mere moment of direct eye contact made Heidler break out in cold sweat.

This content is taken from fгeewebnovё

Even his mount was affected and altered its course to distance itself as much as possible from this figure.

For a moment, Heidler recalled his time as a representative of the Behemoth Knight Group, attending various knight meetings with Captain Kaimon.

Among the Thirteen Knight Orders, there was one that was rather special.

For some reason, the head of this order never attended meetings, always sending a chief of staff or deputy instead.

However, no one held this mysterious head accountable for his absence from crucial meetings. It seemed to already have the council’s approval.

“Could this be…?!”

Just a glance was enough to evoke fear from the depth of Heidler’s heart, completely reaching the level of a “head”… perhaps even stronger.

With no forest’s terrain restrictions,

The caravan moved even faster towards the city gate at full speed.

As long as the pace of the “Old King” following behind remains unchanged, the caravan will surely make it back to the city in time!

Creak Creak…

Meanwhile, with the machinery inside the city wall operating, the heavy north gate was also slowly opening.

Restless Captain Kaimon, riding atop a mammoth, is eager to charge out the moment the city gate is fully opened and unleash his strongest ability from the “Behemoth Bloodline” to confront this “Old King” head-on.

There’s also a female captain from the Black Rose Knight Squad leading a frontal attack, coordinated with the Head of the Sacred Knight Group’s various holy property boosts, and maximum degree of cleansing plague and contamination.

The three would certainly be able to hold off this “Old King”.

Followed by the offensive members of their respective knight squads providing long-ranged support, targeting the weak points on the “Old King”‘s body surface.

Members of the Holy Knight Group would join forces to summon the Holy Light to disperse the apocalyptic plague brought by the Old King.

Accompanied by the city-protecting cannon crafted by the grand machinist in alliance with the “Machinery and Craftsman” Association atop the city wall, they would surely repel this “Old King”.

The entire combat plan was decided ten minutes ago.

Caw Caw!

At the same time,

A special crow flew into the Holy City, landed at the edge of the city wall, and transformed into a distinctive individual donning a black mask.

“The Crow Prophet!!”

The knight guards on the city wall, who were initially dispirited due to the pressure from the Old King,

Immediately got back their courage with the arrival of Mr. Black White, ready to fire the copper cannon at any time.

As for the reason Mr. Black White came, it seemed not for joining the battle.

Underneath the black mask, his eyes were fixed on the mysterious knight who emerged from another direction of the forest.

“This person has actually returned… Has he transcended my field of “Astrology” observation? I couldn’t sense it beforehand.”

Beneath the city wall,

The skeletal warhorse, originally racing parallel with the caravan, deliberately slowed down its speed.

“What is this person planning to do?”

The knights escorting the caravan couldn’t understand the behavior of this mysterious knight.

With the “Old King” right behind them, and still five thousand meters left from the Holy City, slowing down now is nothing short of suicide.

Inside the newcomer’s carriage.

The six newcomers naturally had also observed this scene.

Abe and Dumps, both seasoned veterans, were unable to identify the identity of this mysterious knight.

Han Dong, using his ‘Little Demon Eye’ peered at the figure, but was obstructed by an intense aura of death surrounding the man.

Even if he could barely peer through the death aura, he could not penetrate through the black cloak worn by the figure.

After staring intently for less than half a minute, tiny blood vessels began to fill his eyes, forcing Han Dong to avert his gaze and close the Little Demon Eye.

“Is this… a knight? What’s he going to do?”

Under the gaze of all knights gathered at the north city gate, and all the apprentice knights participating in the training convoy.

The Skeleton Warhorse halted.

The mysterious knight on the horse faced the approaching ‘Old King’.

He held out a death aura coiled pale hand, lightly patting the skull of the horse.

Miraculously, the Skeleton Warhorse transformed into a ‘Bone Crystal’ suspended in the air. Under this man’s guidance, the crystal precisely embedded itself into the slot at the core of this person’s scythe.

In an instant.

White death energy visibly gushed from his body, and from a distance, a huge illusion of the Grim Reaper emerged from behind him.

The cloak fluttered.

This person, ignoring gravity’s pull, quickly ascended to a height parallel to the ‘King of Ghoul’s’ head.

When a palm, carrying endless contamination and a plague of the end times, passed over the forest and landed on the surface of the open ground.

The mysterious knight unhooked the giant scythe, all the released death qi returning to his body.

With a sweep of the giant scythe.

All humans within the Holy City could faintly hear the sharp sound of the blade cutting through space, interspersed with the low growl of souls.

The spectacle that ensued left Han Dong in the carriage completely dumbfounded.

Even Captain Kaimon, who was preparing to be the first to charge out of the city gates, slowed down.

A flash of white light,

A distortion of space,


In a blink of an eye.

The giant scythe sliced the earth, creating a circular abyss-shaped crevice, that perfectly encircled the entire Holy City.

The crevice not only obstructed the ‘Old King’s’ path forward.

It also formed a ‘moat’, flowing with the cold waters of the Nether River – the crevice was quickly filled by the waters of the netherworld.

Any foreign thing that wished to cross the river, without obtaining permission, would have to pay the price.

With one hand holding the scythe,

The cloak fluttering in the air,

His white eyes were fixated on the now completely stationary ‘King of Ghoul’,

And thus the two remained in a stalemate.

On the City Wall, Mr. Black White also raised his hand, indicating that no one should act rashly, and absolutely no cannon fire was allowed.

The three knight regiments at the city gate also temporarily halted their actions, waiting quietly.

Ten minutes,

Half an hour,

One hour.

After waiting for a full hour, the disaster-level ‘King of Ghoul’ actually gave up on its chase and returned the way it came.

Through the huge crack in Stuart Manor, it returned to the underworld.

Upon watching this scene, Mr. Black White’s mask revealed a very natural smile.

“It’s been thirty years since you’ve been gone, but you sure know when to come back…The current leader of the Terminal Knight Regiment – Reaper. Alex.”