My Cell Prison-Chapter 204 - : Scissors

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Chapter 204: Chapter 204: Scissors

Translator: 549690339


When it comes to the apple tree task, Han Dong alone could handle it.

After all, Han Dong alone is a small team.

The so-called fair distribution was just to hide his ‘special nature’ as much as possible.


Han Dong was a bit curious about Miss Winry’s ‘special constitution’.

If he could figure out some of Winry’s special traits in advance, it would facilitate the arrangement of subsequent actions.

If Winry is really special, when facing dangerous situations in the later stages of training, she might be able to rely on her special traits to turn the tables.

Upon completion of the team division.

Mia immediately got close, as if afraid that someone would snatch Han Dong away.

Winry stood to the side, holding the task scroll in her hand, with no clue what to do.

“Vice-captain, Student Mia, hello! Do you have any idea how to start this apple tree task? There seems to be no clue at all in the task introduction.

The Stuart Manor covers such a large area, how should the three of us look for it?”

“The ‘apple tree’ itself is a clue.

The manor has long been abandoned, without a decent tree to its name. An apple tree bearing fruit should be very conspicuous… We should split up and search around the town and should be able to find something quickly.

Once found, immediately regroup, don’t pick the apples without permission.”


Winry, looking serious, put on her ‘goggles’ and set off on her solitary search.

However, Mia, who was in the same team, had no intention of separating from Han Dong.

Instead, she gave a weird look and stared at the departing blacksmith Winry:

“There’s still such a naive girl in the apocalypse… But, she has such unique qualities, it’s so hilarious.”

“Hilarious? At least in terms of ‘acting’, Miss Winry is much better than you.”

Mia’s eyes widened, looking surprised, “Ah!? She’s acting?”

“I’m just guessing. So far I haven’t seen any evidence of Miss Winry ‘pretending’… But like you said, it’s very unlikely for someone like her to exist at the end of the world.

Miss Winry is definitely not as simple as she appears.”

“I don’t believe it. She’s just a naive girl…”

“Let’s focus on the task at hand. The randomly appearing apple tree could very well be stumbled upon by other teams.

If there’s something wrong with the apple tree, it might even be ‘eliminated’ by other teams, then our task would be moot.

Mia, you’re in charge of searching the southwest area. Report to me right away if you find it.”

“Got it… By the way, don’t you want to know the info on the ‘Chaos Props’?”

“No hurry, let’s talk about it back at our place tonight.”

“Tonight!? Hehe, okay!” Mia seemed to be thinking of something naughty, and waved goodbye to Han Dong before going off on her own.

As for Han Dong.

He did not rush to find the apple tree, instead, he found an empty alley in town first.


In the blink of an eye.

Han Dong was already in the prison.

Second cell.

A spotted tentacle was connected to Togu’s hindbrain, repairing the injuries Togu had suffered in battle and helping him recover physical strength.

His severed thigh had been reattached, and most of his injuries had healed.

It has to be said that the ‘medical system’ that comes with the prison is quite good.

However, the recovery of injuries also took a full half-hour, which is not suitable for use in battle.

“If possible, when the load limit is increased and the skull is upgraded again to expand to the ‘third cell’.

I could try to contain a ‘medical personnel’ to provide medical assistance in battle, so that Togu and Miss Chen Li can exert all their strength.

Also, if I get hurt, I could use it.”

At this thought, images of the ‘bandaged nurse’ in Silent Hill and some horror monsters based on the image of doctors flashed through Han Dong’s mind. free𝑤

He didn’t find these images uncomfortable at all.

Thinking about the possibility of containing more monsters, Han Dong was even more excited.

After greeting his two inmates, Han Dong turned and went to the lab.

“Can you test this prop?”

With Han Dong’s question, the AI in the lab immediately responded, “Please place the prop on the testing table.”


Han Dong initially thought that this testing table could only test living bodies, but it turns out that dead objects also work.

In a short while, a report on a silver scissors originated from [Barber-Charlie] was printed out from one side of the testing table.

“Black Hair Scissors”

Type: Mad Evil Devices (This kind of equipment will contaminate the target to a certain extent when attacking, stacking ‘Madness Value’. The holder will also be affected.)

Origin: Barber-Charlie Wilson (A personalized Evil entity, obtained by heart removal, low probability of dropping)

Quality: Common

Effect: Grant the holder ‘Cutting Damage’ and ‘Low-level Hair Control’ ability

‘Cutting Damage’: There’s a certain probability of cutting the target when attacking, causing ‘bleeding’ or ‘organ cutting’, and a slight chance of penetrating the enemy’s armor.

‘Low-level Hair Control’: The holder can control their own hair.

Note: Please be sure to regularly maintain your hairstyle!

“This thing…”

It’s not quite suitable for Han Dong’s use, after all, the size of the scissors is small, plus the unique cutting attack, it’s quite uncomfortable to use.

Also, Han Dong’s hair isn’t that long, it’s not of much use.

The moment he got this report, Han Dong thought of someone.


Pushing open the lab door.

Han Dong came to the ‘First Prison’.

Chen Li stood habitually facing the corner of the wall.

Only when she sensed the ‘master’s’ arrival did she slowly turn her head.

Through the slit of her hanging black hair, she looked at Han Dong with an eye full of evil aura.

She seems a little upset because Han Dong isn’t letting her take action.

“Miss Chen Li, do you think this would be useful to you?”

Through the gap between the prison bars, the silver scissors were gently thrown into the cell by Han Dong.


The moment Chen Li caught the scissors.

The evil aura surged, her black hair hanging in front suddenly lifted, revealing Chen Li’s delicate and somewhat terrifying face.

“Mr. Han Dong, is this… the scissors from that barber earlier?”

“Do you find it useful?”

“Useful! It can establish contact with the ‘evil pill’ in my body, and…”

Chen Li summoned the original kitchen knife from within her.

When the kitchen knife got close to the silver scissors, a miraculous thing happened.

The two were merging… No, it should be a one-way merge.

The scissors were slowly melting into the kitchen knife.

Soon, only the original kitchen knife remained in Chen Li’s hand.

However, the edge of the knife had more silver glints, seeming sharper and stronger in cutting… at the same time, the kitchen knife seemed to be able to somewhat move the black hair, launching attacks together.

“Weapon assimilation?!” Han Dong was also taken aback. freewebnσvel.cøm

“Thank you, Mr. Han Dong.”

“You’re welcome… In the upcoming apple tree task, if there are any evils present, I’ll leave them for you to practice on.”
