My Cell Prison-Chapter 189 - : Struggle for Residence

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Chapter 189: Chapter 189: Struggle for Residence

Translator: 549690339

The mini-town was, after all, just an appendage of the grand manor.

There weren’t many buildings in it, and due to the two strict rules, some teams were bound to end up camping in the wild.

Generally speaking, the training period would last over a week, and sleep was essential the risks of camping outside were self-evident.

This was exactly the effect the Behemoth Knight Group wanted.

They wanted these newbie knights to get an early taste of all sorts of randomness and unexpected situations.

Once the teams were allocated and the training officially began, a fight for homes would be inevitable.

“These are the four prohibitions during training:

Do not leave Stuart Manor during the training period.

Severe injuries or causing the death of a companion is forbidden.

You are not allowed to act independently of your team.

You are forbidden from forming ‘small factions’ within your team, and every team must act independently.

Breaking any of these prohibitions will result in immediate disqualification. Serious offenders will face severe punishment.

You are all elites picked by Captain Kaimon, I don’t need to elaborate on the details, just do your assigned jobs, complete your training properly, and don’t engage in any small tricks behind our backs.”

“You now have ten minutes to form your teams.

The six first-year students who are chosen will form their own team and will not participate in the team formation.

Once all the teams are formed and confirmed by me, then the training will be considered officially started.”

During the freedom-of-team formation period for the upper grade Apprentice Knights,

The six freshmen were gathered by Vulture Kenny.

“Your requirements are the same as the upperclassmen, except that I will observe you in secret and no other protections but I should warn you in advance.

At the beginning, you must go to the designated areas according to the task, and don’t attempt to delve into unknown hidden regions.

If you get into trouble due to your own mistakes, I will not intervene.”

“Understood! You can count on us, Captain Kenny.”

“Also, about the ‘housing issue’, you should strive to get a building in the mini-town, it will greatly aid your following training.

The difficulty of this training is higher than usual, and you must settle on a ‘secure’ foundation, and find a way to achieve the passing points.

As Captain Kaimon said, as long as you can meet the passing requirements, you will receive a good evaluation.

As for the highest difficulty ‘core task’, which involves the secret of the Lord of Stuart, you won’t be able to touch it, let the outstanding third-year students accomplish it, and you just do your own work.”

“Hmm ”

Abe agreed verbally, but in reality, he was unwilling to do so.

If he could touch the origin of Stuart Manor, he would definitely push in.

At least, by Abe’s observation, the strength of the six members of the team was quite amazing! Better than he expected.

Is it all about passing?

No what Abe required was to get an ‘outstanding’ evaluation.

The ten minutes of team division ended,

Heidler’s voice echoed in each of the student’s ears:

“[Stuart Manor-Elite Training] officially commences, bring out your courage to explore the buried truth of the manor amidst endless fear and darkness.”

With this command, all the members started to move, racing for a residence.

“I’ll go find a place, you just follow me!”

In a blink of an eye, Abe dashed ahead, accelerated with a forward dive and an upward jump, quickly climbing to the rooftop of a town building, then swiftly travelled across rooftops, planning to settle in a house closer to the fortress.

In terms of speed, Abe was no less than the second or third-year students.

“Let’s go!”

Han Dong led the other members of their team into action.

Their first-year team is an easy target.

The restrictions only prohibited serious injuries and killings, not all internal strife If there were disputes over housing, conflict was certain.

After all, the selection of housing would significantly affect the training results.

Following Abe’s presence, they came in front of a two-story building with a fairly intact exterior.

The windows and doors were all shattered, and there were many cracks on the walls, so maintenance was necessary for the future.

“There are others here four of them.”

The moment Han Dong stepped into the building, he noticed the footprints left on the ground.

When they climbed to the second floor, they indeed found a four-person team, surrounding Abe.

“First come, first served seniors, you should understand this principle, right?”

Abe didn’t show any sense of ‘respect’ in his words, as these people were already showing intentions of taking over their residence.

The person at the front of the other team was indeed a third-year student, a Crusader who was almost two meters tall, wore heavy brass armor, carried a big shield and a double-bladed axe, and emitted a strong aura.

He didn’t have the slightest regard for these freshmen.

In his opinion, this perfectly-structured building close to the castle was an excellent location, and the first-year students didn’t deserve such a good residence.

And they had already spent a bit of time here, if they were to find another residence, they might be too late.

“Make haste and leave. This place isn’t suitable for you if you don’t leave soon, we will have to forcefully evict you.

My name is Johnny Stephen and I have reached the ‘Breaking the Breed’ phase. I hope you understand this.”

Abe was not at all concerned, “The ‘Breaking the Breed’ phase you just allocated five Fate Points. As long as the seed hasn’t sprouted, isn’t senior also at the junior level?

I suggest it’s you who should leave.”

“You’re just a kid who’s been in school for a short period, overestimating your abilities.”

Johnny was a meat shield type of warrior and his large body also endowed him with great strength.

He directly aimed at Abe’s shoulder with his axe, intending to cut off the arm of this arrogant freshman they could just have the medic in his team reattach it later.


The slashing axe just grazed a residual image.

“You sure can run ”

Sensing that Abe’s presence had moved behind him,

Johnny didn’t pull his attack at all. He swung the axe horizontally across his rear without any pause.

Only to hear a bang!

Then a scene that shocked everyone unfolded.

Abe jumped and dug his claws into the ceiling to avoid Johnny’s rotating axe swing and was able to anchor himself to the top of the building.

However, this time, someone else blocked Johnny’s attack.

“Senior, since our captain was the first to arrive… it’s a bit too much of you to do this, don’t you think?”

Winry, the blacksmith, looked extremely indignant.

With her right hand, she caught the swung axe, forcefully halting this senior student’s attack.

She actually had a slight advantage in terms of power.

This sight not only stunned the other third-year students, but it also left Han Dong and the others dumbfounded.